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Everything posted by riverstwilight

  1. What is snooker?! I'm certain I've heard it mentioned before. I've just never had the opportunity to ask.
  2. It looks like a scar my brother has from one time we were horsing around. (I've got worse scars ) During our childhood horsing around, we didn't get rough; we simply tended to go careening into things that happened to have hard corners. Still, it would be interesting to know the story behind Mika's scar. I've been thinking about what I would ask Mika for a while and most of it boils down to, "Would you like to have a cuppa and a conversation?" He seems like the kind of person who would be an amazing friend. Since I'm just one of thousands of fans, that isn't an opportunity I'm likely to get. I'm content with enjoying the music enthusiastically and being inspired by stuff he says in interviews conducted by people with better interview skills than I will ever have. I'm excellent at getting to know people and terrible at impersonal interviews
  3. I didn't think I was going to have anything to post to this thread because I'm a pretty mellow fan. However, I knew that I had crossed the line from "just liking his music" to actual fandom when I was in the CD section of a store today and got all excited because I saw a copy of LICM on the rack, even though I already own it. And somehow, my computer has acquired this really huge file full of Mika pictures. I can't imagine how that happened! Oh, humbug! I knew I was really a fan when I registered on this forum and took the time to compose an introduction that was really fun to write.
  4. I had actually managed to avoid my yearly case of spring fever until I stumbled upon this thread. Well, it's officially spring now!
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