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Posts posted by DarkLight

  1. I need to listen to his more recent solo stuff. I ADORED Spin. I think it's better than the first Savage Garden album, and on par with Affirmation.


    I have This Delicate Thing We've Made but I've only listened to it once. Bad fan, I know! :aah: Problem is, I got it right before I got TBWKTM and Mika has since taken over a huge portion of my music listening time. Must crawl out from under this Mika rock! :roftl:


    Oh I know what you mean I have this delicate thing we've made since it was released about 2 & a half years ago & still haven't listened to it all:shocked: *slaps self* it's Mika's fault lol I swear hahaha:naughty:


    I've listened to him (Mika) too much & now back to Michael Jackson a lot more (before he died not since)


    I got into listening into his music more frequently than I had for a few years since I picked up a new copy of off the wall (My old copy was cracked & I hadn't got round to replacing it) but as I say I got a new copy it was about 3 months before he died & I've been listening to that as well as other MJ albums & Mika's new one more than anything else lol:naughty:

  2. Hi fellows, I'm a MFC'ers of Brazil, this year realized a dream to see a concert by Mika in London on 21-9, but the one secret to the fans and it was amazing, complete with ice cream van during the day, was the best day of my life. I am a little embarrassed this community, I come here every day, but it takes me a while to understand how things work. I would like to buy the heart bracelet or chain, you could help me. Of course I pay the cost of shipping to my country.

    Please contact me at the addresses:

    Mikasounds: krjsantos

    MFC: krjsantos

    MySpace: http://www.myspace.com / krjsantos

    facebook: santos.katiaregina @ gmail.com or krjsantos

    e-mail: santos.katiaregina @ gmail.com


    Here in Brazil we have the official site made for it, see: www.mikabr.com :wink2:


    Thanks :dance_man:

    Love in the heart:mf_lustslow:




    yes i can get the mika hearts bracelets I shall pm you about it o.k:thumb_yello:

  3. I just know that I wouldn't have to use chairs every single day to get to stuff!

    He would take things down for me :biggrin2:

    ... and since this is a decent thread I won't write what I really want him to do :blush-anim-cl::wub2:


    me neither all I say is he can help with a little servicing that needs doing hehehe:naughty::teehee::blush-anim-cl:


    i'm too smutty for a thread like this me It's hard to resist posting something naughty lol:wink2::roftl:

  4. Ba-bump!


    Was looking at Darren's cover of Last Christmas:


    And came across his cover of Sexual Healing:


    Love this man's voice! Darren fans, where you at? :mf_lustslow:


    Ohh i love darren's version of sexual healing imho it's far better than the original!!!


    donno how many times ive heard em when i was obsessed with him.

    The times i saw him at the Hammersmith Apollo + afterpartys. I was in heaven especially cos his sis invited me. Still think he is great :thumb_yello: And would go check out a show here (denmark) if he did one. And christ i was lost in him. Still have things from when i was obsessed... D-zine, vip access cards, show photos, 3 fan photos... me and him, me and his manager and me and his sis. the good old days many years ago. The first time i went to London for 14 days time was to see him live :wub2: have to say i miss those days. Will put on some SG now even though its 6:05 am. Great voice. Very talented, sweet


    wow sounds cool

    not seen him for a couple of years now (on his last tour) but hopefully he'll tour again soon but not too soon i have way too many shows to go to next year i wouldn't be able to afford it


    apparently he's signed to a uk label now so hopefully he'll be working on new material soon?

  5. That Rain performance is :swoon


    And - naked pictures? Seriously? lmfao:


    How could someone possibly send him naked pictures, and then turn up to a gig and look him in the eye? 'Fess up people, which one(s) of you was it? :naughty::mf_rosetinted:

    gha I wouldn't wanna scar the poor boy for life myself lol:teehee: and besides I'm not that weird


    I'm weird yes but not like that just quirky that's all round peg square hole syndrome if you get the idea



    I wonder what he does with those naked pics...It must be so strange to receive something like that.:blink

    indeed very weird and creepy:shocked::aah:


    The Bam Bam bit's hilarious, specially coz you can see she wasn't expecting it...:roftl:






    He said the guy was crazy and I can't recall any crazy male stalkers being part of MFC. :no:...

    crazy + stalker does not equal MFC...:biggrin2:

    crazy yes (in a nice funny way) stalker no well at least that's me & some of my friends on here lol I've had 2 stalkers & it's not nice I don't understand why people do it it's just so horrible & creepy:aah:


    Stalker does , not so much on the crazy :naughty:


    6 days on his doorstep !! in central london .. too much :roftl:


    yeah too much is not the sentence for it! absolute insanity!

