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Posts posted by Lucrezia

  1. Thanks Eriko for upload the videos! :hug:


    Eriko, thanks for setting this thread up and keeping it updated -- as someone else said, it's hard to keep up with all the various social media they are using! :naughty:


    One thing Mika's team has asked -- as we promote this we should use this link: http://rfg.ee/VHTx2 


    It redirects to the donation page about Mika on the UNHCR site. (I changed the link in the first post of this thread, but if you see it anywhere else, please use the link I've given instead.)


    I've also been thinking about how we as the MFC can help with this effort.


    With our anniversary coming it, it might be a good time to auction off a prize and donate the proceeds. :thumb_yello:


    I have a couple prizes that might generate some interest here, and Mika's team have said they would be willing to give us something to auction off, as well.


    For those of you who have been around MFC for a long time, you may remember how we auctioned off a few things for charity around the MFC's 5th anniversary to support London Air Ambulance. I'm thinking we may do something similar this time around -- perhaps instead of a straight auction we ask people to make a donation to be eligible for a chance to win the prize. I have to go back and review how we handled everything back then to refresh my memory, but I think this is something I'd like to do, if the rest of you are up for it, too. :original:


    Thanks Deb for the link of the donation...I'll use it on Twitter :)

    About the idea for the auction, I think it's great! We can actually do something concrete for these people and it would be a nice way to collect a high figure to give.

    • Like 4
  2. Mohamed Madi account on Twitter








    22 h

    Search JamesLongmanBBC on #snapchat for #MyRefugeeStory now! @BBCWorld
    22 h

    Me, @JamesAALongman and @stumac84 are about to leave for Beirut for #myrefugeestory


    22 h

    This weekend we're in Lebanon with new UNHCR supporter @mikasounds http://rfg.ee/VHTyX  #MyRefugeeStory



    21 h

    #myrefugeestory, see you in #Beirut @mikasounds @JamesAALongman @Refugees


    16 h

    So we've landed - but not in Beirut. A sudden thunderstorm means we've been redirected to Larnaca, Cyprus for refuelling


    16 h

    RT MIKA official

    And BBC news team of me, @JamesAALongman and @stumac84 will be there too


    Just arrived in Lebanon where for the next few days I will be joining UNHCR and meeting Syrian @Refugees who will be sharing their stories
    12 h

    Arrived in Beirut



    4 h

    We're on the road. Share your stories and questions on #myrefugeestory



    This is Mustafa's Grandmother - "We need to eat, we need to sleep somewhere safe" - #myrefugeestory


    3 h

    This is Abu Ahmad's house. The family used to own several houses in Syria. Now, a tent near Beirut #myrefugeestory

    Video with Mika: https://twitter.com/m_madi/status/678501173603647489


    3 h

    Abu Ahmad's family now spread over Syria, Turkey and Lebanon #myrefugeestory
    3 h
    Friends Asim and Ibrahim inside an informal settlement near Beirut - have a look around #my https://t.co/7cbE2gGPfX


    2 h




    2 h


    Video with Mika: https://twitter.com/m_madi/status/678522529691009025


    1 h

    #myrefugeestory with @mikasounds

    Video with Mika: https://twitter.com/m_madi/status/678527852015255552


    55 min

    This is what an informal refugee settlement in Beirut looks like. Everyone here is from Idl https://t.co/7qQgwKgLOU


    46 min


    Here are some of the snapchats we've been sending. Follow by searching BBCJamesLongman #myrefugeestory



    RT Stu McKenzie @stumac84

    21 min

    Filming at an informal refugee settlement near Beruit #myrefugeestory @JamesAALongman @m_madi @mikasounds





    • Like 9
  3. James Longman account on Twitter




    2708.png to Lebanon 2 meet refugees w @mikasounds & @Refugees - follow our snapchat story jameslongmanbbc #myrefugeestory




    Made it to Beirut with @mikasounds #myrefugeestory 3h ago



    2 h

    This family have lived here for 4 years. Their youngest is 3 months. This tent has no toilet @mikasounds @Refugees

    2 h

    Best friends Mustafah & Brahim are 12. And they've been living in this Lebanese field for 4 years. #myrefugeestory
    2 h
    Follow me on snapchat for live and frequent updates on @mikasounds & @Refugees #myrefugeestory from Lebanon



    1 h

    Some of the material being used to protect the shelters....old advertising billboards. No comment #myrefugeestory
    41 min

    Mika just visited informal settlement for first time. Here are his thoughts @mikasounds @Refugees #myrefugeestory


    Video: https://twitter.com/JamesAALongman/status/678528600975409152


    James Longman has even a FB account where you can watch the video that he posts on Twitter or Snapchat




    James Longman Account on Snapchat


    Account name: jameslongmanbbc

    He posts a lot of photos and videos so it's better to check it more times a day








    • Like 8
  4. Mika's account on Twitter


    Ciao!! Come ho scritto in inglese io sono appena arrivato a Beirut Dove incontrerò rifugiati Siriani e racconterò le loro storie.


