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Posts posted by pinkfakecheez

  1. one of my brothers friends came over when i was watching PDP.


    Peter : *watches for a while* hey, what does he sound like when he talks?

    Me: he just sounds like a normal man..

    Peter: haha, i bet he doesn't.

    Me: no, seriously, he does.

    Peter: no, i got told when he talks his voice is all high-pitched.

    Me: uhh. peter, he sounds like a normal man.

    Peter: no, hes a unic and he has a high-pitched voice.

    Me: :roftl: no, look i'll show you. *switches to documentary where mika is talikng*

    Peter: *looks veeery disapointed* oh. he sounds normal..


    I got that off a girl in my Spanish class, but I didn't have any proof to hand.

    Although I could IM her a video...


    And when he did that scream before his acceptance speech at last year's Brits, my dad went "That's his proper voice! He really talks like that!" ,but he was only quoting Peter Kay's incomprehensible DJ voices joke.


    Also, have you noticed how many boys think "Oh, he's gotta be a unic?"

  2. I was doing this Spanish coursework on a famous celebrity and I was memorising this paragraph and reading it out while the person in front of me held the paper and checked the words.


    Girl who sits in front of me in Spanish class: He's gay, isn't he?

    Me: (for the 50th time) He hasn't said. He doesn't think it's important.

    Girl: Doesn't he have kids? One girl and one boy?

    Me: :shocked:NO?

    Girl: Isn't he married?

    Me: No?

    He's 25.

    Girl 2: I thought he was 36.

    Girl: I thought he was a hundred and ....

    He's GAY!

    Me: Where did you hear he was gay?

    Girl: On the news.

    He's gay.

    Me: No-one knows.

    I know. I'm on the fan-club.

    Girl: He's gay.

    Me: Why?

    Girl: He speaks like a girl.

    Me: No, he doesn't. You've never heard him speak, have you?

    Girl: He does. He speaks *pinches nose* like this.

    Me: No, he speaks *lowers pitch of voice slightly and tries to put on accent best she can* like this.

    Girl: He doesn't!

    Me: Where did you hear he was married?

    Girl: On the *her name* news in my head.



    Straaaange girl. Very strange.

  3. I've never had patches or glasses or anything. My little cousin had a patch when she was 6 I think because she needed glasses and it really bothered her. Now she just has glasses.


    Yeah, I have glasses too. :)

    I think I got used to the patches because they came with stickers that I could put on them, like parrots and stuff.:bleh:

  4. Mika was only in the end of this but....


    I havd a weird dream last night. This might end up really long....


    I was pregnant and in the hospital. Only my friend Kristen was there because she cared about me and about the fact that I may have ruined my life by getting pregnant at 17. There were others but they didn't seem to care much. I was having pains, contractions I guess, and I kept begging the nusre to give me all of the drugs they had because I didn't want to feel any pain.


    My friends and I then went to a restaurant within the hospital to eat dinner. We lied and took someone else's reservation and ordered on their tab. On our way back to my room we spotted my favourite teacher, Mr. V, in the hall freaking out because there was some kind of emergency in the hospital and somebody had messed something up realy bad. His kids (he's single and childless in real life btw) were running around so Kristen and I took care of them until Mr. V was finished. When he saw us he called us into his office one by one, Kristen was first. He began yelling at her, but about positive things like: "Thank you so much for watching my kids" and "You're such a good person for helping Amber through all of this."


    As I was waiting for everyone to come out of his office, for my turn, I leaned foward and bumped into my fish tank and realized that it was almost empty and that I needed to fill it up. I walked around the corner with a glass that I got out of nowhere and scooped up water from another fish tank because I magically ended up in an aquarium/petshop. I filled up my fish tank and it was my turn to go into Mr. V's office.


    I sat down in the chair across from his desk and I realized that his office was rather odd. It was just a desk and 2 chairs outside by a lake. The lake had a boat in it and a bird flew overhead and I thought that maybe I should follow the bird. But then Mr. V started talking to me. Well, kinda yelling.

    "What's wrong with you girl? Why would you let this happen?"


    I replied with: "There's no good reason and it's apparently much too late to make excuses."


    Mr. V sat back in his chair and sighed then looked at me with one of those looks. I can't really describe it but it's kinda frustrated but at the same time worried because he really cares for his students. "Who is he?"


    I said: "I don't think I'll tell you. I don't want you to hurt him."

    Mr. V gave me one of those looks full of attitude, "I'll find out. What's he doing about this?"


    I said: "Don't worry about him V, he's taking care of me. We'll be alright."


    Suddenly Mr. V ended up on the little spce of the chair that was showing in between my legs. He sat with his back to me and his feet were up on his desk. He said something else but I don't remember what. I had another pain then and since I couldn't put my hand on my own stomach since Mr. V was there I put my hand on his lower abs, fingers spread out, and applied a bit of pressure. Mr. V looked worried, but confused at this, and asked me if everything was alright. I assured him that it was and he decided to let my go with a list of questions that he wanted me to answer.


