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Ju-Ju Lea

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Everything posted by Ju-Ju Lea

  1. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!! *puts presents under the gorgeous tree rs put up*
  2. *Hopes the band-aids are jumbo size and are bright fluro colours*
  3. *Runs away to a 10km radius so doesn't get hit when RS accidentally trips and throws the swords*
  4. I would have used Nico's ability except there was the slight issue of she was one of the ones covered in goo
  5. Well I posted... I think I have definently done better though but it'll do
  6. JJL looked in horror at what was happening. As most of the PPR's but four of them were covered in that murky green goo and each one them covered were unconcious and mumbling "Bad hangover.... Backwards.... Home.... Huh?.... PPR's..." Were just a few of the almost indistinct mumblings coming from them. "It looks the same as the potion Sara drunk doesn't it?" asked Mav "It does rather doesn't it... It would make sense for it to have two properties wouldn't it?" asked M "Not really... But it does make it twice as bad... It looks as if you touch it you go into that state of unconciousness... So does anyone have any ideas on how to get that goo off them?" asked JJL "Umm... somehow get them into a shower and stick them under the water until they come around?" said Mika "Yea how are we ment to get them there without touching them? and what about if the water causes it to multiply or something stupid like that?" said JJL "We can wear rubber gloves and its not like you have any other better ideas" said Mika "True. Now where abouts do we have rubber gloves?" said JJL "Under the sink" answered M "Alright lets go, just for safety there should be four people per gooed person and whatever you do DON'T get the goo on your bare skin or clothes!" said JJL "Right lets go" said M They put on the gloves and found some aprons so they put those on as well and went over to ER and carried her to the showers where they put her under and turned on the tap. The goo started coming off. "Can anyone else smell that?" asked JJL very faintly and then she passed out...
  7. Hmm... I'm thinking about posting soon... I feel bad about not posting at all yesterday and then posting heaps the day before that
  8. Good Morning everyone! Merry Christmas Eve To all my Aussie people today and to all my others a day behind for tomorrow!
  9. Ohhh... fun... That makes me glad I'm staying home this Christmas
  10. Heya Soa So you had to do the lovely last minute shop too... Yes we did that as well... we were out for 4 or so hours... So where are you going for Christmas?
  11. Hello darling people... I just got back from shopping... Most of the shops bar Kmart were completly full... I could barly move! I just read back a few pages and came across the interesting converstion about winkys... I got slightly worried But anyway... I'd laugh if I was talking to myself again
  12. Good Morning everyone!!! Hope you are all good anyways... It seems to be 11am whenever I check the clock when I'm on MFC... strange or not?
  13. Hehe... I can just imagine that... Just outta curiousity are you gunna post tonight/today?
  14. Hell yea... I'm begining to just get over his dishonesty towards us!
  15. Oh ok then *Gives Artsy fruit to ward off the chocolate nightmare*
  16. *Has chocolate induced daydreams* *Busts along with them* I already have posted
  17. Hello everyone!!! Yes, Yes I am bored! Anyways...
  18. As they all followed Mika to Sara there was some indistictive mumbling among them one of which was JJL... "We were finally gunna get that bad ass... screwing around with everyone like that... how the hell did I even get here..." was just a few of the things JJL wasn't too happy about. They finally approched the area where Sara was laying to find she wasn't there anymore! "Hey just out of curiousity but don't zombies come out at night?" said JJL trying to sound cool and collected. "Yea why?" said Artsy "Oh no reason just the sun is just about to SET!" said JJL as she yelled the last word "Everyone back to the strange mans mud hut!" yelled Mika "Way ahead of you" said JJL while running "Well you're going the wrong way" "Oh... I knew that" and with that JJL ran after the others They all reached the hut just as the last rays of sunlight were gone "I think its time we found out what was going on, Becky do you still have that gun and potion?" said JJL in a very deathly manner as she looked at the man "Yes I do, Why?" "Well we need him to talk and tell us what the hell is up with this island and its zombies don't we? Well this is the only person who knows and he can either tell us willingly or we can find out by force, I'd prefer that it didn't come to the latter cause I'd prefer that we didn't go against Sara's wishes and that hes only here to help so we aren't to kill him but if worst comes to worse..." Said JJL with a very evil look on her face "You aren't serious are you?" said Becky terrified "No" and then JJL started laughing "What is so funny?" said Artsy rather annoyed "Just... The... Look... On... Your... Faces" said JJL while still laughing "Oh shut up" "Ok then" and JJL stopped laughing "Why the hell did you do that?" said Lolly annoyed "Cause you guys seemed really down and all solomn, How are we ment to save the day if everyone is so focused on one thing, you all needed to see the big picture again" said JJL with the most straight face they had ever seen and with that everyone started laughing "So does that mean that it worked?" asked JJL "Yes, yes it did" "Good now to the more pressing issue, What are we gunna do about this?" "Alright I'll tell you lot my story, just sit down and make yourselfs comfitable" said the man With that JJL sat down, when she saw that nobody else sat down she said "Oh come on the man is about to tell his life story and you guys aren't even gunna sit down and listen, you never know it could help with whatever other problems you guys are having, besides we have 12 hours in here we may as well make use of them, so after he finishes talking you guys can tell me about your life stories as well" and with that she pulled the two closest people down with her which in turn caused everyone to sit down. "Now begin" JJL said to the man "Well my name is Verish and it all starts...
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