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Everything posted by hevalump

  1. I havent seen that for so long. the only bit I remember s when his mum gets locked up. And then the reunion.
  2. yeah! There are just some I haveN't watched since I was tiny, and that is one of them! Same wih the fox and the hound.
  3. oh goodness...How is the pipe band going?
  4. oh, and the Fox and the Hound. Brings a tear to my eye.
  5. hahah! I love that film!! Whats your fav animation film?
  6. Aww, its okay!! Anyway, what were the drives for??
  7. No, it was our target on what post we had to get up to at least.
  8. Its the number post we have to get up too!! And welcome back HEV
  9. What's going on in the other threads?!?!
  10. So my praying for your hip didn't work? The Beijing thing is pretty big!!
  11. I cant remember what they are called!! I really want a wagon wheel.
  12. Yeah, it rains ALOT!! Haha..Its great up there. But bummer for me, cause I live in England
  13. Hello Wendi... Leona went cause no-one was here!! How're you?
  14. I wasn't born there, but my dad is scottish, so I am too.
  15. It's all good in the hood. Whats your name??
  16. Haha hopefully!! I don't think I've met you before? <Thinks> Hey!! How're you??
  17. I have no idea. Kath came, and then went. I reckon it is the Beijing Blush thing
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