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Everything posted by KaryLovesMika!

  1. I'm good, tired, but ok... How are you? Are we gonna chat over here?? :naughty:

  2. Awww honey! I'm alive! I'm sorry it didn't work out but I have to do a lot of things, free time is no longer something I have in my life :huh: I see you have a new friend!! That's so awesome! :biggrin2: In deed I'm not the only one anymore Daniella.


    It's 5.32 pm and you left at 5.12 pm, that sucks! I'm gonna be here for two more hours and then I have to leave; I hope you come.


    Love you!

  3. You know what I just noticed?? I'm the only one that writes you!! :lmfao:

  4. I'll save you some! Ok hun, let's try to do it next week!! Kisses!!
  5. Hehe, thx for supporting me so much!! I'm having whte beans with pork chops! Sounds good? You are already in holidays?? Haha, I have one month left for that!! Lucky youuu! I don't have Skype right now, this is my sister's laptop!!
  6. :yay: My adorable Babs!! Hehe, I can't believe you are into that song that much, lol, but well, it is kinda good after all!! I'm great honey, I'm here eating my lunch and having a little break from work! And you???
  7. Awww! That's just the sweetest thing ever!! And I think it's a very cool idea, we could do that, the problem will be setting the time that works for all of us, especially for the GMT! When I'm sleeping Isa and Baiba are wide awake! And my mornings (that would be Isa's and Baiba0s evenings) I'm extremely busy!! I'm sure we can do it though!! I love talking to all of you, your like a family for me! I've been missing you all like crazy too!! That's the bad thing of "growing up" as you get older, more the responsibilities you have!!!
  8. Hello hun! How are you?? I loved the pics! But honey, can you do me a favor please?? Edit one of your post, the one with the hugeeeeee pic on it, makes my profile look oddly big!!


    Your chair seems cool! Send it to me to test it, I'll tell you if it's confortable! :bleh:


    Love you, hope to see you sooooon!!

  9. I'm here! Are you?

  10. Aw hun! We are gonna make iiit! Be sure of that, maybe not tomorrow, or after tomorrow or the next day, lol, but we'll do it! Right now I'm falling asleep in front of this old machine and I have to get some sleep, I gotta wake up in 4 hours to go to the pre-school! Love ya and miss ya too honey! It's gonna be shoking when we finally collide! Hahaha. Love you!!

  11. All the pics you posted guys are amaaazing!! And now I'm bringing just one (for now ) Yesterday I took a pretty decent pic of my cat Miguel, but I killed it 'cuz I forgot to change the set of the ISO It was set on 1000!! I tried to save it though and here's the result!! I wub my kitten!
  12. Yeap, same thing happens to me! Totally sucks, in this cases I wish I had a twin or something like that to fill up my shoes!! You are auditioning??? That is awesome! Tell us how it went, I'm sure you'll do great! Break a leg!!
  13. I left right after I wrote that post!! I'm sorry I missed you! I've been great, my life is kinda hectic, but I'm alright! What about you?? What's new??
  14. Let's count!! 4 normal ones at home, my mom and I have 2 cellphones each other, my brother's and my sister's! That means, 10 phones at home!!
  15. Darnt it! Now it's my fault!! :tears:

  16. :s Entras entonces al chat de acá?? Me preocupa saber que andas mal!! Me gustaría que me contaras que tienes, al menos para que te desahogues sí me resulta imposible hacer algo más que escuchar.

  17. Qué te me has hecho Isa? :tears: Estoy esperándote!

  18. Nena! Estás! :biggrin2: Cómo que estás baja de ánimos?? Qué tienes!?? Sí no te sirve el msn, entra por http://www.meebo.com, es muy bueno, yo te espero y cuando te vea conectada, me conecto tmb. Vale?

  19. Aloha! What's up!? :biggrin2:


    Hehe, I feel flatered as well, haha, I'm so glad the other Karen you met is the one from Will&Grace!! My name it's being exploited here in my city, every 3 of 5 new girls have my name!! :tears: I don't like that!! :naughty: I wanna be the only Karen in the world, but I guess that's not possible... or what do you think?? :bleh:


    Anyway, I just dropped to say hellooo!! Kisses!

  20. Hola Babs! :)


    Who are you!?? I haven't talked to you in a while, huh? Well, I hope you're good and everything's going smoothly with the uni.



  21. Hola Isa!!


    Cómo vas?? Bueno, pues he estado un poco perdida, ya el tiempo no me alcanza para absolutamente nada, pero hoy dejo mi rutina de lado y paso a darte un saludote! Espero que estés muy bien chicuela! Muchos besos!

  22. Hun! I'm so happy for youuu, hehe, you know I love snoooow! Put some in a jar and save it for me! :biggrin2: I'm fine hun, I've been sick but nothing to worry about. Working very hard and I bought myfelf a new cellphone :biggrin2: It's a BlackBerry 8110, so adorable, I love it. In other news, I'm learing italian, I already know a few things :naughty:


    I gotta go now sweetie. I love you!!

  23. Don't worry! Where did you write that?? I didn't see it! :blink: Thanks hun! Hehe, and yees, she gotta be your sister, your mother or your twin! Hahaha

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