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Everything posted by MikaMeka

  1. ISA!!!! I miss you!! How've you been lately...anything new??

  2. Yes. Isa, I am still living.:mf_rosetinted: Lol.:roftl: I sent you a message on here a few days ago but then I hit the wrong button and accidentally sent it to myself.:blush-anim-cl: Hahahaha... And yes and no, my church has alot of music in it but it isnt a big all black gospel church, heheheh. It has alot of christian pop music that we stand and sing and then we listen to the pastor and then worship some more!:punk: Lol. I guess it is pretty loud though...hahaha. But anyways how is life going for you. I feel like Im missing out on so much by not being able to sign on when your on too! But as soon as school is over it is back to normal! (in June...:thumbdown:)

  3. Im good... ;p I am really tired though, I just got home from church and i still have a ton of homework to do. I love going to church, I usually go on Wednesdays and Fridays... But how nothing really exciting goin on with me, Ohhh but I did get a part in our spring musical....Im rally excited ;]

  4. omg this is so hard.... I love them both, I love all of the HP books and the Twilight books and I adore all of the movies...hmmm....I cant make up my mind:roftl:
  5. ohhh...lol. thats funny, well at least you had a good time. I am so happy that its the weekend finally. I might go to church tonight but if not I'll be on for a while so hopefully you sign back on soon...lol. ;p ttyl

  6. What you mean silly?? Hes my bestie and he alwys teases me because he is older than me! Lol. But it really doesnt matter.. :) Why did you end up with a 14 year old?? Werent there older ppl there...Im at school now but ill try to sign on later...kk!! Bye! Btw I miss you too!!

  7. ohhh..ok. Well since you may get bored soon and decide to sign on i guess I'll leave you a message. lol. so how've you been...I am really tired just got home from school. hows your uni Love...

  8. Hey!! How was your sisters birthday?? My best friends birthday was on Wednesday so now he is older than me again! LOl. Ttyl!!

  9. Ohhhh...I love your signature!!! Rpatzz is so adorable!!

  10. ok Babbers I am super confused!! Are you back now or are you just visiting us??? Either way I miss you alot!! :)

  11. Hey!! Im in are you still???

  12. I love Taylor Swift!! "Baby Just Say Yes...." Love Story is one of my favorites!!!! :)

  13. Hmm...there arent many things that I dont like but I think that these will do:naughty:: 1. Men with hairy chests(not including Mika's little peachfuzz and happytrail, he is my one and only exception ) 2. Racism 3. Homophobia and 4. Meat (I'm a Vegetarian) 5. Liars, Theives, and Backstabbers.... ya...I think that just about covers it. lol.
  14. HEYYYYYY!! How are you??? Well I just hope that you havent resent your package yet because we are finally getting ready to send your!! I know that it has taken us a long time but trust me it will be worth the wait!!! Plus I wanted to give you mine and J.C.'s new address because the previous one was inncorret if you remember. lol. Well I look forward to hearing from you soon!!

  15. Isa I was just on my yahoo and it said that you were online so I tried to chat with you...did you see me??? anyways how have you been?? I miss you and I miss being here, I'm going to try to be here more often! :) Well hopefully talk to you soon!!! Love Ya:wub2:

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