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Everything posted by mauremika

  1. exactly, & i can wear pumps, then i'm taller, ahahah. what a conversation & my goooosh, thankyouu so much again for your siggy.. i cant believe that
  2. Mine are BEYOND delicious ! Hahaha, if i stood right next to him, that would be sooo FUNNY, i'm quite... LITTLE, he's sooo tall ahaha!
  3. hehe. Hope mika will see it, & want a comic on his album or sometthingg! :das:hahahaha, yes, i've wild fantasies!
  4. hahaah! THANKYOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!! & i said yesterday, i'll come with a new drawing, so HERE it issss You make me blush!! thanks x 10000!
  5. hahaha, i've made a Comic of Mika yesterday, i had really no inspiration for a good story, so i chose to do a gig where i was..But i'm gonna make it all over again with colours, this is the scetch haha :D
  6. hahhhhaaha, yeah- you're right, :rolls_eyes: Soooo, now i'm gonna sleep, bit tired . Night Night! & sweeet dreamss
  7. hahaha! i wish i would!! Wow, that would be sooo GREAT!! - Does he comes sometimes on this fanclub?? Really wondering if he can see any of thisss
  8. I'm really quiet of it.. * feels really honoured * Wish mika would see something of it! hihi.
  9. OMYGOOOOOOSHH! WOOOW! IM VERY VERY VERY FLATTERED !! THAT'S SOOOOO NICEEEEE :wub2: but again i've nothing to say about you, cause i've never saw somehting from youuu!!!
  10. no, you don't, but I want it,. heheheh & omg, don't believe that!!
  11. TANKSSSS A LOTT !! hehehe i really want to see some more things of YOU!!
  12. Well, thank youuu sooooo much, MERCI!! wow, and i like your siggy, it's a pic of mika i've never seen before, love it!
  13. alright! I will, & i DON'T believe that! Soooo dont say it. Here they are!: Carricature Feat Realistic one, this is the one i've putted into the mika yearbook.. This one you've already seen When you're very very boooored.... this comes out.. & i think this one is ugly, my first mika drawing+ bad quality I do have a lot more, but not on this computer.. hehe, but this is a part of it!
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