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Everything posted by lovepupbandit

  1. What? I purposely didn't wright it about myself so people could be like Wow I wish I was her!! Yeah I'm pretty awesome:mf_rosetinted: Haha just kidding I'm really suprised you liked it!!
  2. Haha yeah I don't really like the farm I go to.
  3. I don't know, It's getting a little boring I've been doing it for like 9 years, but only in the summer. It hurts my feet for some reason.
  4. I just read yuor intersests, you ride horses? I do too! Well did I think I'm gonna stop:thumbdown:
  5. Once apon a time Mika was on an airplane on his way to a gig that was squeduled on a private island. He was very excited because he had never been on a private island before. That night he put on the best preformance of his life! But when he got to his hut he fell right asleep because he was so tired. He slept in so late he missed his flight! Although he was very worried he decided to be brave and roam the island. While he was in the forrest making friends with the wildlife he heard some loud noises he walked further to see if he could find what was making them. He did not expect what he saw next, it was a pack of monkeys throwing lollipops at a girl in a tree. Luckily he was still wearing his monkey costume from his gig, so he ran towards the monkeys who ran away in terror. He then rescued the girl from the tree and they gazed into eachother's eyes (little did they know this is the moment they fell in love) and suddenly the girl fainted. Mika carried her back to camp and layed her down on the bed, when she finally woke up he was sitting next to her "What happend?" she said."You fainted." Mika replied. "What were you doing in the forrest?" Mika asked. "I was stranded after your gig, I missed the flight. What are you doing here?" I missed the flight too." he replied. "Thankyou for saving me!!" she exclaimed. The next 3 weeks passed by when they finally ran out of food and water so Mika set out to catch some fish(which he hates) he worked so hard to catch his fish but he could only get one so he decided to set out and look for some water just then an airplane landed to come and save him so he ran to the hut and got the girl and ran to the plane. 2 years later they got married and lived happily ever after!! THE END!!! I know how bad the story is!!! It's embarassing
  6. Hmmm I just remembered I do have a pair, but I think think their too small.
  7. Oh man it's not very good, I had to edit them so they were pink.
  8. MIKA can be a very cool guy, if only he behaves more naturallywhile doing the chicken dance. When it's raining Mika puts on his favourite wellies, which have embroidered ducks on them, and dances with a flock of chickens in his beautifully decorated, amazingly blue and full with glitter woolly cardigans, while the people around him bow down to worship the wellies. MIKA then goes all of a sudden singing his favourite song all day because he had pancakes for breakfast and the MFC's teabags with baked beans on a toaster, he then got electricfied and the MFC cared for him all day till he got better and he sang a song for the MFC, Sweet Dreams, but then his voice went all funny because he had been making funny monkey noises all day and he saw a huge chickenwith orange teeth and furry brown legs, heading straight towards him!!!!! and then he did a crazy dance while he bumped some MFCer into a lamp post and Mika went "sorrysorrysorry" while everyone was wating for MIKA to perform atKentucky Fried Chickeen and Pizza Hut But Mika suddenly had a bout of gastroenteritis, and therefore could not perform the dance, he was rushed to the local hospital, where he was submitted A private ward where the MFCers look after him and make him loads of treats and tea and help him carrying his gifts while he talked to his mommy and gave her a kiss on the cheek while poor little Mika backed away a little because he didn't want to pass the illness onto his mommy and his mom said that she actually WANTED to catch te illness so that she'd stay in hospital with him and not be chased by the paparazzi outside, but she had to go home and the paparazzis chased her until they saw Mika running after them in his best fluffy pink pyjamas and singing along to "you and me baby ain't nothing but mammals so..." and the paparazzis got so scared that they started chewing their toe nails, but one paparazzo couldn't reach them, so he broke his legs, and Mika gave him a lollipop but the man refused it and Mika got really sad, so his mom got mad and decided to take Mika to the candy store but all the candies were broken and Mika got dressed up in his chicken costume to have dinner at Cherisse's house, but unfortunately for him she wasn't in her bunny costume, so MIKA went to the shop and brought a brand new crocidile costume for her and she and Mika danced along to "Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)" with some MFC'ers and We changed the song to "Billy Brown" and MIKA threw a custard pie at us for changing the song but we just grabbed him and started dancing to the music while he, in fury tried to remove the custard pie off us and his hands got all dirty, so the MFCers went to the kitchen to clean up and get MIKA a cloth and they all sat down to eat tea in a civilised mannor. However,this did not last long because Mika wanted to have fun so he got up and danced around but because of thishe fell on his arse hole and everyone noticed that he was wearing woman's underwear and fainted, so Mika told everybody that he wasn't wearing women's panties but he was wearing a purple pair of jeans, everybody came back round and continued dancing when they heared a cow mooing, and everyone got really scared, so they all ran far away
  9. Does anyone know how to make these?? and sorry about like stealing these from other peoples photobucket accounts!
  10. In the begining of In any other world what the woman is saying?? Oh and the end too.
  11. Yeah! Umm well I need to get ready for bed, so goodnight and I'll hopefully talk with you tommorow!!!
  12. Ok. Much better than yesterday as you can see from earlier comments!!!
  13. It was for me too! Here's what happend I already posted this but oh well! Well yesterday I went to pssa testing and I thought I'd be fine, but I have anxiety and stuff which is why I started Cyber School this year, and well when I got there I had a monster panic attack, and started cying and oh it was soo embaresing and I still feel anxious from it and it won't go away I'm so helpless right now! And I had to still take the test so I was there for 3 more hours! UHG.
  14. Did you not see it either? I'm so sad.
  15. Did anyone catch this on video? My TV doesn't get the channel!
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