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Everything posted by lovepupbandit

  1. Oh my gosh!!!haha I don't eat breakfast, I'm trying to lose weight.
  2. Oh yess. He was kicked out of school twice!! for drugs i mean how dumb. Haha before my mom was being mean and she kept saying Mika is a terrorist! i got so mad. My brother also always calls Mika gay, and says he dresses gay!
  3. Haha yeah I just ate a toaster struddle but it was parshaly frozen because my toaster is junk.
  4. Ahh I have a brother but he's 21 and a total screw up, so I consider myself an only child
  5. You dont have to ask people, haha I added you!! by the way hello twinny!!!
  6. Well I've never had a lesson or anything so I might not post it. (I'm too embarrased)
  7. Awwwww It's beautiful! I love what you did with my picture! I will print it out when I can!
  8. I'll add you names to the list! Oops somebody already took Relax but you were first so you can both just do them separetly it's not like it matters!
  9. I'm listening to my stupid computer make noise:thumbdown:
  10. Umm yeah so I really wanted to start my very first project, so I thought we could make up dances to go along with Mika songs, unfortunatly I can't put my videos on the computer because I don't have the right cable, so until I get them I'll have to sit on my ideas. As there are only 12 songs on LICM to choose from (well actually 13 if you include over my shoulder) Not many people can take part! sorry. But if you know song of mika's that you could get the music for your welcome to use that! If you have questions just ask! So start making and posting your videos! Sorry to those who don't have cameras:sorry: Please make the dances easy to learn!! Grace Kelly- Lollipop- My Interpretation- Love Today-LadyGodiva Relax(Take it Easy)- lollipoplove, Mika4Life13 Ring Ring- Any Other World- Billy Brown- Big Girl(You are Beautiful)- Stuck in the Middle- Erase- Happy Ending- Over my Shoulder- You don't have to use the whole song, maybe just your favorite part? GOOD LUCK!!!
  11. Well everyone I'm gonna go, for now anyway! I'll be back later! Love you!
  12. Haha I see you do want to be my sister/twin!! Oh and Mommy, so you know hjbsrbab@hbibby.orangehom is my twin Hehe Eck I can't get it to not be a link!!!
  13. Haha Yeah!!! If you join the Chubby Bunny family and take Ceci as your mommy we really would be sisters! and we could change it to twins!! Here it is: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12696 I don't know if your already a part of a different family though, and it doesn't really matter....haha I'm such a dork!
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