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Posts posted by kaeryana

  1. I just thought it would be interesting to see how many major cities that MIKA has not been to yet but should and the reasons he should. Answers can be funny. I start off:






    1.Vancouver BC: Metro population:2,187,721

    1.Rains so much that everyone has umbrellas and sings in the rain!

    2. Wreck Beach hehe (haven't been there yet):bleh: :bleh:

    3. Very Very multicultural and you can be free to be who you want to be!!!

    4. I live near by there!

    5. Sushi restaurants everywhere! (YUM)

    6. West coasters are awesome people!


    2.Seattle Wa: Metro population: around 3.3 Million

    1. See above re:rain

    2. See above re:Sushi Restuarants

    3.See above: I live near by there!

    4.Wonderful concert halls! West Coasters are awesome people!

    5. Pike Street Market!



    3.Auckland NZ: Metro population: 1,329,900

    and Wellington!!!!!!

    1.See above re: Sushi Restaurants

    2.See above: I can stay there with my relatives!

    3.Lots of sun! warmth! Kiwis all awesome people!

    4. Lots of sailing and relaxing and taking it easy on the boat!

    5. Jaffa Balls and Chocolate Fish!!


    oops I realize MIKA doesn't like fish! not all sushi has fish in it!


    4. Kelowna , BC.: I am sure Elton John performed here am I right? I know Rod Stewart Did ditto for Victoria


    5. Victoria BC!!!!

    1. I live here!

    2. Rogers Chocolates

    3. David Foster

    4. Sub Mediterranean Climate! Flowers all year round!

    5. PUBS and More Pubs!

    6.. Major names!: Meat Loaf! Michael Buble! Black Eyes Peas (twice)! Nelly Furtado is from here!

    7. http://www.luminaravictoria.com hint hint..........July 2009??? hmmmmm?


    6. Most Cities in Australia!He must perform at:Happikali's Verandah!!!wooow! :):)

    7. Calgary ,Alberta!!!


    8. Japan!!! c/o Blue Sky!

    Osaka, Nagoya,Hiroshima,Fukuoka, Kyto,, Sendai, Sapparo


    9. Romania!! Especially Bucharest! c/o Vanessa


    1 The weather is not to hot in winter and spring and rarely rains !

    2 Many interesting places to visit :museums,parks

    3 Many Romanian restaurants .The food is yummy !



    1. Its almost half way from BC to Australia

    2. Its on the way from Australia to BC!

    3. Sunny! party ! fun! party! sun! fun! party , sun ! fun!






    The reasons he should do Dublin:

    - because it's so near England, he could just swim over

    - because he likes the Irish accent

    - because it's the only way I can see him

    - beacuse he has some great fans here who love him!



    13. ARGENTINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Because its awesome and there are soooo many nice people there!!!!!




    15.TRINIDAD!! C/O KAVI!!!!

    He should come to Trinidad. why you ask....

    1- it's a wonderful little island in the Caribbean!

    2- a lot of well know ppl performed here. Like Richard Marx, Cascada, Night ranger, the cranberries, Al Green, LL Cool J, etc

    3- Elton John came to Tobago 4 the Jazz festival and performed.

    4 - quite a bit of celebs come to T&T to play/watch Carnival

    5- We are very friendly ppl.

    6- The food is GRRRRREAT!

    7- James Bond's creator, Ian Fleming bought Goat island in Tobago and resides in Tobago.

    8- We only have 2 seasons lol.

    9 -tons of nice places to visit esp if you r a nature person! lots of hidden waterfalls and trails

    10- Me









    1. The Awesome Calgary Stampede! Cowboys and Cowgirls!! woot! (thanks Canuck chick!)



    1. Awesome destination for vacation! sun ! Fun!

    2. Oranges!

    3. Disney World!

    4. HollyD needs you to come MIKA! :):)



    1.Lots of culture, music, coffees, things to see and do!


    22. NORTH CAROLINA!!!!!!!!!


    23. TEL-AVIV, ISRAEL!!!!!

    thanks, Sivan! I want to go there too:)


    24.COSTA RICA!!

    Land of the fabulous Guapo! You rock, boy!!!!!!


