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Posts posted by Satya82

  1. I'm living in Galway (west of Ireland) and I'm going to visit a friend in London in Feb., and lo and behold, what a coincidence, it turns out to be the same time Mika is doing a concert...so I got tickets!! I am sooooo excited, we're going to see him in Brixton on the 28th, I can't wait!


    Awww, welcome to the board! One of my best friends moved from Michigan (where we're both from) to Galway just last year, and she loves it! I miss her a ton, so I'm trying to figure out when and how I can visit her this year. Too bad Mika's not touring in the UK/Ireland this summer when I'm planning to travel. (At least not yet!)

  2. What a wonderful report Manda - he sounds so thoughtful and

    almost shy off stage - yet 100% sex on legs when he is


    Glad you had a great time - and am looking forward to the pictures!!! :thumb_yello:


    It's like what someone else said...he almost seems to be two people in one. He's so dynamic and energetic onstage--unstoppable! And then offstage he's quieter and very sweet. I love it. It just shows us how great of a performer he is. He knows when he's "on," and he knows how to put on d*mn good show!!!

  3. So I said to her to say thanks to Mika for me and that I can't thank her enough for the opportunity she gave me. She said : no I'M the one who thanks you, I really appreciated having you on the three concerts. And she said : You know, I want you to know that Mika appreciates A LOT what you did and was very happy to have you on the show. Sometimes he doesn't have the time to thank anyone like he wishes to and to spend time with everyone, everybody wants a piece of him and especially in NYC it gets a little crazy. But trust me he is really appreciative even though he doesn't always have the time to actually say it to people. So I said : I know.... So when you guys come back to Montréal, give me a call if you need someone to act like a crazy person on stage lol ! So she said : for sure, I'm keeping your phone number, when we come back, you're the first person I call, you're my number one !


    Vero, thank you once again for the fantastic (or as Mika says "brilliant") reports! And I love that Nadja said that to you--she really is sweet.


    You know, I realize that Mika has a lot of people demanding his time, and a lot of responsibilities, but it really sunk in when I read your report. Everybody does want a piece of him, and I'm sure he doesn't get to say everything he wants to every fan. In Toronto, I kept trying to go backstage to see you and Laura before and after the show, and Nadja kept telling me "No, I'm sorry you can't come back here anymore." And I remember thinking, "Well, that's not fair. Then why did you give me a backstage pass?" I was annoyed then, but I feel bad about that now.


    Every fan wants to stick out, to mean something to Mika, for him to remember them. But that's just another person wanting another piece of him, and I suppose it's not fair for me to have these high expectations. He does what he can, and he does a lot, and I really, really appreciate that. A part of me still wants to stand out, but I know I'm not the only one. Even if he never knows who I am or remembers me, I still feel lucky to be a fan. Think how many people in this world don't get that chance? :wink2:

  4. .....It is strange, I didn't feel terribly nervous about going on stage until right when Grace Kelly was ending and then my heart began to pound so hard when the Teddy bear Picnic began. I was even more nervous because Nadya wasn't in sight....but she saved the day and showed up right on time. I told her I was scared because I didn't know where she was and then she said "I never forget!" :)


    So she wished us luck and then she pulled me towards the stage (I was first to go out). All of the sudden, she just said "Go....go!" All four of us were holding hands and skipping out to the stage. I collided with Mikey right when I got to center stage because he was walking backwards and bumped right into me (LOL not the best start, is it?) :) But then we finally spread out and were skipping along. I was amazed by the crowd....so many happy people all in the palm of Mika's hand! I tried to see any MFCers and I tried to see Katherine and Christopher, but it was too hard to find their faces among so many people. I tried to dance all over the stage and when the balloons began to fly I was throwing them back to the crowd. I saw Mika nod his head to me like "yes, do that!" and at one point he encouraged all of the LGs to jump along with him. So we did... :) It was utter chaos, which is exactly what I was expecting!


    As we left the stage, my heart was pounding so hard and I was completely out of breath. We all walked back the dressingroom and I was on such a high from that. It's so hard to describe....the feeling of being up on stage with him. There's truly nothing that can recreate it!


    Once I got changed to my normal clothing, I asked Nadya if it would be possible to give Mika the gift that I made him. I thought he was in the next room, but it turned out it was Martin and Mikey. She seemed really doubtful that this was something she could achieve and I began to grow extremely discouraged...especially since I had put a lot of effort into it. She said we could wait outside for him or that she could give him the gift. Based on the two, I said (disappointingly) that I would take my chances and try to give it to him outside... She then said "You know what....can you come and wait with me downstairs?" and I told her that I could. I waited for Christina to come back from changing and then we left.


    We went back the original room that we were in before. We met up with Amanda and Emy and then Nadya told me that we could wait there for Mika, but that she had no idea when he would be coming through there. So it was up to us how long we waited for him. We all decided to stay and Nadya took off.


    So we were standing there....not even five mins....and then guess who came through the door?


    AAAH! Major cliffhanger, lol! Keep writing! :roftl:

  5. ok quick one tonight.


    Mika said it was the most delicious venue he's ever played in.

    People threw him mardi gras beads and he flashed his belly.

