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Ju-Ju Lea

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Everything posted by Ju-Ju Lea

  1. Good Morning People! How is everyone today? I'm only here for a wee bit Sooo...
  2. Yes, yes it is a good throat, Its puts up with me And it climbed out my mouth... no pain at all
  3. Ohh... I don't want that to happen, not at all... *throat takes a holiday in Fiji in order to get the rest it deserves*
  4. I'm losing my voice I've really got to start taking care of it better Cause I've lost it quite a few times this year from performing (I do alot of theater work) when I knew my voice wasn't in the best condition, which now I think about it, isn't very clever
  5. My parents won't be for much longer... I'm getting a job as soon as I turn 14
  6. I'm a shopaholic too... It drives my mum nuts... Cause I end up spending so much money
  7. No idea what Boxing Day is... But I know there are loads of sales involed though *Evil shopping grin* Heh Heh
  8. Omg... Now that is just making me want Mika to come to Australia more... (It does however mean a stronger fight against my parents when I have to fly to his closest performence and they say no )
  9. Thats good to hear Kelz, I'm quite good myself... still a bit giddy from Christmas yesterday hehe:naughty:
  10. Well I'm definetly gunna be online for that hehe
  11. Hehe... Well on the upside your ogreness does come in handy at times
  12. Hello Aussies and Aussies at heart How is everyone today?
  13. "ER good your out we have a conscious one here covered in goo. We have to get her to the shower. So go into the kitchen and get a pair of rubber gloves and an apron like M, Mav, Mika and I have on" said JJL very briskly "Whose awake?" asked ER "Artsy and she says the goo is burning her skin. So it would be best to hurry" said JJL "Ok then" said ER and rushed off to get the gloves and apron "Oi Mav, M, get here we have to get someone to the shower now!" yelled JJL "Alright we are coming, but have you and Mika stopped fighting?" asked Mav "We have come to a truce for now" yelled Mika in reply "And the truce is?" asked Mav when she came to the goo disaster area "No fighting until Artsy is degooed and we are not in her earshot" said JJL "O...K... Its a start" said Mav "Whats in your hand M?" asked JJL M held up her hand which had various bandanas and pegs "Its so we don't get hit by the stench the water creats on the big amounts of goo" said M "Ohh... great idea" said JJL and she put her bandana and peg on and then the others followed suit "I think we should get Artsy to at least have a peg on her nose so she doesn't pass out from the smell cause it will hit her first" said Mav "As long as Artsy doesn't object" said JJL "Just put the peg on my nose" said Artsy rather irritated that it was taking so long So they put the peg on her nose "Just relax Artsy we are going to carry you to the shower" said JJL "Ok just get on with it" So they carried her to the shower with hardly any trouble, turned on the taps and waited for her call. "Alright I'm going to go get you some fresh clothes and a towel" said ER "And I'm coming with you" said Mav and M and they went off "Well I guess we are going to go see if any of the other goo covered people are conscious" said JJL And so Mika and JJL went off checking everyone Meanwhile Mav, M and ER were discussing the fights going on between JJL and Mika...
  14. That is an upside... finally a word I can't spell wrong! Although I wouldn't put it past me to
  15. Yay! *be's pathetic with Artsy* (is it bes or be's or bees or???)
  16. Uh... icky! It was quite nice and cool here not enough for a jumper but nice enough to not sweat though my clothes while opening presents!
  17. JJL woke up shortly after that with a head splitting headache she could have sworn she had hit her head twice in the same place on the hard tiled floor, she also found she was in the most uncomfitable postion she had ever been in (which was saying alot cause she had a tendency to wake up in rather odd ones after getting compleatly drunk the night before) she was laying on her back but something was underneath it, when her head stopped throbbing enough to open her eyes she looked down and saw a body and then jumped off, after closer inspection she saw the body wasn't dead just passed out and as a matter of fact Mika. She wondered how on earth she could have possibly gotten there. She saw Mav and M also knocked out and then saw ER in the shower with the water still running and then remembered everything. She had to wake up Mav, M and Mika. So she went to the nearest sink and looked under it and she found a bucket, filled it up with water and then tipped it on the nearest person, Mika. "AHHHH! Get it off me" Mika said waking up with a start "Oh, its just water, get up, we need to wake up the other two so we can figure out if its safe to touch ER yet" said JJL "Well try poking me awake next time" Mika replied "Oh and like that would have woken you up when your paractically dead to the world, just be grateful I didn't put the ice cubes down your pants like I was gunna do!" said a rather annoyed JJL and then "Would you two just shut up, can't a girl be passed out in peace without you two bickering lound enough that it has probably woken up the goo covered people!" shouted M Indeed it had also waken up Mav and ER "Sorry bout that" said JJL ruefully "Wazzgoinon" said ER in a very hazy voice "ER your awake!" exclamed M "ER go for a shower and make sure there is no goo at all left on you or your clothes, someone will bring you fresh cothes and a towel" said JJL "Who died and made you boss?" asked Mika sarcasically "I'll go get ER the cothes and towel!" said a very hasty M "And... I'll come and help" said Mav just not wanting to have to put up with another fight between those two...
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