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Everything posted by sirave

  1. Hmm; you have to choose between the two things and say which one is the worst. It's supposed to be FUNNY. *cries* Crepes are so easy to make =D http://www.letscookfrench.com/recettes/recette.cfm?num_recette=638 If I'm not too lazy I'll translate my mum's recipe for you, it's the best one ever (h) (because there are hundreds of way to make it ^^) You have to civilize your mum It's mine who got the package at the post office and she told me that everyone in the room was looking at the package when she took it xD BECAUSE IT WAS SO AWESOME ! =DDD (Or perhaps they wanted to steal the stamps )
  2. Ok, I'm gonna help you =D First one : In the crop : 3 good reasons... ...Not to play with a pizza using it as a frisbee 1) The tomatoes and olives won't support it. 2) Even well trained, your dog is probably going to eat it. 3) A pizza doesn't fly as well as a plane, or we would all travel by Pizza. (Ah.AH.AAH. SOOO funny xDD) Second one : In the crop : What's the worst ? Run with 3kg of potatoes in the belly or dive in a swimming pool filled with puree ? Bianca, I'm eating the "Boost" chocolate bar... Am I going to gain weight A LOT with this scrumptious holy thing ? I'M EATING IT ANYWAY (*sings "big girls you are beautiful", eating the full-of-calories-and-sugar-and-bad-things bar*) ARGHH I WANNA LIVE IN AUSTRALIA TO EAT "BOOSTS" EVERYDAY I didn't try the boomerang yet, because it was raining the last 3 days... and I had to organize my funeral
  3. YAYYYY =D YOU GOT IT YOU GOT IT YOU GOT IT ! Ahah the wrapping thing for the seeds was clever, right ? ROFTL ^^ And... I have to say that... I'm the PROUD creator of the tape-thing. Actually I'm a tape-addict. Perhaps we should create a thread about this illness ? RAAH my father wanna use the computer while I'm writing this wonderful post >.< Anyway.... I'm sooo glad you liked it =D And your pictures are awesome, I put the sarkozy one as a wallpaper for my computer... couldn't resist And don't be ashamed or anything like this, I TOTALLY enjoyed the package I received and I seriously think that both our packages are BRILLIANT, because WE are brilliant For the Swedish thing... ahahhah, I KNEW IT ! (not xD) It's like Aqua (Barbie Girl), everybody says it's Norwegian whereas it's Swedish. AND BASSHUNTER TOO ! It's a manipulation from the swedes, they want people think that Norwegians are crap, telling everybody that all the crappy swedish things are norwegian Arh, my dad's killing me, I'll be back tomorrow evening (h) (and translate this stupide Carambar joke x) ) I LOVE YOU TOOOOO ^^
  4. YAYYY =D I received my package from Oakie Doke 3 days ago ;p It didn't even take two weeks to reach France ! I LOVE Australian post-office What can I say... BIANCA I LOVE YOUUUU^^ I Finally opened it (couldn't resist ) and it's... it's... GRAAHH :') First, the box is SO lovely. It was well-decorated, with hundreds (lol) of Mika pictures and colours everywhere =D AND IT WAS MRS WEASLEY STAMPED ! I opened it and found CANDIIIIES =D YAYYY ^^ I already ate a chocolate bar and almost fainted. It's soo good... why can't we have cadburry's in France ? T.T I also get that stupid Australian hat ! I love it, it's so... so xD And the pen with the jumping Skippy ! Ahah it's so great, I played with it during hours The postcards are so fun, i never realized before that Australia was as huge as Europe... uhuh, frightening isn't it ? ;p The Bracelet was broken >.< They probably opened the package at the custom... anyway, I fixed it and it looks brand new now =D It's so mikaish =D I didn't try the boomerang yet... lol, I don't wanna get killed today. Tomorrow perhaps ;p Thank you for the newspaper about Nicolas Sarkozy... *cough* I LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH *cough again* *dies* oh... and Mémé loves his new friends =D (They both already ate all the candies ><) THANNNNK YOOOUUU =D Hope you'll receive yours quickly =D
  5. AAAHH ! I'M NOT LOOKING I'M NOT LOOKING I'M NOT LOOKING I'M NOT LOOKING XD (how can you do this to me... I WANT TO SEE THESE PICTURES RAAHHH *dying*) Gnahah, anyway even the LINKS look awesome Look at yours : ahah... you wanna know what's inside eh ? WAIT A MONTH.
  6. AHah ^^ I feel EXACTLY the same. The box is huge and there is TOO much things inside I wouldn't be able to do this again WE* got too over excited together, lol. What a wonderful pair we are (or stupid* pair xD)(AND PROUD OF IT !)
  7. ohoh, I'm late ^^ I PROMISE that I'll finish this package this evening and post it tomorrow !