    Voi potete seguire la mia esperienza su Instagram Twitter e soprattutto Facebook #myrefugeestory RT! Sono qui con @JamesAALongman @BBCNews


    I'm even finally joining Snapchat for #myrefugeestory with UNHCR @JamesAALongman @BBCNews @Refugees


    Snapchat set up! Mika-Mikachu

    Tune into my periscope in a minute for a vid message #myrefugeestory @Refugees @JamesAALongman


    Apologies. Periscope does not seem to be working where we are now. Will post a message to Facebook instead tp://on.fb.me/1Ig4HPK  #MyRefugeeStory #WarmTheirHearts


    5 h

    So good to be back in Beirut!
    10min ago
    "My biggest fear was becoming like Daesch and loosing my humanity. That is still what I'm afraid of in the future" Samir Syrian Refugee


    Samir is a refugee from Aleppo. He is LGBTI and also married with three children. He feared betrayal to Daesch from within LGBTI community

    "I had three choices, become one of them or fear for my life and that of my family, or run. I left" #myrefugeestory @Refugees

    Mika's account on Instagram




    With the UNHCR in Lebanon for the next few days meeting Syrian refugees. They will be sharing their stories. I am very happy to be here for a cause that I feel very strongly about. This is a trip to Lebanon unlike any other I have ever done. Follow my trip and share the stories by visiting www.unhcr.org/Mika where we will be posting pics and videos over the next few days and weeks. Please please check it out and stay tuned. X




    With Mustafa, 13 refugee who ha been showing me around this informal settlement in a Banana Plantation in Lebanon. #unrefugees @refugee #myrefugeestory



    Time for making music #myrefugeestory @refugees @jamesaalongman



    And now dancing!! #myrefugeestory @refugees @jamesaalongman




    Mika's account on FB


    Mika arrived in Beirut today to spend a few days with #UNHCR in Lebanon, meeting @refugees and hearing their stories. BBCJamesLongman is joining MIKA. Please follow the journey too: http://rfg.ee/VHTx2 #MyRefugeeStory #WarmTheirHearts




    Video reposted by Eriko on YT


    2h ago

    This morning in Beirut. Follow their story at http://rfg.ee/VHTx2 ‪#‎MyRefugeeStory‬ ‪#‎WarmTheirHearts‬



    14min ago

    Mika's thoughts






    • Like 7
  5. I've updated the post with the translation and I added the link of Tv Guide where it says that the documentary will last 50 minutes.


    We have even another news from the italian manager Giulio Mazzoleni: 


    Io e @Tizimartinengo abbiamo deciso che le sorprese non sono finite.  #NoAnsia #solocosebelle


    Me and @Tizimartinengo have decided that the surprises are not over #NoAnxiety #onlybeautifulthings

    • Like 3
  6. Here's the article from Sky Uno...it sums a bit what we'll see on Sunday




    In viaggio con Mika per scoprire il lato umano di una popstar
    Quattro mesi in compagnia del giudice di X Factor a tutte le latitudini per scoprirne il lato umano e passionale. Il viaggio di MIKA (musica, incontri, emozioni di un ragazzo che per sentirsi vivo non si ferma mai) va in onda domenica 20 dicembre alle ore 22.50 su Sky Uno

    La storia di un viaggio durato quattro mesi. E che ci mostra Mika in modo diverso, originale. Una sorta di popstar alla Chatwin, errabonda, attenta, curiosa, unica. L'appuntamento col documentario Il viaggio di MIKA (musica, incontri, emozioni di un ragazzo che per sentirsi vivo non si ferma mai) va in onda domenica 20 dicembre alle ore 22.50 su Sky Uno.

    Chi ha sempre desiderato entrare nel mondo di Mika, stavolta lo può fare. Il giudice di X Factor si racconta non solo come musicista ma anche come essere umano con i suoi entusiasmi, i suoi dubbi, i suoi successi e le sue fragilità. In questo documentario lo seguiamo e accompagniamo raccogliendo i suoi pensieri a partire da Milano, all'inizio del tour con il concerto intimo al Fabrique: una sorta di prova generale di un magnifico viaggio nel mondo, uno show che stava mettendo i primi semi per poi trasformarsi in un gigantesco tour internazionale nei palazzetti di tutto il mondo. Lasciata Milano, siamo volati a Los Angeles dove ha inciso l'ultimo disco No Place in Heaven.

    Mika ci parla della sua idea dell'immagine, del look, della moda e delle sue collaborazioni con Christian   Louboutin e con Pier Paolo Piccioli e Maria Grazia Chiuri della Maison Valentino. Senza dimenticare mamma Joanne, la sua stylist preferita. Ora l'ago della bussola ci porta in Asia con un Mika assolutamente inedito in Giappone, a Tokio, e poi in Corea dove i suoi concerti hanno riempito stadi con fan scatenati e partecipi che lo hanno accompagnato con cori passionali, emozionandosi a ogni canzone. Queste situazioni portano Mika a raccontarci del suo rapporto con i fan di tutte le etnie e di tutti i ceti sociali: "I miei fan sono come le  nazioni Unite, uniti dalle diversità!".

