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Everything posted by KaryLovesMika!

  1. Hi hun!! What did you think of the video?? :biggrin2: We couldn't talk that much yesterday.


    Hey, I found out of something, you look SOOOO much like this girl:



    Do you know her?? She is an actress called Amber Valletta and you are her twin!! :naughty:

  2. Hi honey, don't worry! I know you have lots of thing to do, ok? I'm good, I hope to see ya soon. Love you very muchooo!

  3. Hi! Well, your my first Vedrana then, very interesting name! I love it! Kary is my nickname, my friends started to call me like that years ago, hehe, my real name is Karen.

  4. I'm fine! Remember how I told you I was a "little" sick? Well, turns out that I was VERY sick, my mom had to take me to the hospital and everything it was scary, I'm im ok now. How are you guys??
  5. I would never put a tattoo for several reasons: 1. I'm scared to death to needles. 2. It's something that won't come off of your body, it's eternal. 3. I think I can express myself in a lot more ways that aren't hurtful.
  6. My name isn't bolded yet. I sended everything on October 15.
  7. Yup! Exactly like that! :biggrin2: People like iadoremika, Emerald and guineverer made the drawings and I put all together with PS!

  8. Holita! De nada nena, mi gusto. Hehe y pues sip, ojalá alguien capte indirectas y sí no las captan, hazlas un poco más directas :fisch:



  9. Awww, thankies honey!! The cover turned out great indeed, our team was just awesome!

  10. Honey!! Actually, I was lyeing in my bed this past days, I was very sick; I'm fine now. Hope to see ya too sweetie.

  11. Oh, hella there Brit :biggrin2: I don't know why I thought your name was Vanessa or something like that :naughty:


    I hope you're having an awesome weekend!!

  12. Thankies! :biggrin2:


    A question... Is Vedrana your name?? :bleh:

  13. Awww, tell your mom I adore her! :naughty: Yes, I have it in mp3 format, I'll send it to you when we are on Skype!

  14. Hellooo, bueno, pues te cuento que yo tmb ando con millones de cosas por hacer, por eso salí corriendo hoy de acá del foro! A cerca de los libros de Tim, sí los vi! Pero de hecho sólo hay dos escritos por él, una autobiografía y el que las dos ya tenemos :bleh: No ví uno que me llamara la atención, pero sí te compras alguno y me lo recomiendas, seguramente te pediré que lo compres por mi. Ahoritita mismo estoy haciendo tu firma para el correo y ponerla es muy sencillo, simplemente vas a las opciones personales del correo, buscas "firma" y arrastras la imagen al cuadrito que te aparece, tienes que subirla a algún lugar como Photobucket; ahora te la envío. Besos!

  15. Hey, well, I'm not studying yer, I'll start in january and I'm gonna study advertising & merchandising!!

  16. Which song honey?? :naughty: Sorry about leaving today so quickly, but something came up and I really had to go. I'll be here tomorrow afternoon, see ya if you're around.

  17. I gotta go now girls :S Nice almost talking to you. See ya tomorrow if I have the time. Wub you!!
  18. Cool! Today is my best friend's birthday!! I'm gonna party today, lol. What kind of Skype do you have then?? I'm doing a thinkgy and in about 5 minutes I can go to Skype and give it to you! I'm fine, I bit sick, but nothing to be worried. Oh, cool!! Free fridays, you have a very long weekend!! Lucky!!
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