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Posts posted by kaeryana

  1. :roftl: As long as I don't do it in the lounge... evil expensive glass stuff...:thumbdown:


    I just normally end up singing along... :naughty:


    it'll be cool if it's a 'you break,you own' sort of place.then when you break glasses of any nice drinks,you'll own them! :naughty:

  2. No... I'm so clumsy I would knock everything over... and I feel like a idiot when I dance so I try not to. :roftl:


    Yeah, it is quite late, but atleast you've got it now! And love today makes you dance doesn't it? Even though the closest I get to dancing is spinning on the computer chair... Yay... :naughty:


    lol,what's important is you have fun.but yeah, a** shaking can be very amusing,ESPECIALLY when you knock everything down,haha.happens to me too,so i enjoy doing it on my bed (pretending to be on stage).at first i didn't really like the song,but after listening to it for a few times,ive gotten into the groove and naturally reacted by shaking my a**.it's really fun,try it.better than meditating :naughty:

  3. :roftl: That's ... scary but yes :roftl:


    i know rite! lol.i just got a copy of LICM cd for my advanced bday yesterday(the album's just out in msia,pretty late huh?),and i keep on repeating 'love today'.can't help but noticing that 'me trying to a** shake like prof mika' is a total flop,but who cares! haha.tried b4?

  4. haha for some reason I just can't imagine him saying my name, probably since most english people mess it up. I once had this english teacher, and he was actually english, so not some dutch weirdo pretending to be english, and he pronounced my name as "Mloeeee". I think I'm traumatised by that:roftl:


    i dun really mind if he's the one who mispronounced my name,even if he says it as yenna instead,i'll still be like ," yes teacher..yenna at ur service!".hahaha.although its actually 'yah-na'.

  5. Now THAT I would make my homework for :P I can't remember the last time I made homework. I'm baaaaaaaad:roftl:


    haha,i hate homeworks too,but i HAD to do it.and how did i manage to force myself?coz i imagined as if mika was saying ,"yana,be a good girl and do your homework.." repeatedly,so im surviving it rite now.haha.

  6. hi there evryone.since this is the only general forum,i guess its ok if i ask you about studying tips coz my junior high school exam's coming up,so i really need to nail it good.my weakness is mainly in history.any of you have any methods i could try to memorize history more easily?

    thnks in advance for sharing.sharing is caring :wink2:

  7. Got it baaad, got it baaad, got it baaad, got it baaaaad I'm hot for teacher! *does airguitar Eddie Van Halen impression*


    do u hv the song?i'd like to hear it pls..sounds like an awesome one :wink2:


    hahaha where do i find application forms?


    by replying in this thread,ur considered registered :naughty:

    so r u doin this course for mikalogy or the lecturer? :roftl:

  8. Haha I love how there's one naughty boy in the class holding a 'sh*t' sign :roftl:


    But yeah sign me up for this, do you think he'd give detention if I'd behave extra naughty? :naughty:


    if ur lucky enough, he might,otherwise,you'll just be forbidden from meeting him for a month ,haha.


    yeah,the sh*t sign,i was thinking of putting the 'still raining sign',but it's just lamo supremo so it turned out that way! lol.



    here's our lecturer himself! (applause2!) :mf_lustslow:



  9. I'm in!!!!


    I think this gonna be my favorite class!!


    is he the profesor?:naughty:


    ah yes..i'll upload a pic of prof mika penniman,our expert in mikalogy.:naughty:


    Sign me up!!!!!!!!!!!


    What will be the punishment if you are naughty?


    Now I'm hearing "Back to school again..." and "Hot for Teacher" in my head.


    the punishment?u'll be dismissed from college for one week,and especially NO FLIRTING WITH THE PROF! :roftl:

  10. this is cool, because i just started school again. but what could be better than getting Mika-certificate?:mf_lustslow:


    all you need to have is a qualification in


    -literature in mika's lyrics,

    -mikagraphy and off course,

    -mika's music as a second language.


    if ya'll have this,then ur qualified :naughty: u'll be applying for a diploma in Mikalogy.the above names will be signed up immediately.lol.


    p/s: thanks for the compliments by the way.boredom can really inspire one to create a simple artwork as such,hehe.

  11. lol, yea, thats how i spent my shopping time in chicago. Well, i wanted to get my sister a present, so i asked her what she wanted and she said "something that Mika would like" so i went hunting for it and i found and AWESOME scarf at h&m. i should get a pic because it was beautiful and as it turns out it matches her coat completely and here coat is an odd color, so who would ahve though!


    it would be rather cool to be influenced by the way he dresses up and everything but i couldn't agree more with you.then if everyone walks around with pink jackets or tight purple pants with cute,tiny toys hanging on their necks,there's nothing unusual/unique anymore.so i guess we should just browse the malls and look for a mika-like shirt and show off to the peeps here,eh? :wink2:

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