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Everything posted by ce_mika

  1. thanks for the request! ;)

  2. yes!! you're right!!!! he's too busy inside the damn studio!!! go outside MIKAAAA!!! we want new pictures pleasee!!!!
  3. you're welcome!! ;)

  4. great! i'd love to learn french at least basic words!! i've already accept your request!!! so i'll take a look your pictures!! ;)

  5. thans keti!! hi Miss_lollipop!! i have to admitt these pictures are fatal to the health!!! haha:mf_lustslow:
  6. thanks to you too!! i've visited the french lessons' thread but it's too advanced!!! haha!! i do not understand anything!! haha....so i'm gonna to myspace to autorizate your request! ;)

  7. thanks!!! merci = gracias, i love Mika= yo amo a Mika, i miss you= te extraño, welcome= bienvenido, please= por favor, bye= chau

  8. hi people!!!! i've been spending some time seeing the pictures, and they're wonderful!! thanks!!!
  9. great!!! in spanish : hello= "hola" and you're welcome= "de nada"....how do you say "night"?, in spanish is "noche"...."friend" =amigo

  10. great!!! in spanish : hello= "hola" and you're welcome= "de nada"....how do you say "night"?, in spanish is "noche"...."friend" =amigo

  11. thanks!!! i'm very happy!!!!!! WIIII!!! jja!! i like french version of GK too!!! and i like how the language is pronounced and how it sounds!!! right now the only word i know is : MERCI...ahahhhahha!!!

  13. oh thanks!!! right now i'm reading the questions!! it's very interesting!!!!!! i really like it!! just a little while "silver" has announced me that i'm the member #100 of the Smile Fan club!!! i'm very very happy!!!!!!

  14. mmm...what is FAQ??...i'm 1.65 aprox!!! hahahah!! i'm shortt!! haha!!! i have myspace too, you can go there! i will add you as a friend!!!!.......

    yesterday i downloaded the french version of grace kelly, i mean the lyric to try to sing, but it was very difficult!! hahaha!! you should have seen me...i looked very silly!!!!!! hahaha!!!!! i would like to learn french, but i haven't got time enough to do it!! maybe next year!!...:[

  15. por lo menos es consciente de lo que el provocaaa! jaja!!! a mis amigas ya las tengo re contra acostumbradas! incluso despues del 16 vamos a organizar una piyamada en casa para que vengas a ver el ultimo dvd! y del primero ya me pidieron copia!! ajajajaja!!!!

    ademas se van a re emocionar de ver el cambio que hay entre un dvd y el otro!! a mi se me cayeron unas lagrimas mientras miraba el ultimo, xq recordaba lo que fue el primero y todo lo que creio artisticamente!!!

  16. jajaja!! pobrecitoo!!!!!! es un tierno total!! a mi madre ya la tengo loca!! jaja!! todo el tiempo escucho su musica, incluso ella que ni habla una palabra en ingles, se sabe partes de sus canciones!! jajaj!! ya le adverti que nos va a tener que acompañar porque todavia somos menores!! ajajaj!!!!! asi que cuando veas a dos mikeras con camisetas especiales, acompañada de una mujer adulta....somos nosotrasss!!!! jajajajja!!!

  17. mmm...no!! i haven't got it!! i'd like to have it!! OMG if i speak with him i will be so nervous!!!! but anyway i want the chance to do it! jajaja!!! you're 1, 72!!!! oh my lord!!! and he's 1.90!!! wow!! he's veryy tall!!! at least for me!! i'm not very tall!! jajaja!!!

  18. jaja!!! estaria genial!!! jaja!!! o sino : "pervertimeee!!!" y le agregamos fotitos de el sin camisetas!! ajajja!! se muere!! se pone todo coloradooo!!! jajaa!

  19. sii!! me conto que cuando se lo fue hacer, le preguntaron si Mika era su hija!!! :0...ella casi lo mataaaa!!! imaginatee!!!!

    seria hermoso poder estar todas las mikeras juntas!!!....tmb me gustaria hacer carteles que dijeran algo asi como: gracias por tu musica..o algo asi para que el viera mientras canta! jaja! estilo lo que hicieron las mikeras francesas en el parc des princes, en el dvd ves que hicieron carteles que decian "MERCI"...

  20. thanks a lot!! so can you!! you know that if you need to come to uruguay, you can knock my door! ;)

    and tell me, how is Mika personally?? he is amazing right?? and very tall, i guess...:/

  21. siii!! stefy!!! es re buena gente!!! hasta se hizo un tatuaje de Mika!!!!!!...si, cn ella tenemos planeado ir hasta ahi!! pero igual mantenemos el sueño de que venga a Uruguay!!!! :)...estaria re lindo poder encontrarnos todas las mikeras!! te imaginas?: ustedes cn sus carteles y pulseras y nosotras con nuestras camisetas!! jaja!! estaria genial!!!!!:)

  22. South america is really beautiful because the countries have different type of flowers and animals!! i mean the nature, the weather is very different between two countries!!!...

    i never heard about that programme you talked about, but here in Uruguay there are a lot of programmes which travels around the world, especially to europe!!! they make you wanna go to those places!!!!...i have never travelled by aeroplane neither, height scares me, but i have to be brave enough to do it, because if i wouldn't i could never travel to anywhere!!! :(

  23. thankss!!! ahh!! it's absolutely fantastic!!! the 100th!! perfect number!!!!!!!

  24. te preguntaba, porque yo soy "amigo" por myspace y hi5 de la logia penniman! jaja! y hoy cuando entre al argentinean thread lei de las ideas de las pulseritas y eso! jaja!! esta re genial!!!! nosotras cn otra mikera uruguaya tamos intentando armar unas camisetas, porque su hermana trabaja en un local que hacen camisetas con diseños especiales y eso!! y como somos dos no nos hacemos problema!! XD XD XD!! JAJAJAJA!!

  25. i'm 17!! i still cannot travel alone, but i'm saving money to go to Argentina when he comes, because it's nearly to my country ( uruguay)...europe is too far away but i have the dream of be there some day!! london, paris, or madrid are some of the cities a like the most!!!! :)

    have you ever been in south america??

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