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Everything posted by Owl

  1. Erg I was only able to record the second song of his DX
  2. I keep getting a sign in French that says I need Windows Media Player 11... But I already downloaded and install it! D8
  3. Hes very protective of his water bottles. XD
  4. I'll offer my furby too and a bug zapper
  5. I think it should be so we can hold him hostage. >D
  6. DX Eeep its too bad I don't have any euros, only US dollars (lame) ;m; Gawd I'd kill to go with you guys with little flashing heart necklaces to flag him down. @u@
  7. Hes wiped out on the floor of his tour bus from being to chickeny. X3
  8. Omg, that is SUCH a chickeny pic ;o; <333 PIPIPIPIPPPPP X3
  9. They don't take long, I could probably do one of him for each song he has as an animal. XD But my focus doesn't last long... which is why I gave him a tounge instead of a kitkat.
  10. Awww, thank you! I made the sketch in mspaint in light blue (because photoshop is sucky for sketching) saved the sketch as png, shoved it into photoshop, inked it and added on layers of color and shading. X3 ... I suck at hair kthx.
  11. Imma see if we can trade clothes next gig X3 Me: CAN I HAVE UR CLOTHES SIR PLZ I TRADE YOU BUG ZAPPER Mika: *om nom noms cameraman*
  12. Thank you guys so much! I.. wasn't sure if Mika was a fan of animals... They're all I'm capable of drawing. XD I was going to do realistic fur like I usually do but I was lazy this time and though nah can't be bothered. SO ITS FLAT AND PLAIN D:
  13. I did the sketch of this in MS paint and outlined and colored it in photoshop. Its Mika... AS AN ANIMAL. Its far from my best work, but what do you expect from a 14 year old? DX I think I'm going to submit it for the 2008 yearbook.
  14. YAY NEW MEMBER TITLE. 16 is like- *turns head* zomg there was a rabbit hopping outside my window just now D8
  15. Well, right now there are these... um orange clouds. D8 Yes orange. Very sinister. And its been prone too random downpours, when theres not a cloud in the sky lately. Weathers very random. Hows California? I've never been there. ouo
  16. Yeah, I went to florida and discovered that they have lizards sitting freaking everywhere. And they puff up in bright colors too D8 And like... Its overrun with rabbits too X3 Yah. I don't get out much lol XDD
  17. Well, I'm on summer break now trying to hide in the sadows from the sun (I've already had 3 sunburns this summer DX) And trying to practive my tablet skills 8D You could say Imma mushroom. XDD
  18. XDD I've already become quite attached to this place. @u@ *lurks in the threads* <3 ILU guys ;o;
  19. Yesyes, I'm a Mika obsessed fan. So like, story of my life right now is that I was literally up all night last night thinking about hat Mika would be doing at that time XD I love all you guys here so far, and I one day hope I can meet Mika in person 8D (Is in United States but Mika doesn't seem to want to tour there D:)
  20. D'aaaw... He cries on planes. X3 I would too. <3
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