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About Get.Off.Of.My.Cloud

  • Birthday 04/05/1991


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  1. Oh, nice...But what's the point when he has only 20 fans?
  2. Well, I don't know if it's really Mika-ish but it made me think of mika from the first time I've seen it: By the way, his name is Mike:naughty:
  3. I don't want to seem mean but...was it really necessary this dvd at this point in his career? I don't know, I think it is too early for an artist to make a dvd. I know, I know, he has lots of fans but I think he exagerates (even though he is Mika and we all know how excentric the boy is:bleh:) Anyway, I will wait to see the DVD (it's gonna take a few years:naughty: ) and then I'll discuss about it.
  4. Why, thank you, thank you:blush-anim-cl: Eh...you don't have to land down from the cloud if you don't want to:wink2: . Let's all make a big happy colourful Mika Fan Cloud (MFC:naughty: )
  5. =>Mika is the man with 1000 faces:biggrin2: . No really, he looks different in every picture. I bet he is a great actor:naughty:
  6. Cool:). Can't wait to listen to the album version...Well, actually, i can't wait to listen to the whole album:bleh:. I'm sure it's gonna be huge:D
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