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Everything posted by MikaMeka

  1. Im good, i have math, english, and chemistry still to go, but then i also have rehersal after school. I just wanna go back home and sleep. Heya Isa!! I miss being here too but now that exams are over I should have ALOT more time to be here, so hopefully I'll talk to you all soon. Ohhh and I just spoke to Babbers via MySpace and I really miss her too!!
  2. hello everyone!! Hows is going?? I'm still at school, but I'm sneaking on! LOL.
  3. ISA!! How did everything go?? My family has been sick too...both of my brothers and my mom! Lol. But I think they are getting better, its this winter weather thats doing it! Ohhh...well! But how have you been holding up?? I've been so busy, I'm so happy I finally get to sign on! Talk to you soon!

  4. hey so guess what!!! I passed all of my exams!! I am so excited! How are you?

  5. Ya..she made a thread and everything...but how was your day with your friend. [i'm really glad your not leaving ;]..]

  6. ISA...i am so sad Babia left..please dont leave too..I already miss her...I dont want you to go too....

  7. Babia..i dont even know what to say. I wish you the best of luck in all that you do. I undersatnd that life somethimes gets in the way of friendships but I want you to know that you have made such an impact in my life and that I will never forget you. Hopefully we can still email...I'll miss talking to you more than you know...Meka
  8. OMG Isa I miss talking to you so much. I've just been so so so busy lately. How've you been...

  9. Hey...I miss talking to you. I've been so busy with drama, amd exams I havent gotten a chance to sign on in a while, but we had a snow day today so here I am. Hopefully you sign on soon so we can chat.

  10. I have a club meeting tomorrow and on Sunday me and my mum are going to see RENT on Broadway!! Whoop-Whoop!! I'm really excited! Oh and Ill probably go shopping too.

  11. hey! I am super tired...! What are you doing this weekend?? Any plans? :)

  12. aww...i just missed you! Idk why I'm so happy, its just been a good day... I am I'm chemistry and terribly bored so COME BACK!! lol!

  13. hey!!! I'm in such a good mood today!! Idk why though...! I tried talking to poodle but even he said that I was to peppy for it to be so early in the morning! Lmao!!!! How are you? I went shopping too!

  14. hey babbers!! How are ya Princess ???

  15. On all of them...they split the days up so that we aren't all too overwhelmed!! lol!
  16. We get a day off after our exams and half days during exams...it sucks! My exams are on the 13th 14th and 15th...
  17. not too much really... I'm just super tired! School is such a drag, the first day back and I already have a ton of homework!!!
  18. I'm back in school...ewww! How are you?!

  19. HEY! Your in!!!

  20. hey...sry i had to sign off on you yesterday, my mum totally kicked me off the computer and then refused to let me sign back on. ;[ She was doinging something and it took 4ever...ttyl.

  21. awww...thanks hon..

  22. Well I havent done to much recently, though me and Poodle are supposed to go shopping this weekend:thumb_yello: My mom is redoing my hair and the bottom is gonna be platnium blonde and the top is gonna be my natural color black...I am super excited:naughty: I'll send you a pic when its done:bleh:
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