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cheshire cat

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Posts posted by cheshire cat

  1. He;s actually pretty huge in Germany, "i'm yours" got some award for being major :lol3:


    Yes I think Hugo did make people happy,as he is one of the few inhabitants that have potential :naughty:



    Why thank you. They were cool to photograph,struggling on their boards


    Too bad the man with the hat wasn't there to give them a lesson in proper shirt-short surfing

    yeah... he is also huge in germany.. especially in Berlin's underground artsy scene.. years ago... :thumb_yello:


    I know!! but I NEVER heard of him! :thumbdown:

    the backyard...:wub2: it's called oosmarsum or something like it. I know I've watched all the videos so many times :biggrin2:

    But with his next tour, he doesn't come to holland! I was shocked! I really hope he'll add one more gig:wub2:


    he still didn't announce all of his summer tour dates and countries... he will be in France in June... so there is chance that he will come to Holland...


    he just added another day in his spring tour in London...

    so dates and countries are not final.. am keeping my fingers crossed for you

  2. Actually,the river runs through the entire park and kids bathe in it sometimes


    My old place was near the park,so I had the river nearby and I used it too sometimes for toe cooling.


    It's not really that cold,but if they'd just wear shorts they'd likely end up without them :naughty:



    Focus,you don't mean the photo :naughty:

    Here,german Hugh, Hugo


    sounds like a very nice place to hang out in... can't believe I went to Germany and didn't go to Munich :thumbdown:


    Nice german hugo there :naughty: that view will make the young ladies in the park enjoy their afternoon


    I remember that song, it's on my ipod. When I heard 'I'm yours' I bought all 3 albums in one month:naughty: I still can't get over the fact I didn't know him before he got all famous with this song. He performed sooo much in the netherlands before I'm yours!:shocked:


    he is HUGE in Holland ... even before he was famous around the world.. he was also famous in Sweden... through viral internet...


    he even played in someone's backyard in some remote village there once... his shows are always sold out...


    the albums are great... but you should check his acoustic live versions... if you can get hold of the "We Sing", "We Dance" EPs you will appreciate his talent even more...


    he has many songs that are great but never released... he only plays them live...

  3. Ooops. :doh::naughty:


    Uhh...err..."on topic"...hmm...

    Sooo, whatchya think of the "I'm Yours" music video? :mf_rosetinted:



    :roftl: good one !! :roftl:


    have you see "you and I" music video... that's a dorky funny video..

  4. Thanks! Felt so stupid for asking but I really didn't know:wink2:


    Don't be... he is not "secretive" about it... so it is ok to discuss it...


    you just reminded me of one of his songs called "Mr. Curiosity"



    you should check out the lyrics.. you will know what I mean... :naughty:

  5. The guy in that photo reminds me of Hugh Jackman, a bit...


    I love the randomness of this thread...

    started with Jason... then smoking and social etiquette... then surfing in Munich's river... back to Jason's sexuality ... and now some random dude that looks like Hugh Jackman :roftl:


    I love this... :naughty:

  6. Yeah it was also hard to take pics because they did tend to fall off a lot :naughty:


    I have about 20 where they're in the fall.


    It's a cool place,and usually when people surf you'll have crowds staring. Wonder if I caught Jason and didn't realize :roftl:

    looks like a lot of fun...

    but I can imagine the river water must be very cold... even in the summer... those wet suits better be very thick :naughty:


    well check those photos... if you see a guy with a hat on surfing it could be him :roftl::roftl:

  7. :shocked: I didn't know!

    Thats why he's always so calm and relaxed, I'll bet he leads an amazing life:wub2:


    Can I ask something about his sexuality? cuz on youtube I hear all these gossip about jason being gay...but then straight?:boxed:


    not that it matters...


    He is very open about his sexuality... he is straight...

    he was married... now divorced - to a woman

    and he had a fellow female singer/song writer as his girlfriend for a while called tristan prettyman - she has a wonderful voice... they wrote a couple of songs together


    his best friend from school is gay... and he has many gay friends...

