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Posts posted by Rubytuesday

  1. Yay, you made turnip treats:thumb_yello:

    They featured turnips on a programme thats popular here called Good Morning, and showed a carved one, so the turnip trend is cracking along at last:naughty:


    omg i can't believe someone else carves turnips!!!:shocked: i thought it was just a Manx thing!!! yay! it's a proper ancient tradition here on the Isle of Man, to carve turnip lanterns for Hop tu Naa (the manx version of halloween) for children dressed as witches, goblins, bugganes, fynoderees, fairies and other magical beings to go round singing the Hop tu Naa songs for treats and money. its great fun,:thumb_yello: i took my little sister round last night with one of my friends and her little cousin, it was brilliant. we all dressed up as witches and sang the old manx songs. :roftl:yay go the turnips!:naughty: love it! xxx :-D

  2. yay for Halloween or as we call it in the Isle of Man, 'Hop Tu Naa' (pronounced Hop Chew Neigh, lol haha) well on the 31st i'm a dressin up as a witch (in true Manx spirit) and taking my gorjuss little 3 year old sister trick or treating! she is dressin up as an imp (like a mini devil):roftl: and my littlest sis (1 year old) is dressin up as an incredibly adorable little pumpkin!:naughty: yay i cannot wait it's gonna be sooooo much fun! lots of halloween love xxx ps luuurvin the thread:thumb_yello:

  3. the Italianus guy communis...


    ... could be part of the Mikalookalike species :meow:

    :floor: what kinda thread is this???


    wowee! are his eyes really that blue! he looks very cute indeed! :mf_lustslow: hey! whaddaya mean 'what kinda thread is this???'! it's a fun thread is what it is :roftl: l2a ruby xxx :naughty:

  4. (when watching mika sing 'Grace Kelly' on jools holland's new year hootenanny 07)

    me: 'wasn't he brilliant?'

    my dad: 'i dunno, i couldn't understand a bloody word of that!'


    (when watching the LICM DVD, Mika dancing about during 'i want you back')

    my mum: 'so is he gay or not then?'

    me: 'how do i know!' (we both watch him dancing about)

    my mum: 'yep, he's gay!'


    (when i sent my older 'mika-hating' sister a pic of him)

    my older sis: 'my god! i hate his voice but if that's what he looks like then i'm definitely a fan!'


    (when my english teacher saw my 'mika' wallpaper on my laptop)

    teacher: 'bloody hell! who's he? he's absolutely gorgeous!'


    heehee:roftl: lovin this thread L2a ruby xxx :-D

  5. aaahhhh i saw my lovely lookalike yesterday, he is quite sublime! (siiiiiigh!):wub2: i wish i could post a picture lol, yesterday he was wearing red skinny jeans, black converse boots, a white t-shirt with a black lightning bolt on it and red braces!:naughty: see what i mean about the way he dresses! and he has those lovely curls! it's v funny! all the first year art students call him 'mika boy' :roftl:

    L2a ruby xxx :thumb_yello:

  6. My friend says Mika looks like Leo Sayer, which just annoys me, cos they look NOTHING alike:sneaky2:



    wowzas thats like a retro 80's version of Mika, hahaha! nah i dont think they look alike! Mika's far too gorgy to be compared to leo sayer (who lets face it! isn't gorgy at all!) lol! xxx:wub2:

  7. wow it's funny two of us are married to mika lookalikes :mf_rosetinted:


    hahaha wow u guys sure are lucky ;-) its funny really how much they both look like Mika :bleh: heeheehee :roftl: wowee i wish i had a picture of my Mika lookalike :-( i won't take one though cause i think that might be a bit stalkerish :-D xxx

  8. wowee some of you have sooooooo much stuff! :shocked: i only have a few bits really! the LICM album, the LICM DVD, the LICM piano book, 3 badges, the rosette and 'Relax (take it easy), Big Girl, Lollipop and Happy ending limited edition USB sticks.:roftl: i luuurve the USB sticks cause of the groovy remixes on them and cause you get little wriststraps and USB sticks with MIKA on them :naughty: i REAAAALLLLLY want the new flip book though, think i might have to go and buy it:thumb_yello: xxx

  9. Sadly,I don't know in person any guy who looks like Mika...you're so lucky you know!


    BUT,yesterday when I was in the bus in order to come to my art studio,I saw one boy who looks a bit like Mika! He had curly dark brown hair,big brown eyes,he was skinny,but he wasn't very tall,maybe about 1.75m.....he was in jeans and black jacket. So he reminded me a bit of Mika...