    On my way out of his office we ended up shoulder to shoulder but facing opposite directions and looking at each other. I thought he was about to hug me and assure me that everything would turn out alright when he suddenly turned into Mika. Mr. V was back at his desk working and was completely oblivious to us. We smiled at each other and we kissed. Not like tongue, making out kiss, but that kiss that's light but definitely means "I love you and I'm yours." A comfortable kiss would explain the feeling best, I guess. I bumped his shoulder with mine and smiled back up at him. He was unshaven and looked tired and stressed. He said (talking about the kiss): "You know, that's what got us into this mess in the first place." I hooked my finger into the pocket of his jeans and tugged lightly before leaving the office. I presume this meant Mika was the father of my child.


    I walked back to my hospital room while reading the questions he gave me....then I woke up.


    It shocks me how much detail I can remember from some of my dreams.



    That's really cute.:wub2:

  5. Source - mom of a 6 year old who had a squint operation to correct his crooked eye , and now needs patching to correct the laziness the squint has caused ... :) ... hope that helps :naughty:


    I used to have patches, but my mum tried to wear one for a while and then take it off, and it really hurt. She doesn't understand how I withstood it.:P

  6. Yes we all want a new album but we want it to be great, and not rushed.


    I can't think of anything worse than Mika rushing out his (difficult, despite what he says :wink2: ) second album just for it to be a disappointment. I mean let's be honest, it still might not live up to expectations but at least if he takes his time we'll know he's put 110% into it and that's all we can ask! :wink2:


    Of course I know as little as everyone else out there about dates, but I think it would be foolish to expect anything before the Autumn, at earliest.


    I thought that meant THIS year, and then I saw the dates...:roftl:

  7. I think the lazy eye is actually his right eye, but cameras and photos flip it around. (Like in a mirror.)

    I have it in my right eye without glasses, but in my LEFT eye WITH glasses.

    Strange. I have tried to creep people out with it by staring, but sometimes they just don't understand why I'm staring at them. XD

    Also I sometimes can't cross my eyes properly.

  8. You are never too old for a Tamagotchi.

    (That one has been learnt from him AND the peeps on here.)

    (She typed, wearing her V3 around her neck.)


    Even when you are nearly 6' 4'', you can still act like a cute little 5 year old and be adored for it.


    Don't be afraid to cry/admit that you cry at sad films/admit that you are a fan of Renee Zellweger , even if you are an aforementioned tall bloke.


    Tall people look hilarious on sledges. (No 'fense)


    Playing cards are banned in India.

    He saw "that Mr Bean episode"

    People can get urges to bite someone else for no plausible reason.


    And of course, be yourself.

  9. :roftl: :roftl: Oh my god!! I can't even describe how jealous I am right now... I'd reaaally kill to see that show :)


    Sounds amazing! :punk:


    How long was the show?


    3 hours 15 minutes, including the interval and a ten-minute delay at the start.


    My friend said that either this was because something had gone wrong at the last minute, or that one of the cast was having a case of bad nerves.


    Apparently (don't know whether it was on this tour or the last one) Noel and Julian came on stage. Julian went "HELLO LIVERPOOL!", but then realized they weren't in Liverpool and he ran off stage crying.

    Poor guy.


    We got Future Sailors at the start and Nanageddon/I Did A S*** On Yer Mum at the end.


    And they blew the Honey Monster's head off with a Jean Claude Jaquettie hairdryer set to Level 5, because they stole the Boosh's ideas.:naughty:

  10. Has anyone been to their show on this second tour?


    HI GUYS!!!

    THE SHOW ROCKED!:punk: (Sorry for being 3 days late to comment.)


    Vince gatecrashed Howard's serious play in a tight gold outfit with wings and an 80s perm wig.


    Howard: Vince...why have you ruined my play with all this bull****?


    Man in the middle of the audience: GORDON'S ALIVE!

    (Because Vince looked like Flash Gordon)

    *Everyone wets themselves, everyone on stage is corpsing*

    Noel: That was the BEST heckle we've had all tour.



    All three of us bought collectively: A T-shirt, 2 lanyards, a programme, a mug and a poster.


    Tony Harrison did a slot with Noel hiding inside a set of steps leading to a chair, but he kept slipping and his head nearly fell back in the hole.:naughty:

  11. I also long for the new album, and I miss the fact that he hasn't been in any festivals in Britain this year, because if he had been, he'd have been on TV, probably on C4's new music channel, or the BBC.

    I know we have to be patient, but I hope he comes back soon!


    In the mornings before 4Music comes on properly, there's one of those 4 minute long adverts that loops.

    I saw Mika on one of these, first was on some sort of introductory one, and there were two TEEENSY clips of him shooting the pixelated 4 with a ray gun (The first one was an okay length, the second lasted about, well, a quarter of a second.)

    The second bit of footage on another proper advert was of him performing on one of the shows.It's where he's on that weird trolley thing that's being pulled and pushed backwards and forwards while he sings.

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