  6. Quite...strange.


    Mika had a bit of a weird teenhood. :blink:


    T4P though...


    yeah he's not the only one!!!


    my entire life has been weird put it this way if I made a book about my life people would just laugh their heads off & go :blink: that can't have happened surely to f**k :shocked: even I go huh some days! :blink:


    I'm not normal neither is my life, nor has it ever been I'm just a weird quirky freaklet who needs to find another weird quirky freaklet to marry some day lol:teehee::naughty::roftl:


    Mika where are you baby? fancy marrying a screwed up quirky oddball freaklet like me I have loadsa love to give hehehe:wink2: you'd just have to put up with my weirdness lol:biggrin2::naughty:


    that basically means he was expecting to get hurt so he was pushing and challenging this person to see if they'd hurt him. That sounds psychologically crazy but it makes sense.


    I can understand that myself bless him aww:wub2:

  7. Hi there guys not been online for a couple of weeks as my compuer died on me (I just had to buy a new one yesterday)


    anyhow I just came across this earlier on


    apparently Evan Chandler has killed himself (the father of jordan/Jordy Chandler) who accused MJ of mosleting him in the early 90's




    not meaning to sound horrible but good riddance! what he did to Mj was unforgivable in my opinion & this world will be that bit better without him in it!

  8. Mica is from rocks comes in very, very thin sheets and is found in most cosmetics and craft products that sparkle!


    if you look on wikapedia....

    The mica group of sheet silicate (phyllosilicate) minerals includes several closely related materials having highly perfect basal cleavage. All are monoclinic with a tendency towards pseudo-hexagonal crystals and are similar in chemical composition. The highly perfect cleavage, which is the most prominent characteristic of mica, is explained by the hexagonal sheet-like arrangement of its atoms.


    The word "mica" is thought to be derived from the Latin word micare, meaning "to glitter", in reference to the brilliant appearance of this mineral (especially when in small scales).

    I tweeted him as defo better than the plastic bag story! :roftl:


    Ohh Mica has cleavage eh:aah::teehee::naughty: interesting!!!! lol


    i already knew about mica being a very common ingredient in makeup it's in most of my make up, it always makes me giggle when i see it listed in the ingredients! lol


    I like that meaning better it suits him very much doesn't it he glitters a lot (like a star baby yeah):teehee::roftl::wink2:

  9. :biggrin2: I didn't want to put the TV name in there 'cuz they may have found it and banned me for posting copyright TV stuff :teehee:


    I'd quite like to squeeze Mika myself :blush-anim-cl: in a friendly sort of way :mf_rosetinted:


    lol me too:wub2:


    I feel like your adjustment to the name was appropriate and humorous. :biggrin2:


    I wouldn't mind squeezing Mika either...though it'd probably be more in a 'you're gonna have to get me surgically removed' kind of way. Though I suppose that's still friendly...just a little too much, perhaps.


    ahahahah man that made me laugh out loud hehehehe :biggrin2::naughty:

  10. No foot brace!!!


    I hope he's feeling better now! Been so worried :wub2:

    me too glad to see he's walking without it now :D


    he didn't need to jump at that party :wink2:


    i find him well and relaxed..shall we worry more?

    i don't think so...


    nice group pic, i love Paloma in it, she's always hiding somewhere...

    and fortunè? oh god, he's so tall and grown up!



    hasn't he i only saw him in June & wow he's changed so fast already or is it just me???:blink:

    Am I the only one who loves the coat?


    He always looks so stylish :wub2:

    I love it too:wub2:


    Hmmm a familiar watch, Mr. Louboutin :naughty:




    ahaha he nicked Mika's watch:naughty:

  11. I just found a website where they have a replica of the D&G watched - and I ordered it -





    ohh fantastic thanks for posting that I have to order one of those I've been after one for ages but couldn't really justify paying £175 for one


    now I can have a replica hooray



    by the way you know on the licm dvd the extra's section where he's talking about his childhood & suchlike is it my imagination or has he got a mametchi tamagotchi charm on a beaded bracelet?:blink:


    it looks a bit like it to me


    this is the one i mean (for those who don't know the character mametchi)




    i think it is this charm?!?


