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Everything posted by hevalump

  1. Tells them I'm not doing them. Unless they are willing to provide transport home after detentions. Or there if its an early-morning detention. be at school by 7.30am
  2. Mmhmm, most of them know me cause of my dad anyway...
  3. The school hates it when he gets me (but mostly my brother) out of detentions, suspensions.
  4. Yeah I'm always on the oldlings thread. Im honory olding. Yeah...
  5. Yeah, parents rule.. I love my dad.
  6. Yeah, was pretty funny. Because as longas my dad tells them I can't do it, my teachers get angrier as there is nothing they can do.
  7. Night night Shari...Sweet Dreams...
  8. Bah, as long as I like. yeah, I can just tak my laptop upstairs with me. S'all good in the hood.
  9. Yeah! but I was off for so long with different injuries they started not believing. My whole class got a lecture thanks to me Fun to watch everyone glare at me.
  10. haha! I do that! My dad has gone to bed, so the time doesnt matter anymore!!
  11. I know. The ribs really hurt, but because I had no note from the doctor saying about it, my school made me do PE, and thats why it took so much longer to heal My knee was a sprain, almost healed.
  12. Haha!! I hate it when you panic, and then close it, hen find out its a false alarm, then when someone is coming you dont hear and they catch you!!
  13. Ooh, I damaged my ribs skiing, but then about 6 months later they were still hurting and the hospital told me I might have had a hairline fracture. Then I hurt my knee a couple of weeks ago playing volleyball Its all good now. Sort of.
  14. Haa, rebel child... I'll type quietly too, join the mude.
  15. Okay, you win. Ooh, I love the film Mean Girls as girly film. And Cinderella Story.
  16. Oops, sorry! actually I still have bad ribs and knee.
  17. bah ha ha!!! Oh I am laughing now. I got some ofthe songs on my ipod.
  18. its shocking.. I thought it was hilarious, our teacher covered the screen with his clipboard at some "parts"
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