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Everything posted by zoidy

  1. Why won't this weekend end? Yesterday someone ran into my car while I was at the supermarket and left a huge dent in it and then just drove away... The dog threw up all over the carpet, twice... Husband decided to be angry at me all day because I bought the DAAS DVD and he was supposedly planning on getting it for me for Christmas, even though he had never mentioned it and he never ever gets me anything without asking first to make sure I want it... Then there was a party next door that kept me awake all night and now I wake up to discover that my bathroom is full of ants for some reason. At this rate by the end of the day all my teeth will have fallen out, my house will have collapsed and Luke will have won Australian Idol. Hooray I think I will try to sleep all day. Me either. This will make life mush easier Yes, but at least you can tell that you wrote actual words and you can even tell what they are. Mine generally look like I've vomited a rainbow over the cake. I've read page and pages back and I still have no idea what's happening ...But that's just me. I'll catch on, one day. Yep, I'm almost certain he was on Mikey's team but other than that I don't remember any details. I think it was when it was still on the ABC, before it became the Sandman variety hour on Channel 10. I always liked him but there was never a point that he was my favourite. At first I liked Tim best and as I got older it changed to Paul but with Richard I always just felt bad for him because the other two were so horrible to him all the time I'm looking forward to watching the DVD to see if & how my opinions of them have changed over the years. i've heard plenty of times that in reality Paul is very shy and Tim acting "gay" doesn't sound very surprising but sleazy Richard is hilarious. I cannot imagine that considering the way he is on stage. It would be so strange to see him charming the ladies
  2. Of course she was being unreasonable! Your daughter is way more important than her car and it's not as though you did it on purpose. You don't control the wind. I think you handled it very well... I was in a similar situation a while ago and I was not nearly so composed Some guy came back to his car while I was strapping my son in and the door wasn't even touching his but he goes (in a really rude voice) "Do you want a panel beating bill?" ...I was already having a bad day so I gave him a lecture about how he needs to learn some manners and if his car is so precious perhaps he should learn to park on his side of the line. So yes, under the circumstances, you handled it brilliantly I wonder if anyone, anywhere, ever liked Richard the best. Me too… Actually, I don’t think I ever thought about it in any great detail. I just thought he was but I don’t know where the thought came from. That looks so cool. You did well with the icing, I can never never get those little writing icing tubes to do what I want them to
  3. This is so slow today. Unless it's just my computer. I've been trying to post this for about an hour. Oh well. Good morning He was on one episode that I can remember. I think that was the only time. What does he do now? He never seems to have much luck with his TV shows. Poor Tim Nooo, she's an ex friend because she was a cow to everyone. I really put up with her for much longer than I should have but the final straw was when she had a hissy fit because i missed her party a couple of weeks after my brother died She was just a tad self obsessed Oh, and if I ever find it, I'll burn it for you too .
  4. ...We love you because of how much you love yourself :mf_lustslow:

  5. :roftl:


    Or Perez, he has a big mouth, I'm sure he'd tell him.


    We're joking. Reeeeally :fisch:

  6. :lmao:

    That is the funniest thing I have heard all day.

    I can just picture him doing that :naughty:

  7. :roftl::roftl::roftl:

    Yeah, that is not quite my style I'm afraid!

  8. Aw, thank you :flowers2:

    I was wondering if I was fitting in ok. It helps that everyone is so friendly!