  8. WHAT ? You didn't know Milka chocolate before ? *shocked* YAYYY =D Mine is almost ready as well, I was supposed to buy something this afternoon but I'm just SO tired to jump on my bike, I'll get killed if I do it ^^ I can't even manage properly to keep my eyes open Mrs Weasley style... ROFL ^^ You can try. But err... I won't encourage you ;o Good night x)
  9. NOOO I DIDN'T WANT TO KNOOOW *cries* Anyway... ahh it sounds GREATT ! I'm gonna buy a last thing this afternoon and I think it will be okay =D Perhaps I should buy an "official" box as well, mine is too small anyway I'll go to the post office to check it out ;o Most of the things in your package are souvenirs or stupid useless things... Lol, totally random sometimes but I'm quite sure you'll like it Ahah, this is so exciting ^^
  10. Omg, so I can't send you wooden items ? *wonders if there is something with wood inside the package*
  11. Loin des yeux, loin du coeur ? NAAAOOONNN ! Il faut faire vivre ce thread. Quitte à ne dire que du vide (comme d'hab' )
  12. Thanks Petra =D You're doing a good job *starts to collect candies*
  13. Can I be added too ? I'd like to be paired with someone from New-Zealand/Australia ^^" This project is great
  14. On dirait que vous parlez de dépucelage, c'est effrayant ^^ Bande de fans ! Dans ma ville on a la chance d'avoir une minuscule salle (200 personnes environ xD) dont le gérant a un don pour repérer les stars montantes ^^ Il a à moitié lancé -M- et y'a deux ou trois ans j'étais abonnée à la salle donc j'ai reçu une invitation pour le concert anniversaire (programmation surprise). J'avais pas envie d'y aller, ma mère m'a poussé "ROOH mais vas-y c'est GRATUIT !" XD Et on je me suis retrouvée à un concert de Tété suivi de -M-. Je crois que je l'oublierai jamais. Jamais. J'étais une huge fan de -M-, quand j'ai vu la guitare sur scène j'ai cru que j'allais m'évanouir xDD En plus la scène est minuscule (genre 50cm de haut ^^) du coup quand on est au premier rang c'est juste énorme ^^ Passons, juste pour dire que les petites salles, c'est les meilleures ^^ Ps : MATHIEU JE T'AIMME IIIHHH *faints*
  15. Le pire c'est que quand j'ai dit à ma mère que Mika passait au parc de prince elle a sauté de joie pour moi, et elle était prête à tout me payer Elle a pas compris quand je lui ai dis "Pfft, le Parc des Princes... c'est naze nan ? Même si on me payait, j'irais pas !" Allez Mika, viens faire un concert dans le bocage, y'a des vaches et tout, pis t'viendras prendre un coup d'cidre à la ferme ! (note : ne pas oublier d'en profiter pour abuser de lui )
  16. Je repousse le moment où je le verrai. Je préserve ma santé mentale ^^ (Et c'est même pas ironique, je le pense vraiment, je sais que je suis tout à fait capable de devenir fanatiquement fanatique, j'préfére l'éviter, surtout que c'est vain, on restera des fans, il restera Mika )(et tant mieux, j'aime vivre dans le rêve. Mais pas trop, c'est tout ^^) (Genre la fille qui se brime trop Nan mais j'le vis bien hein ! Lol)
  17. Parc des Princes ? Pas envie Vraiment ça me ferait mal au cœur de voir Mika dans un endroit aussi impersonnel qui me fait systématiquement penser soit à Johnny Hallyday, soit au Football En plus niveau son j'ose pas imaginer. Pour Hallyday je comprend mais pour Mika... hmm j'ai des doutes ^^ Ca me donne l'impression qu'il perd un peu de son âme, c'est comme faire de la pub pour des bagnoles, c'est naze (Bah, j'aime mon vélo, ne m'écoutez pas j'suis pas objective ) Et puis j'suis myope Vais rien voir ^^ En plus j'suis une fausse fan, j'suis ici pour l'ambiance déjantée, et parce que j'écoute Mika (bon, et puis je l'adule aussi un petit peu)(beaucoup ? Rahhh xD). Mais de là à devoir organiser tout un truc qui va me couter au moins 80 Euro en train, sans compter l'hôtel et tout, juste pour le voir live et de loin... bof ^^ Aahh allez-y, fouettez-moi
  18. Hmm... That's really interesting. But nobody spoke about the MAIN problem. Do you think that it's safe to meet Mika ? I mean... this guy is weird isn't he ?
  19. Hehe, so we love the same things ^^ But I have to confess... I forgot to bring the crayolas to my geography lesson this morning, we made a map of Europe, and I had to BORROW pens whereas yours were waiting for me at home Noo we don't have Cosmogirl >.< It's a shame ^^ I don't know how I survived 17 years without it Thank you again =D
  20. Mon prof d'anglais en a un aussi. Peut être que mon prof d'anglais est Mika. Warf
  21. Oh the Epilogue ! I forgot it ! *cough*
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