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Everything posted by mauremika

  1. the verve - bitter sweet symphony & Eddie Vedder - Big hard sun
  2. Yess, i've many of him, 'caus i really LOVE drawing mika! I have a 'carricature' of him, two realistic drawings, eeuhh 2 cartoony drawings, and one 'mika-ish' one. Shall i post them or..? & you? :D
  3. I DON'T lie really, you're 14, and you draw like that, i really like it!
  4. pffff, dunno what to say, really thankyou!! - But you can draw very good too.. omg, love those things you make!
  5. Hihi, merci merci!! And my sigggy is new, a few seconds ago made hihi,
  6. * doesn't know right now all those 'quotes-things' so to 'iadoremika' : Hahahaha, FIRST, no i'm not too kind, it's just the truth! & i love that second pic very very much, & second; i'm going to bed right now, i'm very tired! hihi, Sweeeet dreamssss & thanks agian for all the compliments!
  7. And THATS really really cute! hahahaha, those hairs on his chest! LOVEIT!
  8. What is sooo wrong with that? I saw RIGHT away that it is billy.. & it's really not thát worse you think!!! Believe me, it can be much more worsee! like it!
  9. Hahahahaha! Soo funny - & alright alright, i begin to believe you!.. But i've still never seen anything from youuu! But thankyouu anyway again !!!!
  10. thanks! & wish i knew how! that would be GREAAAAT!! & then in his flat, saw in an interview that he has all sorts of drawings & unique comics& cartoons on his walls!
  11. hihihi! i don't believe that.. & yes! i''ve seen it! & there are MANY talented people in here, WOOOW & especially that one from jamakkronic! i've also put one in it
  12. Hahahaha, thank you so much for the compliment, & i dunno how you draw? .. - But, I looooooooooooove drawing Mika in any way, cartoony, Carricature, Realistic, in Portret, as a comic or something, i just love it, and i draw him over & over again
  13. Cartoony MIKA : First one of my collection 'Celebretoons' hihi
  14. Thankyou very much! - & i used paint shop pro, but not with brushes, i use layers. First i just pick a simple wallpaper from the internet and after that a picture/photo of mika. When i've saved those two pics, i copy one of them and paste that one over the other one ( in psp), then i use the blend mode ( = 'overlay' 'normal' colour' etc. ) After that i paste a tekst in it, with paint or psp. & i put all the layers as one layer together, i save it &that's it. maybe a little strange told, but my english is soo bad
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