    Generally,I don't think that many guys look like Mika,cos Mika has that exotic look since he's half Lebanese,and he has those amazing eyes which I've never seen at any other guy!:wub2:


    well obviously no-one could ever compare to the real thing, but seriously this guy i know does look un-cannily like him! only younger and with slightly darker hair lol! yay for Mika lookalikes and YAY for Mika! xxx :-D

  10. Do you know a Mika look alike?


    So I’ve seen a thread on here before that talks about people’s Boyfriends’ maybe looking a bit like Mika so I was wondering! How many of you actually do know a Mika lookalike?:roftl:


    I myself feel very lucky to know one! I go to the same High School/College as him! He is in the year above me on my art course and he is GORGEOUS! I nearly squealed when I first saw him!:shocked: Ok so picture the scene. I’m sat in the art block waiting for my friends when in walks this incredibly tall guy dressed in blue skinny jeans, white trainers, a blue/red checked shirt and red braces hanging loose by his sides and bear in mind that he has dark brown silky curls, big dark eyes and a very cute smile!:wub2: Ok so I maybe freaked out a bit but seriously he does look/dress uncannily like the man himself!


    so it led me to wonder how many other MFC members know/date/have seen a Mika lookalike???


    ps feel free to post any pictures/drawings etc. lots o' luv from Ruby xxx :-D

  11. Oh are there pictures?? :boing::D


    oh yep there are some gorjuss pix at the start of the book of Mika performing etc:wub2:. omg i can FINALLY play ALL of 'Over my shoulder' :roftl:(yay) now i'm tryin to learn 'Erase' cus i luuurve it so much, (soooo gutted it's not on the UK version of the Album):thumbdown: and i'm about halfway through 'Happy Ending'. i'm quite chuffed i bought it now i can actually play one of the songs :-D xxx

  12. NOOOOOOOOOOO the world CAN'T end tomorrow!:shocked: what will i do, my life is so unfulfilled! hell i've never even met our lovely curly haired Mr Mika yet!!!:wub2: noooooooo the world cannot end so soon, i will bloody well complain if it does :naughty: nooooooooooooooooooooooo no no not true surely?!?!?! L2a Ruby xxx :-D

  13. omg i saw that as well, it was SOOOOOOO funny!:naughty: i thought they would do a crimp but it was hilarious when they sang the 'eels' song! and how groovy and booshtastic did that book look!! i am so gonna buy that if/when they bring it out! whoooop i LUUURve the Mighty Boosh! ya know me, ya love me, ya see me... i'm old Gregg! hahahaha legend! :roftl:

  14. Dy bannee diu (hello) Ta'n ennym orrym Ruby (my name is Ruby)

    and I am the official MFC world representative for the Isle of Man, that cute little Island in between England and Ireland.


    I’ve started this thread for anyone whose ever visited/lived/lives on the Island. if you've ever visited... write down what you thought of the place, where you went, what you did etc. and for all of you that still don't have a clue what or where the IOM is, i hope to shed some light for you...


    it has a population of about 95,000 people, it has one of the oldest and longest continuing parliaments in the entire world (Tynwald), the Island hosts the annual TT motorbike races which are so popular people come from all over the world to watch or race in them, the IOM was the first place in the world that allowed women to vote in government elections and in the IOM you can legally drive and vote at the age of 16.


    our capital is called Douglas, we have a mountain (snaefell) and an electric tram railway as well as a (brill) steam railway system. we may be small but we have a lot packed into our tiny island and we are just as important as any other country/Island. Viking travellers fell in love with the island and founded many of our towns (as well as Tynwald), the Island is named after the Celtic god Mannanin who supposedly still protects the Island with his cloak of mist :-D


    this is our Flag called the three legs of Mann (no that's not a typo! two 'n's)




    here is where the Island is located...




    now please feel free to post any thoughts, questions or opinions on the IOM, Gura mie ayd (thank you) l2a Ruby xxx :-D


    (oh and if anyone is wondering what the IOM looks like, i have a few pictures of it in my own photo album on my profile called 'Ruby's Manx stuff', L2a x)

  15. oh gawd i LUUUURVE to travel! whenever wherever travelling is great!

    in my life (so far!) i have been to...

    Isle of Man (live there)



    N Ireland














    UAE (united arab Emirates)




    S Africa






    Lebanon (yay)


    hey i warned you! i like to travel! peace out -x- :-D

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