    People told him his fly was undone and he flipped them the bird.

    Lots of crowd interaction/ didn't rush thorugh the concert.

    glowing drumstcks?!?

    stayed afterward but didn't meet him. did anyone else meet him after?


    so good!


    Oh that sounds AWESOME! Glad Mika had such a great show! Ah, I will have to catch up on the Chicago reports tomorrow. Night everyone!!

  6. AAAH, why am I still awake? I have SUCH a long day tomorrow! But you know, I had to update myself on the New York show and what a fantastic read it was!


    Originally Posted by I <3 MIKA!!!

    OMG i am having post mika depression!!!!!!! not joking i see a picture of him and i start crying!! i am crying at this moment! hahaha who else is having post mika depression???


    I know exactly what you mean!!!!!!!! I can't stop crying either!!!!!!!!. The night was amazing and tiny you!!. I saw you on stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Let me add myself to that bunch. Toronto was my first Mika concert, and I didn't think I'd be this depressed about it being over...but I am. I think it's because I have no idea when I'll be able to see him live again...and what a high that is! Like I told Mika: BEST SHOW EVER!


    I <3 MIKA, your video was SO cute of Mika talking before the show. Thank you so much for posting it! (Is there a way for me to save it? I have this insane urge to watch it over and over, lol.) :wink2:


    Titty, thank you for posting your gorgeous pictures! That first one is just stunning.


    And to everyone else that posted pictures, thank you, thank you, thank you! It helps with the Mika depression to see what the other shows have been like.

  7. new picture hot off the press!:wink2:


    AAAH, I just have to add my thanks for all the updates and pics! It's like we're there...but not. Definitely next best thing, though! And I am all for the live streaming video idea...someone needs to mention this to Andy. :wink2:


    I'm off (gotta teach yoga in the morning, haha) but I can't wait to read the reviews tomorrow! I can't wait to read Vero's third LG review. Lucky girl!

  8. VIDEOS:


    All righty....so because the videos I uploaded to youtube majorly suck when it comes to quality, I uploaded some "good quality" ones here for any brave souls out there who feel patient enough to download them....Believe me they are quite worth it imo!


    I will slowly do the rest as well, and try to get better ones on youtube on top of it. Myspace is not letting me and neither is stage6, so I'm kinda stuck with youtube!!



    “Ring Ring.AVI" (213.31 MB)





    "LoveTodayII.AVI" (500.99 MB)





    "Grace Kelly.AVI" (397 MB)




    Thank you SO much for these videos! The quality is AMAZING, and I still can't believe I was there! :punk: Just wondering, but what kind of camera did you use?


    Would it be a hassle to split "Love Today" into 2 parts? Then we could probaby download it. :mf_lustslow:

  9. Yup!


    I also remember Mika mentioned something about the audience being close to the stage and realized he did the first few songs with his fly down. :naughty:


    They messed up during one of the songs, I can't remember which so they started over haha! Hey I didn't mind... that was just a few more seconds of them being on stage. :naughty:


    Oooh and Luke also played Lollipop as a donkey. I don't know how he did it without seeing the keyboard haha.


    OMG he pulled the audience onstage?! :eek: That is so freakin' amazing! I seriously think I need to start saving money so I can go to more shows on the next tour and not miss things like this. Who cares about RL when you have Mika? LOL


    And haha, did anyone get those first few songs on video before he realized his fly was down? :naughty:

  10. I don't know what the security was thinking, but i don't think that mika could have played an extra set even if he had wanted to. There was a meet and greet with the press and such but no real 'after party' sort of thing that i know of. I really don't see how that would have been possible.:blink:


    Yeah, as far as I know right after the show Mika did interviews, then had a little celebration for Mikey, then met the Lollipop Girls/Big Girls and took pics, and then left. It would be cool to see a smaller set, though. *dreaming*

  11. Now the crowds are getting bigger it just seems normal and necessary for him to have to pull back a bit. There's only one of him and security is an issue. But I'll NEVER forget being in DC and just "hanging out" with him for about 45 mins.


    Oh why couldn't I have seen a show back then? 45 minutes with Mika...:mf_lustslow:


    And excellent review, thank you mgpm! I love hearing about everyone's experiences.

  12. I was totally wiped out by the end of the concert. It's easy to understand now how he can be so hyper on stage and so completely knackered an hour later that he just wants to get to bed. You get so carried away in the moment but it catches up with you later and knocks you on your ass.


    Yeah, exactly. After the show I could not speak because I had been screaming the lyrics to every song. It's a good thing I had to wait awhile to talk to him, otherwise I would have had to mime everything! And I was SO tired, but the adrenaline kept me going for hours afterward.

  13. Thank you to InfiniteGreen, DS, Jack, Serendipity, and anyone I may have missed for the brilliant reviews! I'm SO glad Mika was in top form and interacting with the crowd so much! I wish I could have been there...heck, I wish I could forget about RL for a month and see every single show!


    I'm coming down from my Toronto high, and now I'm just sad that I'm not going to any other shows on this tour. These US reviews will keep me going, though! I can't wait to see some pictures. Oh, and thank to those of you who found the videos on YouTube! :thumb_yello:

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