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Posts posted by Loverrated

  1. Welcome...I'm new too, his lives peformances are completely tribal you'll see...


    private message to Aaurora: I like when you lie to people to be sweet and make them feel comfortable, how nice of you...(YOU shy?:roftl: )

  2. Hi BonjourMika... I'm new here and I PERFECTLY understand you ....2 or 3 days ago when I came in here I've had that feeling immediatly and I think it's perfectly sane to discuss it....I read some threads from here to there and it scared me, not hte threads but the way some people react, the way it can be so fake....really, for 5 minutes I didnt want to no who mika was anymore...I wasnt even able to listen to his music on that day and relogged in only for the badges thing...you no I'm not used to forums, only to blogs and I'm used to drama as well so it's not what scares me...cold war is what scares me, unsaid things and I think it might be the case here since mika always give such an impression of positivity some people are trying to act the same by pretending that "everything is fine here, problems? where?" "wtf are you talking about bonjourmika???"...so You make sense to me and findingmywords too and HOLLYD....thank you, you seem to be to most honest and most tolerant here at the first sight...I think some topics will never be welcome and I think it's a shame, anyone should feel free to post anything without fearing the reaction of other people here...its like a home where you dont dare to xpress your opinion because if you do your dad is going to hit you and your mother will name you guilty ....

    I think it's a bit sad I entered here partly because I had heard some people all over the world who made a chain to gather presents for mika in order to give them to a fan who could give them to him and I thought it was so nice and so great and wanted to be a part of the next similar thing...but then I came here and blah blah I stop because I ALWAYS write too much ANYWAY

    Aurora etc... oh the BLUE PANTS, lol, YEAH!! Honestly WHO possibly in the world can wear blue pants the way this guy does I'm asking you!!!!???? the turquoise is absolutely dead gorgeous on him, anyone else would look like a clown but no,not him, mika I hate you for that bitch!

  3. Why wait until next time? People are still submitting badges :) And they get uploaded to the site by Sunny. Don't wait - do it now!!



    Well because i would probably need to scan (depends on the idea) and my scanner is installed on my steady pc with my drawing stuff and my steady pc is not here, I'm on a laptop and it will take me ages to find back all my drivers and install them right now etc etc plus i'm not a technical person (as you can read it) plus I'm not sure I'd be able to post them here or to put a drawing perfectly in a circle since I love squares..blah blah... but i love your positivity,lol...which ones rae yours btw?



  4. wow, I love badges and design.... I regret i wasnt here before!!!


    I hvae four badges of mika from the dodgy h tour, the black one with the little girl is really classy and sober with beautiful colours...I love some of the new ones, great idea :thumb_yello:


    My dream would be to have a bone shaped badge with MIKA written on it... I dont think it's possible though since badges are only in circles...isn't it? I bought a bone for dogs (a real one I mean) but it's not the right size, I need a smaller one and then I will write Mika on it...I think that small cute bones would be cool to sell if there would be an industrial wya to produce them


    I hope you will do this forever (the badge design) so next time I can participate...



  5. wow I feel normal here, you all seem more obsessed than me, how could it be???now I just feel like I'm a superextranormalbasis fan,lol...


    hey norwalk, i think grandmas have something special with mika...once I was with my grandma and she was watching TV, I wasnt in the same room and I could hear her laughing real hard (she was/is still 84) then I entered the room she was in because I was wondering what was actually happening(wtf could be that funny!!!???) and she said "hey listen to the voice of this boy!! do you know him??It's ssssooooo weird,lol, dont you think it's weird???!!!LLLLOOOOLLL " etc. No need to tell you that I was already a fan and I just laughed with her and said nothing but laugh...it was a live performance with mika's natural voice that I adore so much, so high and so special but I can understand it softly schocked her,lol...


    Thank you all really for the tips ("french threads" and "olding threads"(not too sure I wanna go there though, sounds weird,lol)


    Aurora,lol@shock at the system if anyone actually discuss his music...i might probably cause some shock from time to time then but dont worry I'm pretty sure that I can hold a whole conversation on his curls ;)


    Have a nice day/evening/night whoever you are and wherever you are


  6. heya, to be honest i'm not too sure of what i am doing right now but i'm doing it anyway...(it's 2.41 am and it helps lol)...the thing is that I feel like a freak since I'm probably older than all of you but I'm sure that Mika's fans are very open minded and tolerant people...I came here because I from a rock underground background and I dont want to annoy people around me with my absolute love for the music and the sensibility of this great singer that I m totally crazy about(though I do annoy everyone with him around me already!!!)(so does it make any sense?)....no, really sometimes I want to find a song and dont know where to find it or I feel like discussing his necklaces and pants (and YES I know it's superfcial and has nothing to do with his music BUT...) so maybe it sounds ridiculous, maybe I'm not at the right place, BUT MAYBE I AM , u tell me ....oh and if my english is so gay it's because I basically speak french, so sry about that



    I love evry single people who loves MIKA's music and i think the guy is a genius...HE actually IS this special color that I have never seen before...and i feel like I 've been blind color until he came in my world , I know it sounds crazy but hey that's just the way...the way things are.


    I hope you guys understand me



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