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Posts posted by REBEKA

  1. No Chance.

    Just Regrets.


    Alright. My ****ing empathy brings me back to the month june when I broke up with my last GF.. That was a horrible time.. But Mika the psychoterapist helped me to survive and pass it all.. The paradox is that it was HER that introduced me to Mika and his music..

  2. Ok, so everyone is thinking the same things. Why am I the only one who misses everything? :lol3:



    ...but he does say that it's about his mother and grandmother.


    Does he? I haven`t heard him say that. But if you say..

    And he says looaads of things.. and maybe enjoys how it confuses us (-:

    And wonders - in his little house with pink door and pink railings - why do they care??:naughty:

  3. I see what you mean now. So it's more like: your previous opinion + his refusal to talk about it = suspicious, suggesting that they're connected. It's equally likely to be a coincidence, though, he may have two issues that he doesn't want to discuss not necessarily one.


    Scut Monkey - King/Queen of Logic (-:

  4. it played me just one song and then it stopped!!! :°

    can u tell me more about this... band I suppose?


    I don`t know much. I know this guy`s name is Ovadia Hamama, that`s more or less it, sorry.. My Israeli colleague gave it to me, he says that now this song is suddenly very popular in Israel. It`s several hundreds years old ashkenazi kabalistic tune. Madonna would want to hear it too. (-: Sorry, not Madonna, her new name is Esther.. (-:


    If you press the VIDEO link it will give you several video links if you want to hear more songs..

  5. For the news, we seperated with Lucas, so I'm feeling really down at the moment, life can be such crap at times


    UUU unpleasant.. But try to look at the bright side of life (or death), cliche, I know.. Now you are free to meet Mika and who knows if he will not fall for you?


    Do you want to hear something funny? Today I was writing with Stephane, the Swiss/French guy that I will stay at his place in London (at Shepherds Bush), and among 100 other things I mentioned him that I`m going to meet you, the Chocolat, bla bla.. and he wrote "Aurelien is the sexiest name e - v e r !!!!!" He studies music at Musictech. That`s why I asked you where you study, I thought you might be classmates, but you are not. He`s also a lot older then you. Maybe he will come with me to the 1/12 meet-up so if you like older guys, that speak French, just tell me (-:

  6. i know this might sound cheesy.. but I do consider myself as a citizen of this world.. don't have a specific country that I call home.. lived in many different places (a true global citizen).. and i feel i belong where my true friends are


    During Mika's concert in Dubai, there were at least 10,000 people (it was a festival).. he was surprised by how popular he is as he told the crowd, his mother asked him not to point the microphone to the audience in case we didn't know the words.. he was pleased by the crowd's reaction and his popularity in Dubai


    I consider myself a citizen of the world as well. Though in reality I have a double citizenship, like I wrote before. In a way it`s a free feeling, but on the other hand this rootless feeling is confusing.. I have a problem to be attached to a country, a state, but I suceeded to start to like the city in which I`m living now.


    Back to Dubai.. I heard that there was some Mika ban there? Is it true?

  7. I live in Dubai.. am not from Dubai


    It's a very modern city.. as long as it is not done "in your face".. to avoid confrontation


    times are changing.. and hopefully it will change even further.. I guess it is the same in many places around the world


    the biggest problem is "coming out".. friends are very accepting.. night life is not as hard core as Europe... but within groups of friends it is such a natural and normal thing..


    I work in advertising.. and a big number of designers/creatives are gay.. so even my work environment is very "gay friendly"


    but it is still seen as something you do not share with family as it might "disappoint" them.. and family means a lot in this part of the globe


    that's why I salute all my friends that were able to come out.. because I know how hard that decision was.. and i also respect those who refuse to discuss it publicly .. because it is after all a very personal decision


    that's why i have a lot of respect to Mika's music.. it is so relevant to me and to a lot of people I love and care about..


    I see, so where are you from originally, I`m just curious..


    How you describe the situation in Dubai resembles a lot the situation in the countries where I live most of my life, that is Slovakia (with all its bloody ****ty history of Eastern Europe) and Israel (with all its even bloodier and ****tier history in Middle East). Most of the evil here is done by the influence of the right wing/nationalistic/fanatically religious "traditions".


    *turnes away and vomits*

  8. glad someone made the effort to open this interesting discussion...


    there is no real formula in being gay.. just like straight, people come in different shapes, sizes and personalities... but one thing is for sure, as a woman the most pure frienships i have is with my gay friends... it's simply based on pure friendship and nothing else...


    oh well, yes, they do also understand what women go through... the bonding factor is really high...


    i guess in a way that's why i like mika.. it's based on pure appreciation to his art.. and nothing else (although he is cute, but his music is the most dominant factor)... and i really don't care what he does in his spare time...


    Ahlaan Bracha, you are from Dubai, correct? I`m curious how it is to be gay in your country? You write you have gay friends, you surelly share their experience.

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