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Lollipop Love

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Status Updates posted by Lollipop Love

  1. fora esse calor ainda me sobrou uma dor de cabeça horrível :boxed: acordei melhor mas a dor voltou :sad:.Alguma novidade?

  2. oi sis ^^ tudo bem?

  3. Como vai dona Wonka? eu fiz um thread só para as duas pq ngm tinha feito até agora e elas não postam muito, um thread e só algumas pessoas estão escrevendo, imagina se eu fizesse dois? :teehee:

  4. ok :wink2: His performance is already on YT and also has links to download. Don't let me curious man :mf_rosetinted::naughty:

  5. :bye: hello! how are you today? did you've watched the performance of Mika's tonight?
  6. talk about? i'm curious man (like your friend call you :naughty:)

  7. hi laurita ! i'm a little busy and totaly confused today, please answer my email when you have a chance and tell me what you think. xx

  8. I'm going now, I'll watch Lost :groovy::blush-anim-cl:

    talk to you tomorrow hun :huglove:

  9. a beautiful and powerful brain, I always thought brains more attractive than anything else. :wub2:

  10. I'm ok, very thoughtful too, I liked what Mika said about McGee. :D

  11. hi hi, everything ok with you? :wub2:

  12. Eu acho que eu tenho que mandar uma pm confirmando, meu nome não esta em bold. Ele disse que pode por o que quiser na assinatura mas eles vão criar alguma coisa depois pra todos os representantes usarem :wink2: , não vou poder ficar online agora, minha cabeça ainda esta doendo :boxed:

  13. Bele, vc mandou pm p/ o Fred? sabe se a sweet respondeu o tuite da Mary?

  14. good night laurita :huglove:

  15. so tomorrow you can relax to be better on Friday :wink2: I'll try to post more here, sometimes people talk so much nonsense that I didn't give the job of post :teehee:


    I didn't watched this interview yet, I'll watch now :wink2:

  16. your neck is better?

  17. hey ! se a sweet não quiser mais ser a representante do Brasil a gente pode dividir a bagaça, se tu quiser, claro. É a sweet e a Ca, mas a sweet ta sem tempo e a Cazinha foi viajar, acho que não vai ter tempo tbm :dunno:

  18. ele ta precisando cortar o cabelo :aah:

  19. so there's no need to read that thread, right? after all they are all trying to guess how he feels, each person understand differently, or am I wrong? o_O

  20. ok, you can tell me tomorrow, I'm totaly confused already, one more day isn't make a big difference :roftl:

  21. I'm completely lost Laurita, what's going on in this thread? :blink:

  22. heeey :wub2: I was freaking out seeing Mikamoo live on NRJ :wub2:

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