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Status Updates posted by mika-fan1001

  1. lol. thats funny

    omg i cant believe imm seeing it in 8 1/2 hrs!!! im so excited!

  2. no. no fun. the kid who sits nex to me is annoying the crap ouytta me

    and i dont care how m]to make a web page

  3. thats definately not possible. lol

  4. haha. lol.

    i have to go to school. i may come on in class. bye!

  5. hahaha. why is it that you thought i was 17 xD

  6. o ya. im in high school, im in 9th grade. (freshman)

  7. tru tru. lol. i just hope this heat goes away xD

  8. can i switch you weather than?! i'd very much like the snow right now!

  9. thanks xD

    yes. very hot, it feels like august in stead of november :S

  10. its 6:58 am.

    haha nice. thats good that your morning was good. sorry about your afternoon

  11. im good. getting ready for school. lol. how has your day been?

  12. well hes going like another place ikn january too! :(


    YAY! im guessing to LA and places, right?

  13. omg im so mad at my dad!!! he is going to texas in february, and he offered to take my mom so they could do like a river walk thing, and i always wanted to go to texas, and i was like "how bout taking your daughters" (we always try to get him to take us on his trips. he goes on like 5 a month in the end of the yr, and in the the rest of the yr he goes on at least 1 a month.) and he said no! im so mad!

  14. well i got mad at jacob, so i havent finished it yet, because it is in his view right now, so i got P.Oed. lol. but i know a few things about it. i was planning on reading some more today ut i fell asleep and MFC got to me :naughty:

  15. o ya. well im sure its going to e amazing, and that you'll get to see it asap

  16. twilight, midnight showing!

  17. not much. talking to my friend about how excited we are for tomorrw.

    o im sorry

    and how are you

  18. im very bored. lol.

    *goes over*

  19. he wore a white shirt, and white pants, then he wore a purple and gold jacket at one point

    there were a lot of people, especially a great turnout for a tuesday, it was packed!

    he told us that we had a great turnout, and he was really suprised how many people actually came. and stuff

  20. ill come on over :D

  21. i hope you see him a.s.a.p then :D

    ok well it was a tuesday, and the gig was over a 100 miles away (san fransisco). i was going with one of my sisters and my 2 best friends. my friends skipped all of school and went to san fran early. my sister and i went to half of school and my mom picked us up and then picked up my dad at his office, and drove us down. i looked like crap sadly. but o well. we met my neighbors at Pier 39. we walked around a bit. then we walked over to Ghirardelli-the chocolate place thing. lol- and then we were getting anxious and wanted wait in line for the concert. we realized it would take too mong to walk to our car which was like 15 bllocks away, then another 30 blocks away from the concert, in traffic. so we were going to call over some taxi's or take a trolley. then on the other street was a Limo, dropping off people. my dad had an idea, he ran over to the limo driver and talked to him, then waved us over. he gave us a ride to the concert. and everyone was looking at the limo anxiously thinking we were mika or something... it was priceless. but we crushed their dreams when 4 girls got out of the limo. lol. so my parents and their parents waited in line with us until we got in safely because it "wasnt a safe area" lol. then they went out to dinner, leaving us finally.

    we bought our stuff (for me i got a shirt, poster, and 4 pins). the opening performance was The Midway State. they were amazing live! and then we waited for like 30 minutes for mika, playing was a cd mix of songs. and he came out. it started with a round thing on the stage and a girl singing next to it. slowly outo of it appears mika. it was amazing. (we were in the fourth row by the way. the down stairs was all general admission, and the upstairs as where the seats were). his songs were amazing. before he sang happy ending he introduced the band, and he talked about a vodu doll they had of him. he finished on lollipop (my camera had sadly died during grace kelly, which was sung b4 lollipop) and there was confetti flying everywhere, and everyone dancing. it was great. afterwards, we really wanted to meet him, but our parents were getting impatient, knowing that we would arrive home later then theyd hope. i was really sad i couldnt meet mika. but i got over it. on the ride home i couldnt sleep. and i started coughing uncontrollably, and the only way i stopped was by singing or talking, idk why, so i sang mika on the way to my dads office, where we got into two cars, and i stayed in the car i was in, and finally slept but we were about home at that point. it was after midnight now, and my parents were insisting that i was tired and have to go sleep. of course i couldnt. i stayed up, playing Sudoku while my camera was charging. when it was done i watched the videos i took over and over. i got 1 hr of sleep that night. and i fell asleep in all my classes, and after school for 6 hrs. lol.

    i know that was more than u asked for, lol. sorry

  22. yes i have. feb. 12th :wub2: lol

    how bout yourself?

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