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Posts posted by Satya82

  1. OH NO!!! :shocked: Cherisse just HAS to be there for the final North American show! So she's stuck by herself in the US? (Or maybe she flew home early...or couldn't because she has no passport...God, I wish I could help!)


    I'm already so sad it's the last show. I joined this board when the tour started (although I was lurking way before) so it's an extra-special tour. I don't want it to end! *cries*

  2. Thank you DaMango, and lilmot for your wonderful reports!!


    Oh, and his hands are really soft. :)


    Ha, that's something I noticed, too. He has really nice hands. :wink2:


    People in the queue kept asking us questions and, of course, being MFCers, we usually knew the answer. They asked us about Andy and the band members, where the next gig was, who the opening band was, if Mika was going to come meet us at the end etc etc etc. It just made me realize how being a part of this community (MFC) is so special to me. The other people in line love Mika and his music....but they didn't know the details like us maniacs do. I almost felt like we were part of the team, helping out the people in the queue and helping things to run smoothly.


    That is a major perk of being an MFCer. We're all part of the Mika family. I'm honored to be one of the "maniacs" as you so eloquently put it. :naughty:


    I didn't notice until the third song that his voice was a bit off or something. He apologized and said he had a sore throat. I don't really think he is sick, I think he just needs to rest his voice a bit more.


    Awww, Mika! Only one more show, then I hope he takes a well-deserved week-ish off before the London gigs.


    We waited outside and talked to some more interesting people. I was very very tired but waited with DaMango, who is a very wonderful sweet person. Mika's mom came and served us doughnuts while we were waiting. She is so sweet and very beautiful. DaMango spoke with Yasmine.


    "Would you please ask Rose to be my valentine?" And he said it sooooooooo sweet that it melted my heart.


    the look on his face was like, "don't go away, I want to talk more"


    Anyway, there are quite a few things that I will take away from this concert that I don't think I will ever forget. Certain lines sung by Mika and they way he sang them. Any Other World was especially beautiful tonight. He seemed to really go inside of himself and be feeling something with this song. The people I met, both the MFC and other people, and how gratifying it can be to connect with people, even if it is only for a short period of time. And the look on Mika's face as I walked away from him. I will never forget that look. I wanted to go back and give him a hug, but didn't. But it makes me happy.

    Thanks to everyone who made this experience for me so great. Thanks to Deb for taking my texts and calls. Thanks to everyone for their support and the PMs. I really appreciate it all.


    OMG, Mika's Mom brought you doughnuts? How amazing is that?!


    And SO sweet about Andy and Rose! :wub2: (Yay Rose!!!) :wink2:


    I loved how you described the beauty of hearing Mika live. I love "Any Other World" like none other, so I would have loved to hear it last night. And that look Mika gave you...I can only imagine...awww...I wish you two could have talked more!


    Beautiful report, thank you again!


    Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh. Look what my gf got for me:



    *flails around the room* He drew the angel wings and the Halo :D


    That is SO sweet! Love that man...


    DaMango, THANK YOU for the pictures! (I really hope his wrist is OK.) Love him wearing his hoodie after the show...cuteness. :wub2:


    God, I'm going to miss this...

  3. Well just don't hold yourself up to Sivan. She is creativity personified. lol I swear she sweats artistic genius. :naughty:


    Could she sweat some of that onto me? Um...wait, nevermind...that's gross. :bleh: She should just open a store so we can all buy dresses and shoes...and maybe LadyGodiva could have a section in the store for her bracelets. :punk:


    A Mika Fan Store...I kind of like the idea...:naughty:

  4. Haven't you ever noticed when he lies outright in interviews? Like the one where he says he has his pilot's license and he flies around with John Travolta.:naughty:

    He just gets bored and lies pop out of his mouth.


    Well...those aren't really lies, they're more...creative licenses when questions get REALLY repetitive and boring. :naughty: (Haha, yes I'll make excuses for Mika; he can do no wrong.)


    But now that you mention it...no, I haven't seen the interview where he talks about having a pilot's license! Where can I watch that one?! :roftl:

  5. LOL saw u ;) i sew it...with all kinds of babrics..and the shoes i colored with fabric crayons :)


    im uploading ANY OTHER WORLD from the show... niiice video :das:


    That's so amazing. I want a dress and shoes, too, lol. My parents are both great at drawing and art, but am I? Oh no, I got the recessive non-artsy gene. (Although I do write. I suppose that's where I'm creative.)


    And "Any Other World"! Yes!!! Can't wait for that one!

  6. That was freakin' AMAZING! No better way to start my Valentine's Day. What a stunning performance. And go Saranayde on the drum!


    did anyone catch what the front of his hoodie said? :blink:


    I was trying to figure that out too, because I LOVED that hoodie! I think the last word across the bottom said "chaos" but I can't be sure. We need pics and the video. :wink2:

  7. Ever watch "The Adventures of old Christine" with Julia Dryfuss? She went out with a much younger man and said, "I didn't know whether to kiss him or to smell his head. So i did both."


    It's like that.[/color]


    :roftl: Although I'm only 8 months older than Mika, and I still want to take care of him, and um...well, date him. :naughty: I think it's a woman's motherly instinct to care like that.


    (Can't believe I'm posting about this...) :roftl:

  8. One last video, sorry it's so short. A small glimpse of our convo with Luke and Sara when they came out; don't judge the convo by the length of the vid. It was much longer, and Luke even jumped the barrier and stood right next to us, but by then I'd put away my camera because I worried that I was being rude.:bleh:



    Awww, thanks for posting that! I've never seen video of them talking to fans before. (And I'm still cursing myself for being too shy to say hello to Luke after the show in Toronto.) :mf_rosetinted:

  9. I'm obsessing now, guys. Is he sleeping? Does he like wherever he's staying? Is he hot, cold, hungry, tired? Does he miss the blankets on his bed at home as much as I miss mine? It's the kind of obsessing that happened when I first discovered him. I'll find myself walking down the street, wondering if he's had supper yet, and if so, what he had.


    Oh, how I love writing about Mika. I think that if he ever decides to do an official biography, he oughta give me a call.


    Okay, bed now. 1.25 hours of sleep over a period of close to 42 hours just can't be good.


    Once AGAIN, I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking like this. I wonder where he is at different points in the day, hoping he's happy and things are going well. He's given so much to us, it's only natural for us to care so deeply about him.


    GYAAAAAAH! I love reports.

    Isn't the Post-Mika Syndrome something else? It's the new PMS:wink2:

    Except it doesn't only last a week, it can only be cured momentarily by another Mika show. Basically it's a chronic condition with acute flare-ups post gig. You just have to learn to live with it, easing the symptoms with youtubes, MFC reports, photobucket and other fleeting joys.:wub2:


    SO TRUE!!! I'm still sad that I won't see Mika in concert again for a looong time, and it's been over two weeks since the Toronto show! I miss him so much it hurts. (Hmmm, I don't think that's healthy.) *siiigh*


    I'm SO excited about the Tonight Show, though! :roftl:

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