  9. Hello Sunday night it is then! Yeah, I almost got another copy of Icon once. My ex-friend's boyfriend had it and was going to copy it but then they broke up and she turned into a giant cow so it all fell through I still check every second hand music shop I come across but no luck yet... I've always dreamed of the day when my dumbness might be celebrated. <--- Tears of joy. Really? Cool. I have never seen anything decent at a $5 sale. No, actually that's not entirely true, once I got this big chunky yellow & orange necklace, I couldn't quite decide if it was hideous in a good or bad way so I bought it just in case I decided to like it but then it broke before I even got it home so it didn't matter in the end. Next time maybe I'll have a closer look and see whta I can find. I think it's understandable for New Zealanders to be annoyed with us sometimes. We're forever stealing your famous people and taking the credit for them... But that's just the media, the rest of us generally aren't such thieving bastards
  10. That makes more sense now...Slightly That would help But I am glad it wasn't a surprising question because I felt incredibly dumb for having to ask
  11. Is there anything that there is not a thread about? I will read it tomorrow, I'm meant to be making dinner at the moment. I think I need to do the same. I've spent about $40 there just in the last week and already have plans for another spree next week. Monday should be fine. All I've got is a few episodes of DAAS Kapital on video and the book. I used to have Icon and a whole lot of cassettes of them that I'd taped when they used to be on this old show Saturday Afternoon Fever that was on Triple J in the early 90s but I lost them one time when I moved house Thank you I really don't know. We've had it for a few years but it was second hand so it's probably lucky that it lasted as long as it did. I suppose we should move bravely into this century and get a flat screen but I'm quite sure we won't Good luck I always forget that it's on. I swear I've only remembered it about twice this year, I keep meaning to go and check if I can get podcasts of it. I hate it when they have posters in the window that say EVERYTHING $5!!! and then you go in, load up and only then notice the fine print on the poster that says something like "by everything, we mean only the really ugly stuff that no one ever buys, everything else still costs more than you want to pay for it". That damn sign has gotten me about 3 times. I have Virgin. They are evil. Ok, so I apologize in advance for ANOTHER ridiculous Noob question. I will try to make it the last one! What is the deal with the family tree thingy? I'm getting hopelessly lost:blush-anim-cl: Now I better go before everyone starts whining about how they need food.
  12. And so you should :flowers2:


    Haven't been on Myspace, I am notoriously slack in that department but I will add you tonight, I'm just about to run out the door right now. Do you have Facebook? I'm more reliable on there. I'll PM you my photo, as promised, when I get home too :wink2:

  13. lol, I don't even know how much a new monitor costs. I'm sure it's more than I'd want to pay though I'll probably just get a second hand one if we can't get one from Daniel's friend.
  14. Wow, he is pretty big! I guess I never think about it when I see them in the pet shops that those ones are babies and will get bigger. This monitor in particular is pretty useless. My normal one died last night so I had to hook up the spare one which is way too dark and makes everything look slightly blue I'm hoping that one of my husband's friend will let us have one of his. He has about 50 of them so surely there should be at least one tat he doesn't need. Otherwise I'll just have to buy a new one.
  15. Hey It appears to be very quiet in here today...
  16. lol, yeah you're probably right about them being too big. My cats used to be scared of my rat. If they got too close he'd pull their tails into his cage and bite them. I'm glad the photo looks better like that. After I did it, I realised that the colours on the monitor I'm using are not quite right so I wondered if maybe it didn't look to everyone else the way it appears to on my computer
  17. Yep, I realised as soon as I posted it that I was thinking of something else, seeing as I'm pretty sure the girl in the one I'm thinking of was American. Oops I guess I wouldn't have seem yours though, I don't have Foxtel Anyhow, my monitor finally died but the spare one isn't as bad as I remembered. It'll do for now. At least since it's smaller I don't have to worry that it might fall over when the cat jumps on it. In fact perhaps that's what broke the last one. I'm pretty sure monitors and kitty fur are probably not the best combination.
  18. Well what's wrong with the other half then? They need to get themselves to Diva... Or whatever shop sells them, I don't remember I love your hair by the way :naughty:Today's good unless that's too short notice. Well I'm happy that you won it, it's not fair how hard it is to find their stuff. It was hard enough even when they were still together
  19. You're right I just did it really quickly to see how it would look so it's not as good as I could have done but it looks better with more contrast:original: Your guinea pig is so cute. I've always wanted a guinea pig but I've always had cats and I'm scared they eat it... Although they never ate my rat so maybe I'm just paranoid
  20. ha ha, well I'm sorry that you didn't quite get my virginity but you will forever be my second :wub2:



  21. I guess I should go and get dinner started. Then I plan on lying on the couch, watching Hamish & Andy (that is tonight, isn't it?) and House and doing nothing for the rest of the night. I hope everyone has a good night Bye!
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