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Everything posted by MIKA-TheBestMusician

  1. äh, nein, im mom nicht wirklich @shiku: tu das, ist echt toll da
  2. nee das kann man echt nich so nennen schaaade eig., wir hatten ja schon so manches nettes nächtliches gespräch hier^^ je später der abend.. :-P
  3. yaay sounds great, i really like it! how late is it in california (u live there right?)
  4. hii!! hmm... my head and my ear r painful and i`m a bit "stuck in the middle" but i`m okay^^ and u??
  5. heyhey!! jmd da?? ich war ewig net hier!! yeah berlin rockt:thumb_yello:
  6. yes, and it rained so now the air is... kinda wet (we call it schwül, i`m 2 lazy to look it up)
  7. chating with friends ( i now went over to beatles ) sorry i was away but i`m here again
  8. nothing he still didn`t come online. maybe he`s on a class trip, but he din`t tell me
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