    I have loads of them I made a sort of charm belt with them on & a bracelet & earrings & necklace I also have one attached to my mametchi plush bag :D


    I adore mametchi:wub2::teehee:

  12. I just found a website where they have a replica of the D&G watched - and I ordered it -





    ohh fantastic thanks for posting that I have to order one of those I've been after one for ages but couldn't really justify paying £175 for one


    now I can have a replica hooray



    by the way you know on the licm dvd the extra's section where he's talking about his childhood & suchlike is it my imagination or has he got a mametvhi tamagotchi charm on a beaded bracelet?:blink:


    it looks a bit like it to me

  13. Maybe I missed it, but anyone have a link for the blue watch in this picture?




    Thanks :biggrin2:


    it's on the very first page of this thread:thumb_yello:




    oh crumbs it's not coming up now they don't sell it anymore sorry


    edited found it here only $130 (£81.32) on the other site it was about £200/ £250 I think quite expensive i do remember that!




    and they also have it here for £94.99 not in stock yet though at this place



  14. Not broken, he's just torn some ligaments. Or maybe tendons. I can't remember, I've heard both said. :teehee:


    I can't believe he's still performing while standing. I really hope he's gotten a doctor's okay on that. The idea of his "the show must go on" attitude causing permanent damage is not a pleasant thought.


    no it's not good he should rest his foot the silly sausage


    I heard tendons in Oakland, but he's changed his story so many times.:naughty:



    I agree. He needs to chill out for a bit before the european leg (hahaha, no pun intended) of the tour. We don't want irreversible damage.:boxed:



    P.S. i love the pic of him sticking his tongue out. he's so cheeky.:blush-anim-cl::naughty:



    I know such a cheeky monkey


    when I saw those pics all I could do was go awwww bless him poor Mika :boxed:



    I wanna kiss him better :wub2::huglove:


    he really should rest that foot so it doesn't get any worse

  15. New article about him in BRAVO Special-Posters :biggrin2:








    MIKA - Unique & Creative


    -- It's not easy to make a good pop song that everybody will get a real kick out of hearing it nowadays,but it works for Mika – as if he's got some secret formula. Infact,the story's actually this: Mika simply doesn't resemble anyone and makes his songs without any formula. That's why he's so unique, creative and nobody can resist his songs which just make you want to dance.

    That's what his 2nd album »The Boy Who Knew Too Much« is like, which we're awaited for 2 years! Mika's obviously more mature artist now with a slightly different performance. All in all – an irresistible album!





    They've published his poster also,this one that's on the scan. :thumb_yello:


    "Rain" run twice on MTV ADRIA today. First at 10am and the 2nd time just now. :biggrin2::biggrin2:


    ohh wicked stuff bud :D:wink2:

  16. I feel like I've read articles like this so many times and the only opinion I have of the writer is that THEY DON'T GET IT.

    They don't get that Mika ISN'T doing it all for fame. It's art for art's sake and money is just another perk.

    Also, I feel like this article was trying to draw conclusions about Mika and his career from his lyrics. I mean, I know that was the theme of the article... but REALLY? He says that Mika is an "unhappy prince" but I've seen him perform live (and, you know, on Youtube) and he fills the place with nothing but an intense, joyful, soulful, and poppy air even if the lyrics he's singing are from the mind of a desperate, angsty, confused, adolescent. That's the beauty of watching him perform- you can tell that he just LOVES WHAT HE DOES.

    Whoever wrote this seems to embody American ignorance. Just because HE, being in Hollywood, hasn't heard much of Mika doesn't mean that he's some struggling artist. On the contrary, I feel like he's pretty damn popular and well-loved.

    Also, I don't like the way he throws around the term "gay" to describe Mika's music. Of all the adjectives to use, this journalist decides to use "gay"? Um... hyper? Poppy? Flamboyant!?

    No, gay. Just... gay.

    Oh, and he's not an expensive prostitute; he's a diva. Get it right.



    i have to say i agree with you!:thumb_yello:

  17. well, these are nice times for our boy, aren't they? forced on one foot, accused of being a miming, lypsyncing expensive prostitute.

    not bad all in a week. :mf_rosetinted: that should score pretty high in the range of compliments :teehee:


    I know the poor sweetie :aah::blink: I just wanna give him a big ol' hug :huglove: they're not being very nice of late are they to him


    well screw American loser journo's & reviewers etc they suck like a dyson cyclonix (a powerful vacuum cleaner) I think they are just useless and don't know talent when they see it they don't understand him or "get" him


    screw them I don't care what those loosers think we love him here in his "adopted" home land


    that "review" if you can call it that was stupid & sucky


    The idiot obviously has no idea what he/she was talking about


    half complimentary half insulting half utter b*llocks:sneaky2::aah:


    ignore these idiots Mika is all I can say


    you're better than them sweetie:wub2:

  18. I'd imagine his peaceful underwear aint quite so peaceful. With a bod like that he's rockin' somewhere XD


    Lets just say I wouldn't throw him out of bed. However he'd have to spell it out for me because I've been told that I'm very oblvious to everyones advances both male and female.


    Sadly it's a hypothetical queston and as far as I know I"m not in a hypothetical world. Luckily that's what dreaming is for XD


    yup it sure is indeed:wink2:

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