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Everything posted by MIKA-TheBestMusician

  1. cooool du reitest auch? wie lang denn schon? ich seit ungefähr 7einhalb jahren
  2. hallo mariposa!! :huglove:am wochenende? erstmal ausschlafen dann die silvesterparty planen, versuchen tine zu erreichen ( ) und wenn alles klappt mal wieder reiten gehn
  3. unser supermarkt hat bis 10 auf, die chips im kino sind immer sooo teuer wir gucken die welle, das buch ham wir schon gelesen:biggrin2:
  4. jaaa wir fahren morgen mit der ganzen klasse ins kino muss noch chips besorgen
  5. man merkt wirklich nicht dass deutsch nicht deine muttersprache ist hehe, dann hast du schon mehr von deutschland gesehen als ich ohje ich war sooo lange nicht mehr hier!
  6. okay.. for me it was the other way round- i had no motivation to do it for myself- i still don't have any- but i knew that they'd be angry... and for me it was always easier to do things for other people not for me
  7. good in my experience it can be helpful if you promised a friend to do it never again
  8. right that way i can tell u: there will be moments u have to be strong.. but you can do it, keep that in your head
  9. ehm.. this is... your father doesn't deserve such a nice, intelligent daughter! and you don't deserve such a father well, i'm fine, my life has changed... in a positive way
  10. poor you! we had, too, at the beginning of the term, but then we complained to every teacher like "oh nooo please be kind, we have soo much to do!!" and now we have almost nothing
  11. heeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! i'm fine, a lot has changed 4 me:aah: ok, maybe you can chat "by the way"?
  12. we just started... but as usual it won't get harder as now, i guess i'm content when my marks stay like they are now, not too bad last year i wasn't good cause i was really lazy! yeah i guess my sis has fun with that subject even if its a lot of work
  13. sounds interesting! my sister studies media design she'll finish in january or something, she has much work now, too i'm in grade 8.. many in germany say it's the hardest but i didn't notice that until now! i just try not to be as lazy as last year
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