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Everything posted by mauremika

  1. hahaha, that's greatt & i've that too with my drawings..
  2. woooow, i think that's a little too hard for me! It's soo beautiful, and soo MIKA. loovely! If you have more, just post please!
  3. wow, it's amazing !! But HOW do you do THAT in PAINT!? & what a great adea! Mika in an animal!
  4. like all of them! ....like mika. thanks for posting!
  5. great hahhahahahaha! i've also that kind of problems really! Now, im going to bed, it's midnight for me!
  6. Wow! thankyou, i'm very flattered and ehh.. yes, hair is the hardest part of it, also the mouth always hate that part!
  7. thank you very very much! & yes, that's true, there's too much text, BUT... You only need an internetexplorer-icon, SO you can check the MFC hihihi. Next time, i'm gonna leave more open spaces
  8. It was a rainy, boring day & so i decided to make something new haha:
  9. that's a nice one! I really like your style of drawing/editing. tanks for posting it!
  10. Ahh thankyou for your opinion! nice nice! & ahaha, i was about more than an hour busy with those pictures WHY? i dunno, but i had finally 3 edited photos on the site, when my mom shut the computer down.. so i couldn't go on & couldn't give replies etc. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. But anyway thankyou very very much! (LL)
  11. omygod, i think it's lovely! thankyou for posting it. Leaning on his carr If you have some more, just post it, if you want to .
  12. Great you like them! Thnkyouuu so much, i wanted to try something new
  13. After a long day of working for 10 hours, finally relaxing & checking MFC and editing photos etc. Here are some new ones! :
  14. Oeeee, this one is really cool! haha, those arms, i like it!
  15. hahahah exactly! paint is sooo easy! & fun! omg is so damn CUTE. i hope he's not gay! & yes.. for you it's really late! Here early in the morning. I'm a waitress in a restaurant in the netherlands, BUT SO EARLY? I WANT TO SLEEEP haha! sweeet dreams, & speak you later! xxx
  16. hahahhaha! No thanks & thankyou haha! Mostly i use 'paint shop pro', & sometimes 'picasa' or just 'paint'. REALLY? i didn't knew that! yes it doess, haha soo funny! and it will be great if you want to, you're very welcome here! 2:30 ? Here is the time 8:30 in the morning, i must go to my work about an hour! haha!
  17. waaauw, i think that's loooovely! especially the fourth is sweeeet! & don't say, 'nothing compared to mauremika's' caus is fantastic the third one is also very funny haha i like all of them! thankyou for posting, and if you have some more, just post, that will be great!
  18. mauremika


    hihihi thankyou very very much! & no, i'm only 16, and never had a study for it yet. But soon i'll go to a artschool/ academy in the netherlands, so i really hope they will allow me there!
  19. hihihihi! greaaat! - I know exactly what you mean with too much colour, i thought so too. & reallyy thanks forr your replyy for both of the bunch of wallpapers, omg mika is sooooo cute, wish there was any boy like him xxx
  20. Í'm bored again, so here are some new edited photos of Mika!
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