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Posts posted by Satya82

  1. Mana, I can't tell you HOW many times I have thought that exact same thing! (I'm a sap as well, complete and total sap.) Thank you for posting thoughts that have gone through my head over and over again. It really is amazing that we are on this earth at the same time as Mika. SOOO many people came before us and SOOO many people will come after us, but I wouldn't change being here right now for anything. I'm sure other charistmatic, talented guys will exist in the future, but that doesn't matter to us now, does it? We have Mika. Thank God.


    Your report was beautiful.


    And Charlotte, I LOVE the pictures!!! Thank you for posting all of those VIP ones. *le sigh* :wub2: By the way, what did Mika interview you about? (I love hearing Mika conversations!)


    And...was Mika still wearing the bracelets??? I think they were underneath the big silver bracelet, but I couldn't tell.


    Oh, I forgot one more question. (Sorry!) :wink2: Did I read correctly that Mika is going to be on the Tonight Show? Or Perez? And is it this week? I checked his website, and Leno doesn't list the guests for this week. Hmmmm....

  2. awww that bites! >.<


    just telling you now, it's a little bit delayed.


    but, he sounds cute! :D


    and when he makes the cupping motion with his hands, that's when he's saying "you effing drunks"



    *and, i'm not the one screaming MARRY ME MIKA*


    Oh, that's brilliant, thank you for posting that vid! :roftl:


    And Jennifer, thank you SOOOO very much for all the videos! Love all the preshow stuff. :wub2:

  3. I was thinking how damn lucky we are - even those who haven`t seen him live as of yet. Of all the millennia in human history, and this beautiful gift of a man is ours - ours! Our lifetimes intersect with his. And he was there, right on stage in front of me. Living, breathing...singing. Ohhhh, singing.


    Mana, I can't tell you HOW many times I have thought that exact same thing! (I'm a sap as well, complete and total sap.) Thank you for posting thoughts that have gone through my head over and over again. It really is amazing that we are on this earth at the same time as Mika. SOOO many people came before us and SOOO many people will come after us, but I wouldn't change being here right now for anything. I'm sure other charistmatic, talented guys will exist in the future, but that doesn't matter to us now, does it? We have Mika. Thank God.


    Your report was beautiful.


    And Charlotte, I LOVE the pictures!!! Thank you for posting all of those VIP ones. *le sigh* :wub2: By the way, what did Mika interview you about? (I love hearing Mika conversations!)


    And...was Mika still wearing the bracelets??? I think they were underneath the big silver bracelet, but I couldn't tell.

  4. Aww, you guys are awesome! This is so entertaining, and I love the live reports as well. Sounds like a really cool venue!


    Too bad I'm exhausted (went to work, then to yoga, then teacher training, then got interviewed for the local college paper about yoga...whew)! But I will BE BACK tomorrow for all the awesome reports, pics, and vids! :wink2::punk:


    Oh, and if anyone gets Mika's attention, tell him his bracelets looked awesome last night. :thumb_yello:

  5. Charlie, Jennifer, and Garth, thank you SOOO much for the pics and to Garth for the awesome review. I'm another MFCer that melted when I saw the pic of Mika and your daughter. :mf_lustslow:


    So funny what Mika said about the drunk people in the "cage." Oh, good old SLC.


    And I had a random thought. Everyone here is so amazing, and sharing pics, video, stories, etc. I think Mika should do a private MFC gig somewhere. I'm a Hanson fan (yes, yes I am) and they did a gig at Carnegie Hall that was mainly Hanson.net (the equivalent of the MFC) fans and it was SOOO magical. Plus, I think Mika would love to play for such a great group of people with so many familiar faces. I'd fly somewhere for a gig like that. (He should play Carnegie Hall, too! It was gorgeous!)


    Sorry for the randomness...but it would be fun! :punk:

  6. oh dammit why she has put precious mika pix in that stupid virtual album?..all ruined!!!

    Please tell her to post here!



    Oh man, no kidding! Her pictures looked amazing, but I can hardly see them and my computer is so old that it nearly froze, so I couldn't even see more than a couple "pages." That girl needs to post her pics here, because they're the best I've seen so far!

  7. i couldn't find a way to post this yesterday morning, but i met mika last night. in his hotel. i was so shocked!


    i'd waited patiently to meet him when he was swarmed after the show, but he left. i was so upset! so we just drove around for a while, trying to find somewhere to eat. we ended up following some random van hoping it was them but we got caught in a red light so that went down the toilet, but we decided to go to a restraunt in a hotel and we're walking down the hall and then he walks out of the elevator. omg it was amazing! i got two hugs...i stepped on his toes and i shook his hand with the wrong hand. i even almost started crying lol.


    i love mika so much! gahh. and his sweater was really soft. :mf_lustslow:


    That's AMAZING!!! What did he say???

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