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Everything posted by KaryLovesMika!

  1. Hmmmm, I'm gonna have to call your mom and tell her to give you a curfew!!! :sneaky2: I don't like you being on the streets so late honey, it makes me worry!! Please take care, ok? :huglove:

  2. :biggrin2: That's what happens when a 16 year old party her ass off every single night!!!! :lmfao: You should start going home earlier!! Luv u!!
  3. :) Nothing bad happened, waiting for 30 minutes it's nothing. I can't stay long, I'm falling asleep right now. Love u!
  4. My darling, don't worry, everything is ok now!! I love you more than a girl loves another girl! LOL!:lmfao: I hope everything is going great for you!!

  5. Oh my God! I'm so incredibly sorry, if I was scared with the water on my knees I can not even imagine how all the brazilian people must feel, losing everything, even your loved ones, that just breaks my heart. I'll be praying for all of you every night. Isa, gracias bonita. Si, afortunadamente por mi barrio no hubo ningún herido sí quiera, sólo daños materiales y esos son los que menos importan. Besos!
  6. My kitchen and patio This morning After the storm The whole neighbors helping each other, guess who am I
  7. Thanks to all of you guys, for real!! I guess all of our prayers were heard, now everything is ok in my neighborhood, we only lost so little in comparasing to other unfortunated people . The rain was the cause of this, I live near to a river and it overflowed, it was horrible! I'm bringing more pics for you to see, I hope this works for something an we'll all start thinking about our planet. This is my backyard... This is my living room but it wasn't that flooded yet, after this picture, the water level went up 17 more inches, the stairs started to flood as well, at that point I was afraid that the water could reach the second floor.
  8. Well hun, yesterday and today weren't good days for me, you can read all about it here: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17305 :tears: Luckily everything is ok now. Luv u!

  9. Hi all!! I'm just here to tell you that I'm really scared! This morning my mom woke me up screaming that the street was flooded! The power is about to be cutted and a few blocks away from here people is being evacuated from their homes!! The rain keeps coming down and aparently it won't stop soon, there are rats coming out of the sewers and even a fish passed by swimming!! I took this pictures like 20 minutes ago, but now it's absolutely worst!! Now we can not see the floor!! Please, to all the believers I ask for a prayer!! Not just for me and my family, but the whole people in my city, we are in a big crisis! Some houses (far away from mine) are now totally useless, not to mention their fornature. Is not just a Colombian situation, people's dying as I write all over the world!!! Please, stop using the computer so much, save water, try not to use electrical power so often, I bet we can make a little change, so we don't have to live in a world completely submerged in water. I'm off now.
  10. No, I wasn't... I was snoring by that time! :bleh:

  11. Aww honeeey! We almost crossed!! :tears:


    Have a great day at school darling!!


    Luv Ya!

  12. Hey sweetie!! I'm great too ^^ My day was normal, hehe, I had to work and then I came home and took a loooong yummy nap :bleh: At least you had snow for one day, lol, I've 0 snow all year!!


    Love youuuuuuuu!!

  13. Hello My Darlings!! I finally have the time to come here and tell you that I miss you! I hope everything's great with all of you!! And let me tell you guys, as if I have a lot of spare time... I just started a new proyect. The ex-bass player of my ex band called me to tell me that he wanted me to be the new singer for his Rock/Metal band and off course I agreed!! My first gig with them will be on Dic 21 (is anyone flying to see us? ) And it's sounding soooooo freaking great!! I'll record some of the first gig and post it here. Well, I'm gonna go now. Luv Ya!!
  14. Hi!! Thx for the add honey!!


    Lots of kisses!!

  15. Honeeeeey! That looks awesome, I love iiit!! Which star am I btw?? :naughty: I hope you coooome!!

  16. My sunshine! I just wanted to give you a quick "hello"!! As usual I don't have time, but I can have 3 minutes to wish you a veryyyyyyy good rest of the day!! I hope everything's going great.


    I love you!

  17. Hi honey!! :biggrin2: I'm onna be in your arm, lol!! :naughty:


    I'm good sweetie, very busy, I have to go to work in less than an hour and I'm gonna have lunch right now, I dont' have time to talk :huh: Loveeee you!!

  18. :biggrin2: Your tatt looks great honey, if you want you can add a star that represents meeee :fisch: Just.... saying!! :naughty: Love you baaabe. :wub2:
  19. Another cool idea!! I'm PMing you right now and by the way Meks... stop fighting the tears!! It's a good advice to follow, trust me! And no, I haven't started with my gifts, too early for it!!
  20. Awwwwwwwwwwww!! :tears: Not even for one bizillion dollars? :tears: (These are tears of happiness) That's so adorable honey!! You know I love you too and ♪♫ You are always on my mind ♪♫


    Sleep well.

  21. I'm not mad, but if you keep saaaaying that!! :poke:


    Don't worry, we'll find the time, like we used to. I can't stay up late, I gotta ge up REALLY early. What you did in school is very pretty honey, as always, you're Swiss's next big artist :bleh:


    I love you, dream about angels.

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