    25. PORTUGAL!!!!!!!!!!




    malaysia! recently simple plan came here,incubus,,MCR,all those awesome bands i could think of,i hope MIKA will do so too

    (it is rather impossible coz UK is not that near to southeast asia.. )

  2. I dont know if it has been posted before but here is what I have found on a blog and it is really sweet....it's written by someone who used toknow mika when he was handed out demo tapes....



    I first met Mika back in 1997 at prep school and later Westminster School. I knew that he had a certain je ne sais quoi and he possesed the drive to become a big player in the music industry. He handed out demo tapes everywhere, even to my father who had previously owned Cowbell Agency which represented bands such as; Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, The Sex Pistols, Procol Harum, Jethro Tull...among various others. He was a lovely boy without a bad bone in his body. His success could not have happened to a nicer person. Mazal Tov


    awww..dats about the sweetest thing ive ever heard of anyone saying to mika :wink2:

  3. - What hobies does he have?

    Collecting toys, toytheaters, comics, original comicdrawings, Silvanian families, he's quite a collector


    what toys does he collect again?i've seen many random ones,but i'm not really sure specificly what type is he into :blink:

    nways,miss ingie,we're waiting for mika stotter! :naughty:

  4. She wants to know which one I want... I know the obvious would be the one I took with him:wub2:

    BUT I don't know... besides that one does anyone have any suggestions????




    awww..dats just so sweet!i tried asking my mom,but she said no :sneaky2:

    put the cutest pic of him,and when u eat the cake,it's like "he's so cute,ur eating him up!" :roftl:


    dun 4get 2 post the pic of the cake here ok.:wink2:

  5. Count me in too!!

    If I'm naughty can I stay behind and do a detention with Mika .........please?? :wink2::naughty:


    hahah.i wish i cn be a student,but sadly i'm one of the right hand lecturers,so i can't :roftl: if i were a student,i'll get into so much trouble that i have to go to detention evryday.then again,the punishment is u'll not be meeting prof mika p. for one month remember :naughty:

  6. 2264122521_001c77bd63_b.jpg









    Can someone explain please haha



    (sorry if there is a thread or whatever like this already :naughty:)


    i can explain! lol.u know how mika is so obsessed with toys and whatnot,it's obvious that the tatoo's fake! i used to love pasting the fake tatoo stickers on my arm when i was 7,and yeah,as you can see,the tatoo's rectangular so it IS fake :mf_rosetinted:

  7. LouiseHumansubject.jpg


    I took this picture at the Kool Haus gig in Toronto on January 29. If you look, there is a person (Luke) behine Gray Skelly.


    I also love this picture because Mika who is 6'3'' (maybe 6'4'' with his hair) is usually seen as a very tall man. But next to Gray Skelly (a 20 ft skeleton) he looks miniature.


    thanks for sharing! i havent seen that one tho :shocked: so it's luke then.

  8. So, the way it works is... Luke controls it somehow? I must admit I didn't notice anyone behind the skeleton. I think it's very cleverly done, and very effective when you see it from the audiance.


    probably,but if you watch it in according to the camera view,it really is luke who's been controlling the whole thing.it is brilliant aint it?

  9. haha, i was thinking of that, but i was afraid ppl would chase me with fire and pitchforks!:roftl:


    *chases phunkygal with a rake and a bunch of torches instead* :roftl: i think luke's gonna go on a coma if that ever happens to him,so will mika perhaps,haha.and me! :naughty:

  10. Oh yes...that big girl....is she LUCKY or what? No and, the silliest part is, after he kissed her (lip to lip!!), she actually wiped her mouth!!!:shocked:

    I mean, I would frikking LICK my lips if he kisses me so that I could have some Mika DNA in me and then...I'd never wash my lips again!:wub2:


    hahaha,i know rite! it's just the fact that my mom might wash my lips with soap for me and freak out coz i just kissed a guy! which im so forbidden in doing,lol.:naughty: but i dun really care if it's MIKA! :mf_lustslow:

  11. Yeah... lets clone Cherisse and see if the hair is the same :naughty:


    haha,yeah.i wish i had her hair,so nice and curly,pretty much like mika's.and it's not bushy too :shocked:


    do u hv a pic of cherisse and mika?if u do,i really want one or two in my keeping.dunno why,im so into the both of them,coz they're like such adorable twins! :mf_lustslow:


    hey hey

    sign me up!



    This is the coolest pic!! *raises hand* I'll join!!


    well come on in then,evryone's invited to join! and ur never too late to do so either :wink2:

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