    Dagli incontri con i fan italiani a quelli con i ragazzi americani che hanno potuto acclamarlo in un concerto a Central Park durante il programma televisivo Good Morning America. Mika in una camminata lungo la Quinta Strada ci racconta di alcuni suoi ricordi di quando bambino trascorreva parte delle sue vacanze a New York (lui è di mamma libanese e papà americano).

    Da New York ci spostiamo in Sicilia, a Taormina, e in cima all'Etna per seguirlo durante la produzione del suo video clip Staring at the sun e lì ci svela dettagli importanti e personali legati all'origine di questa canzone e a quello che sono le sue ispirazioni quando compone un brano. Dal calore siciliano arriviamo nella provincia di Bologna, precisamente a San Giovanni in Persiceto dove Mika realizza un sogno insieme all'Oca Giuliva, una compagnia di Carri di Carnevale. Una cosa accaduta davvero che però sembra una favola per il suo Happy Ending. Si chiude questo straordinario viaggio col concerto di Assago dove Mika ha trascinato le 10mila persone presenti al Forum in un mondo fatto di musica, colori, parole, ma soprattutto emozioni!




    Traveling with Mika to discover the human side of a pop star


    Four months in the company of the X Factor judge at all latitudes to discover his human and passionate side. The voyage of MIKA (music, meetings, emotions of a boy that, since he wants to feel alive, never stops) airs Sunday, December 20th at 22:50 on Sky Uno.


    The story of a journey that lasted four months. And that shows us Mika in a different way, pure.. A sort of pop star as Chatwin, roving, attentive, curious, unique. The appointment with the documentary The voyage of MIKA (music, meetings, emotions of a boy that, since he wants to feel alive never stops) airs Sunday, December 20th at 22:50 on Sky One.


    Who has always wanted to enter in the world of Mika, this time she/he can do. The X Factor judge tells us not only as a musician but also as a human being with his enthusiasm, his doubts, his achievements and his vulnerabilities. In this documentary we follow him and we accompany him collecting his thoughts starting from Milan, at the beginning of the tour with an intimate concert at the Fabrique: a sort of rehearsal for a wonderful journey into the world, a show that was putting the first seeds for then turn into a giant international tour into the arenas all over the world. After leaving Milan, we flew to Los Angeles where he recorded the last album No Place in Heaven.


    Mika talks about his idea of the image, the look, the fashion and his collaborations with Christian Louboutin and Pier Paolo Piccioli and Maria Grazia Chiuri of Valentino. Without forgetting mum Joanne, her favorite stylist. Now the needle of the compass takes us in Asia with a Mika absolutely unprecedented in Japan, in Tokyo, and later in Korea where his concerts filled stadiums with cheering fans and involved who accompanied him with passionate choruses, getting excited song after song. These situations lead Mika to tell us about his relationship with fans of all ethnic groups and all social classes: "My fans are like the United Nations, united by diversity."


    From encounters with the Italian fans to those with the American fans who were able to see him in a concert in Central Park during the TV program Good Morning America. Mika in a walk along Fifth Avenue tells us some of his memories from when he was a kid on his vacations in NY (His mom is Lebanese and his father American).


    From New York we move in Sicily, Taormina, and on top of Etna to follow him during the production of his video clip Staring at the sun and there he reveals important and personal details related to the origin of this song and what are his inspirations when he composes a song. From the Sicilian warmth we arrive in the province of Bologna, in San Giovanni in Persiceto where Mika realizes a dream together with Oca Giuliva, a company of Carnival Wagons. It's a thing that happened for real but it seems a fairy tale for his Happy Ending. Closes this extraordinary journey with the concert of Assago where Mika has dragged the 10 thousand people attending the Forum in a world of music, colors, words, but mainly emotions!



    The documentary will last 50 minutes


    • Like 8
  7. Anyone has time to explain what he says to Luca in Daily 27? Maybe a little summary? I understand words here and there but not enough...


    Finally Luke sees Mika in a different context away from the loft and Mika plays on the fact that for once he is the one who is waiting for his arrival. He wanted to make see to Luke that there was a whole world out of X Factor to close this chapter of his life.

    There were some very beautiful and unstable moments ... Luca thinks that the growth of his career has taken place in a very nice way.

    For Mika, Luca has managed this experience with an elegance and maturity of a person much older than his young age.

    For Luca it was truly an experience that he will not forget easily. The first time that Mika has seen him there were some doubts at the table (during the audictions) but he was already very sure of what he heard. He thinks that there is something in Luca, a young boy who has a very strong talent. He is very optimistic to see his career in a future ... he should not have any doubt or negativity

    • Like 5
  8. Tomorrow Mika @ RTL 102.5 'The Flight' H. 15.00



    Giovedì 19 novembre dalle ore 15.00 Mika sarà ospite in diretta suRTL 102.5 in RADIOVISIONE sul canale 36 del digitale terrestre e sul canale 750 di Sky in “The Flight" con Fabrizio Ferrari e La Zac.



    We'll be able to watch it on video (on TV or on RTL site)


    Someone will record the video? Rtl will post only snaps

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