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Everything posted by MIKA-TheBestMusician

  1. actually i'm fine, but i'm "sick" cause i didn't want to go to school now i have more time to learn for the maths test!
  2. she studies medial design, firms need it for advertisment, but in those financial times they don`t spend lots of money fpr their ads...
  3. my sis will finish uni soon, too. i think it will take longer for her to find a job...
  4. not bad, i`ve got a boyfriend now and.. a lot happened^^ and what about you?
  5. i`m fine (again, wasn`t that fine some hours ago)

    can we go into the bar? easier to chat there than this way^^

  6. heey sarah =) haven`t talked to you for ages!

  7. ich habs live auf bbc2 gehört und der ganze radioauftritt war soo schön, ich hätte echt fast geheult, hatte voll pipi in den augen
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