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Everything posted by shoni

  1. Oh no you are half over the limit. *grabs more beanbags just in case*
  2. I am going to rename diet as pain,agony,torture etc, no wonder i spend so much time in here (usually in the morning)
  3. Hi anjy, what are you having? Watch out for Gio shes hyped up on coffee:boxed: *anyone for snacks*
  4. I know it,s such a bad word, we should come up with an alternative word as they done with 'chicken and knitting'
  5. Luuuuuuv coffee, especially with cream (now i know why my diets not working)lol . I cant function in the morning til i have had my first cup.
  6. now your talking!!! coffee is much worse than our alchohol.lol:roftl:
  7. Goodnight, i will leave a drink beside you so that you dont panic when you wake up.x:roftl:
  8. Woah slow down, DOUBLE COFFEE:roftl: *grabs beanbag in case gio collapses*
  9. OOOHH i love ribena, but i need something stronger. I am having vodka and lime. mmmmmmmmmmmmm
  10. *looks at Ashley lying comatose on beanbag and hooks up own IV*
  11. Aw crap!!!! Cant beleive it will be next week.MOrning Ashley can i just have a small bag this morning as i'm off to church soon for kids Easter service, dont want to be swaying in the aisles.
  12. Yeah!!! Thanks for adding me. Wouldn't mind being 69 (lol) Some people never grow up. I will probably be offline for a few days as getting new laptop as this computer is ancient and keeps crashing.So hope to talk to you all soon.
  13. Hi Guys . I would love to be a member of the MFC mothers club. I have two kids age 9 and 3. there is no probs in our house as both of them love MIKA too. Hubby just switches off when we start talking or singing about MIKA. My son age 9 is going to do a performance at the school talent show, he is singing lollipop with some of his friends.!!!!
  14. thanks anjy just managed last msg, txt me at work if any news. see you all tomorrow.
  15. Thankshhh. I needed that. off to work soon, hope to join you all tomorrow when hopefully we can celebrate.
  16. I know!!! It's nearly time for me to go now as i have to sober up before i go to work. I'll have to get Kelzy to hook me up with coffee IV asap.
  17. phew!!!!! Just in timo. (that was close i nearly ran out) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  18. Yeah!!! Anjy, Kelzy does a mean tequilla you should try it.
  19. OOOOhhh dont mind if i do. Tequilla please, my vodka is running out. thanks. mwah
  20. FD is stocking up the bar for later,(whenevr that will be) and we have champagne bags on ice. woo hoo!!!!!!!
  21. I think i'm past drunk, i have been here since 9 am. Started off slowly but then got fed up lifting my drink so LA_fashionista hooked me up to a vodka IV, is mazing. *hic*
  22. Byyyeee. I'll just keep hooking the drips up for now. Happy dreams.
  23. I think i'll contact the mods and get them to issue a health warning for the MFC.
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