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Posts posted by chinkalicious1

  1. I have to share it with my twin. :thumbdown: So really I have half a car! :roftl: It's a camry... not sure what year, but it's old and my dad, older sister, and aunt used it before me so it looks like crap. :tears: It's bumper paint is all gone and there's a godsmack sticker on the back! :blink:


    i feel like i've seen your car before.. or one just like it... it's really the godsmack sticker that gets me... it's so familiar.. WEIRD! :shocked:

  2. I've heard the saying before "lesbians think that friendship's another word for foreplay". :naughty:


    Not to trivialise your concern at all. I'm just pointing out that sometimes it's hard to draw the line between feeling love for a friend and feeling love for a lover. I think that the same can be said for friends of the opposite sex too, it's complicated no matter what the friend's gender is. It just might be a bit more complicated if you're feeling things for someone of the same sex for first time.


    I know nothing about you nor your circumstance nor your friend so I won't even pretend to be fit to give any real advice. But if you're willing to take it with a huge pinch of salt (think a mountain-size pile of it) I'd say go with the flow and let yourself feel feelings that you might not have felt before or that others might tell you that you shouldn't feel. You can't really say that something is for you or not for you until you've experienced it. But like I said, I am in no position to give you any reliable advice in the first place.


    Now that I've babbled on like a gayer version of Dr. Phil on a caffeine detox (and probably said some corny things that I'll later regret) I think I'll stop. :mf_rosetinted:


    you are hilarious and helpful all at the same time. what a great mix! so.. I guess my original post was not really helpful either. But I guess here's the deal: So this is my last semester as a senior in a women's college and I'm becoming increasingly close with one of my friends, and recently Ive begun to wonder if i just have a burning desire to know everything there is to know about her, or if I just like her. And I guess part of me is more doubtful about liking her just because this is the first time I've felt this way about a woman, but I'm really willing to go with it. So i guess I used to get mixed message from her in the beginning of our friendship... and considering that I accepted it willingly, I don't think I have a problem with it. But I started talking about it with our friends, and they started pointing out little things that I never realized about the dynamics of our relationship... and the more they point these things out.. the more I find myself attracted to her. The problem for me, however, is that this connection is so psychological and it's beginning to manifest into the physical me and I can't pull out now...


    so what makes it so much more complicated and convoluted is that she likes men too, and being here in her last year she just recently ended a relationship with her first girlfriend as well... and she claims that she was the only woman she was and will ever be attracted to... and her ex is a jackass who is also a student here... and cheats... and perpetually plays with her heart. ugh... i guess after all of that I'm back to the beginning.. still confused about whether or not we're just very emotionally invested friends.. or if I'm beginning to feel something so much more. UGH!:boxed:

  3. Aww. Yeah, it can be really hard for women to figure out if we have sexual-romantic feelings for another woman, or if it's just an unusually intense friendship... since intense and even romantic friendships are more common and encouraged.


    I see you're at Bryn Mawr though, so at least you're in the right atmosphere to figure such things out without much judgment, hopefully! :bleh:




    hahaha.. im sorry to laugh, but being here and reading your comment about bryn mawr just kills me with a fit of laughter. :roftl:


    But thanks for the advice, I'm just figuring things out...

  4. ... I think I'm in love with a woman... for the first time.

    but I dont know if I like her or if I am just really emotionally invested in our friendship. I figured here would be a place for support and advice... but I thought I'd share that. =X

  5. aww it's so frustrating to know that there is nothing I can do... I sincerely wish that i could make it all better. I guess that may be my biggest fault. I wish I didn't feel the need to solve everyone's problems, because failing at that means seeing fewer happy faces. However I'm glad that yours seems to still be smiling. :D

  6. That's soooo true...


    So I'll tell you guys something... I got some pretty ****ty news 2 days before the Vancouver performance... I already have a s**tload of medical problems and then got hit with one more which is ultra-serious...... things are really not looking good at all....:thumbdown: I'm hanging in.... staying upbeat and trying to be as positive as possible.... undergoing a lot of tests... yada yada... you know the drill....


    I'm really sorry. I have a crap load of medical problems too! which I guess isn't something that people should bond over haha but I hope it's okay and I hope you are back in tip top shape as soon as possible.

  7. Oh, maybe its the fact that she was with a woman that attracts you and you feel like "exploring". No?? Maybe im like far off. :lmfao:





    He'd be like ":blink:". But probably do it anyway.


    hahahah no no not really. I guess it all came at a bad time. I guess I really enjoy her company and she and I have basically been living parallel and identical lives and we have only just met haha. I wanted to be her friend when I met her, we became friends quickly, we're really good friends now. I used to get mixed messages from her before I started feeling like this... (confused haha) and then as people began to point things out more and more about what they thought she felt... it started to manifest in me haha... ugh..

  8. honestly... im not even sure if I like her or if I just really enjoy her friendship. but our friendship is becoming closer and closer and more intimate. And I guess she's fairly affection with her friends.. but the feeling i'm getting is the same confused feeling i get with men I usually end up getting involved with.

  9. hahah... well I'm just not sure what's happening. the trouble with this all is that we've worked together frequently on campus since we are on multiple committees together and we've become really good friends, but I've never felt this way about another woman and she likes men as well, but has recently and is sort of still in the process of coming out of a horrible break up with her first and probably only girl friend. hahaha this situation is so confusing sorry.

  10. well... this might be uncomfortable... here is the crazy complicatedness... it's very strange for me... I don't really know how to share this info. It's actually a she... which is what makes it so bizarre for me... and I don't know if I just want to know everything there is to know about her and to be greater friends than we already are... or if this is something weird... because this is how i usually feel about every other man I've ever been involved with.... oh man this is so complicated... LOL

  11. awww well if it makes you feel any better. we're totally not in a relationship either... well i guess we are, but not a "relationship." but it's WAY too convoluted and I'm kind of in the same situation as you... and the more people keep telling me about it the more I'm starting to like this person... ugh..

  12. thanks! I hope it went well... Haha. Also I'm personally not religious but the whole removing religion from school thing was put in effect to protect children from feeling out casted if they were of different religions. Diversity is so important these days, but I don't think that the school system realizes that they seem to be making religion taboo and are in effect making the situation awkward in a whole different light for a particular group of students who are proud, practicing, individuals from their own respective religions. My high school was super duper liberal and we had a christian club and a judaism club, etc. It's so much more important to let people know that they're welcome to express their own ideas and beliefs, but sometimes it's so hard to do that without ostracizing other people. oh... poor school system. LOL

  13. hahah. you can call me lori! :D

    My job interview went well i guess... i don't really know how to gauge how well it went quite yet... It was pretty funny though. The interviewer's phone card ran out of money in the middle and she had to call me back. haha


    And I have to wake up so early because I tutor inner city kids in lab sciences on saturday mornings and I'm teaching the pre-lab lecture tomorrow on shark dissections.


    ...poopy... i need to be up in 6 hours.

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