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Posts posted by chinkalicious1

  1. We regard PMD as Post Mika Depression - it could also be the

    code for resolving issues!!


    P - PM first to try and sort it out

    M - Moderator, if you can't resolve it

    D - Deano or Fred as the final step!


    that's such a cute/clever acronym! My college has a strong history of honor codes and I actually wrote my senior thesis on honor codes, and this is basically what they say... haha in the context of MFC at least... hahah wow! there go my 29 pages in 3 sentences. haha

  2. thnx for your kind words. but i know what my problems are i just can't do anything to change it. i have an other image in my head than other have of me. i'm a normal girl but i see myself as big. do you know the feeling when you look in the mirror, sometimes you have moment that you think, well i don't look that bad. well i might even say i look good today. but what i'm going to do then is my problem. i go look longer and then i decide i was wrong because suddenly i don't see that person anymore


    I understand, and I think it will take time for the both of us. Maybe you should stop looking for so long and just remember that you do look good. Or... look longer and understand that you are beautiful. It all starts within, and maybe if you believe yourself that you are pretty, you will start to see it on the outside too... even though it was probably true the whole time. :D

  3. i think you are so right but i don't know to feel it. i just look at selfconvident women , like the big girls in the videoclip and hope i'll get it too one day


    I'm kinda sad that I just saw this... because you ARE beautiful. And it's weird to hear this from a stranger, but you can't love yourself because Mika tells you to love big girls. You have to accept it yourself, and love it. And I know just how hard it is, because I'm a big girl too, and many times I tell myself that I don't care what society thinks, says, or feels, I love myself and yes, I might be big in character and in size, maybe too big for the world now, but in the back of my mind I still wish that the gorgeous dress in the window fit me or came in my size. Everyone is taking steps to love themselves more, and Mika is just giving us that little nudge to get us started.


    Love yourself, or try, and I'll try with you. :huglove:

  4. Yup! And I still pine for her a little bit. :blush-anim-cl:


    But then I also have a not-so-secret minicrush on Ally (the redheaded professional BG). She is an absolute knockout.




    this is so refreshing! I always really love when people love people for who they are. There is this stigma in our society about what beauty is, but beauty in it's very nature is a subjective word. Everyone is beautiful in their own way and I definitely think that Mika's big girls promotes this ideology, while spreading love for our fellow (wo)men. :D

    ... sorry about the cliche. haha

  5. so i've come across this thread many many times or ive seen it in people's signatures but then i hadn't seen it around in a long time so i decided that i should go looking for it. haha... i dont know how active things around here still are... but i'm always up... like perpetual insomnia and sometimes it's good but it's usually bad. I'm usually just too anxious to sleep or too excited about being awake. guess i thought i might as well promote my bad habits haha ;D

  6. unfortunately the past few days haven't been as kind to me as many days usually are... but I guess I'd like to thank the earth for such a beautiful day today. Nothing could've brightened the day more.


    Also, thanks for making this, it warms my heart. I think we sometimes forget the little things that make everyday worth living. Like little bursts of joy, if we recognized how much we all already have, we'd all be so much happier. :blush-anim-cl:

  7. :tears:

    I dont know what to say haha...

    ...I love you :wub2:

    whenever i talk to a complete stranger on here, I feel like we're old friends and that i've known them for years... No matter how weird it may seem to others, it's just the mika love!

    It's amazing what mika does to us... It's out of this world, all of the feelings that he gives us...

    I feel exactly the same way love :huglove: I understand you!!


    :lmao::crybaby: whenever im on here i start crying and laughing hysterically at the same time :lmao: there should be a documentary of MFCers :roftl: that would be hilarious...


    AWW! I love you too!! i get so into being on here sometimes and I'm just not sure anyone else would understand. And the documentary idea would be hilarious, if by hilarious you meant... pathetic. haha we're just such an ambivalent group.

    im so happy im so happy... im so sad hahah!

  8. I have attempted to reply to this thread about 10 times and I can't get myself to do so. I want the words to come out exactly right and I'm afraid I can't do that. I love mika. But right now I'm not sure if I do or if this obsession is a manifestation of my fear of being alone or unloved. He brings hope that there are people who still reach for their dreams no matter how ridiculous they may seem, that there are still people who are successful because they are passionate about what they do. I don't know if I will ever fully recover from this PMD... there is beauty and attractiveness in his very nature and essence and it is what draws us to him. I know Mika loves his fans, but there is still something so unsettling about feeling so emotionally attached to someone who doesn't know you at all. sighs...

  9. Really liked the twist in sound in "Carolina sits on 95, give her a dollar and she'll make you smile..."


    He looked thinner, hair never looked better, imo. Does anyone else think he seem a bit nervous and give like a look of "whew" when it was all over (after shaking Jay's hand).


    He was beautiful, sounded great, kept me up till 2am, who can sleep after that? :wub2::mf_lustslow:


    I really liked it too!!! and he's always beautiful :wink2:

  10. Hellooooo Newbie People!

    hmmm... i guess that's me... H E L L O :eek:


    Yeh too right .. ohh and maybe just maybe a few of us will describe ourselves as geeky :naughty:


    hahah well that makes me feel good as i run away to class haha :naughty:

  11. so i admit it's a little scary to be new haha. but ill talk about myself any day... haha. Sorry if this ends up being lengthy... i tend to be really wordy.


    I guess I'm not really sure where to begin... I'm Lori and I am 20 and a graduating senior at bryn mawr college in pennsylvania... I guess it's much less known now than it was when katherine hepburn and many other wealthy old women went here, but yea... I'm majoring in biology and mathematics and I am shooting for the medical track and working towards being a practicing obstetrician. I have a profound appreciation for learning, teaching, and people who go after their dreams with any cost. I like to sew and knit and write and i can't seem to shake science from my everyday life... basically I'm a geek. I like all types of music as long as it makes me feel something more than the numbness of everyday life and the usual music industry hits. My mother forced me into piano when I was 5 years old and told me that some day i would thank her for it and she was right, and I also play the clarinet and have fiddled with flute and saxophone. I love love animals, i have two chihuahuas, a cat, a hamster, and some fish, but I am currently away from home for school but I will never lose my love for good old new york new york. My parents are both from China, and to begin to explain their past would be giving a history lesson and some sort of a tear jerking immigrant story so I'll spare everyone hah. I'm somewhat cynical and sarcastic but I'm really a big softy and cannot be better summarized than a hopeless romantic with a profound love for nature... so i think this is getting pretty boring for people to read haha so I'll stop by saying that I pretty much am a giant walking ball of color and personality and I love anything that brings joy to others and those around me. :D

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