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Everything posted by Monie

  1. Don't forget nee nee nee, the poor boy has to learn how to say no as wel .
  2. Oooh, tempting, tempting. I'm trying to get some more students this week, if I succeed (and will earn a little money again) I'll come .
  3. You said you might join it . Here's the link, I'll make a proper thread for it. The plan is to do this with as many people as possible during the Amsterdam gig .
  4. Not sure yet . Anything is possible of course. It's just that my bank account is a little worn out. But it will take such a long time before he comes to Antwerp and Dammy. The question is, if you are addicted to something (Mika gigs in this case), should you go cold turkey or just give in to your addiction ? Just read Asun is coming too! That makes the temptation even bigger.
  5. I hope you will be there too. If you are filming you can't do the mob but it is worth it, seeing his reaction .
  6. Yes he did. He said he would only take on picture. In London an amazing picture (with me standing next to Mika) turned out to be all blurry . To avoid the fact that that might happen again and we would end up with no picture at all I asked him to push the button twice. So he said: "Push the button twice." And then started to push the button when Mika wasn't there yet, the mean man . Thankfully he made 2 pics with Mika on it too.
  7. If I recall well at a certain point in this movie the guys are taking their clothes off. Are you planning on taking your clothes off ? If so, you should be on stage, not in front of the stage . Who is gonna be the catterpillar? AMP have you seen the flash mob already?
  8. Oh, come on, you can do it, I will drill you during queuing . And if it doesn't work you can stand behind me and copy me, Ok, you will be half a second later then everyone else but at least you will dance with us .
  9. Vielen dank Karin. I think these are the most positive reviews I've ever read about him.
  10. Ja hoor. Maar het is wel fijn als je al een beetje weet hoe het gaat. Als hij het live gaat spelen doen we het tijdens de gig (dat zou natuurlijk wel het leukste zijn), anders lijkt het me het leukste als we het doen als hij naar buiten komt (en dan maar hopen dat hij niet net deze keer de meet en greet overslaat ).
  11. Ok, voor wie naar de Amsterdam gig gaat, en 'm nog niet gezien heeft, hier is de flash mob die we in Amsterdam gaan doen : Hoe meer mensen meedoen hoe beter het effect is dus ik hoop dat zo veel mogelijk mensen meedoen. Voor de zekerheid: we beginnen met rechts, dus het kijken is naar rechts, de eerste arm die omhoog gaat is de rechter en de vuist die omhoog gaat is ook de rechtervuist .
  12. Thank you . Will you be there too? Someone should film his reaction. Or even better, someone should film it from stage (maybe we can convince John to film it )!
  13. Thank you . Someone else mentioned the glasses and I thought it would be great to use them in the Flash mob. So no we need 50 or so cheap glasses . Yes we do . You can't be there? That's a shame. That's the spirit . Can I emphasise again that we start with right? Look to the right, put your right arm out first etc. (after the GDE I'm a bit afraid that we will end up with 2 different versions . It was no problem for that dance but here we need to be in sync).
  14. Thank you . Yes, I tried to keep it simple, a lot of moves are repeated.
  15. Thank you . Yes, lots of people should join, just for the effect of it. I will try to get people involved even during queuing I guess . I sooooo hope he is going to play it live! Does everyone get that we are starting everything with right? We start looking at the right, start putting our right arm up at first, our right fist in the air etc.
  16. Really? Thank you sweetheart . I'm a bit insecure since this is the first flash mob I've ever made (and it is really different from a normal choreography) .
  17. Wasn't it a Dutch interview where he said that young boys wanted to kiss him and older women squeeze his cheeck. Ha! Wake up Mika . Everyone who is going to the gig and knows someone else who is going: please let them know about this flash mob. It is only going to be a succes if there are a lot of people doing it .
  18. Oh, she was your sister! I thought she was your friend. Going to Antwerp too huh. You've got the virus . Great that you are going to join the flahs mob, is your sister joining too? I wish I couldn't say anything to Mika if he was standing in front of me. I blab way too much .
  19. Hi Nevil, what did you (and your friend) think of the Mika gig last week (since it was your first real Mikagig)? I was blown away. In 27 minutes the vid will be re uploaded, hopefully with the whole song well played this time. Consider what you can see now a teaser/trailer .
  20. Oooh, Lollipop/Flamingo girl, I need to see that, it gets even more tempting to go to Barcelona now .
  21. Exactely, that is the problem I was talking about. I am re uploading the vid now, hopefully it'll be fine in half an hour or so. No idea why it went wrong, on the original video everything is fine. Well, it's like Kaatje said, we still have a while till the gig .
  22. You are welcome. If I watch it tho the music stops halfway through the song . I'll try to figure out what the problem is and then fix it.
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