  8. the surfing is right tho. There's a place in the english garden,which basically si the city park,where they made a proper wave


    Of course they say that surfing isn't allowed,but who ever listens? :lol3:


    Took this last summer there




    YES! that's the one!!!

    he surfs there :thumb_yello: whenever he is in town :thumb_yello:


    nice pic by the way... looks like a difficult wave to ride

  9. I'd have to start smoking first. :wink2::naughty:


    I read in Rolling Stone magazine that he eats a raw foods diet...



    yeah... he tries to.. as much as he can... he even is on and off vegetarian...

    he leads a very zen life...

  10. Oh thank God! He's a bit of a male Sara Bareilles isn't he ? at least fan wise :naughty:


    You want me to tell you how he was playing a gig in Munich,in the smallest venue the town has to offer while I was 20mins away having to present a project? :mf_rosetinted: Fun times :naughty:


    I wanted to say that am jealous that you were in the same city where he performed in a small venue... but when I read the whole post... :thumbdown:


    sorry to hear about that... it sux



    He performs in Munich very often... he even surfs in one of the rivers there... I think I saw a youtube video of a session he had with his fans where he asked them to go on stage and just jam randomly... it was really cool.. just like having a great talent perform in your living room as asking you to sing along..

  11. Aww, that's awesome! :cheerful_h4h:


    I never noticed that, but I suppose that's true! I shall scream at him when I see him then, just to break the "mature" cycle. :mf_rosetinted:







    ...yeah right. :roftl:

    :roftl: and maybe start smoking and puffing in his face... :roftl:


    though I know he was a smoker.. or at least was for years - he even sang about it many times ... he is now adopting a "healthy" lifestyle.. so am not sure anymore if this would scare him ... :mf_rosetinted::roftl:

  12. Not to repeat basically what has been said already (which I have a feeling I'm about to do :aah:) but I do think it's pretty inconsiderate to have someone blow their cigarette smoke in someone else's face.


    It was very generous for Jason to do that miniature "jam session" (or whatever you would like to call it) with his fans. He could have easily got in the van, waved "goodbye" and left. But that small act of kindness, on his part, reflects good on him and leaves a good impression with others (ie his fans).


    he does that often... and he still performs in small coffee shops in his home town to his loyal group of native fans...

    he still chooses small venues... and in many cases universities...

    he is usually very down to earth with his fans.. he even performs sometimes and interacts with them while they are standing in the Q


    I have to admit, his fans are a little bit on the mature side... i.e. no screaming and touching...


    I think that guy was getting too comfortable

    "Got a high5,i'm his bro ,his buddeh,Imma be cool,let's smoke"



    But the whole thing is really cool,have to catch him live sometime!


    I wanted to see him live.. he is playing in London in April... work is hectic at the moment so I cannot plan anything... :thumbdown:


    was even considering seeing him in Malaysia in March... let's see how it goes...

  13. True :P


    But I don't mind people smoking outside,just not in the face of people that sing. even Jason looked weird when he first felt the smoke on him


    To be honest I did not notice it until you mentioned it... was taken by the whole live spontaneous acoustic session with his fans... but it is a good point


    It's just plain rude.


    Anyway, they're really lucky!



    they are lucky... he is very cool with his fans..

  14. Oh wow,that just made me smile!

    It's great that he did that.And I mean,it's two songs,that's pretty amazing!

    But hey,we always knew The Mraz is brilliant


    One thing tho,could tha idiot not have smoked later? Must he blow his tabacco in peoples faces?



    you made me laugh so hard :roftl::roftl::roftl:


    I can tell you are not a smoker :naughty:

  15. Apparently so. :naughty:


    No, I didn't go the last time he was here. :tears: The next time he comes though, that'll be a different story. :naughty:

    Aww that sucks! You'll do so soon enough, I'm sure. :thumb_yello:


    he just announced his spring and summer tour dates ... more venues to come... and he has a great policy with his management that his fans can "demand" a tour and if enough people do so he will schedual it in his tour:thumb_yello:

  16. Oh my goodness, I almost bought a Milli Vanili CD last week, just for kicks. But I didn't. :naughty:


    do they still sell their CDs after the scandle ??? :naughty:


    have you see Mraz live? he is touring Asia but not close to where I live :thumbdown:


    (Hope you don't mind me putting numbers in your post).


    2) Yeah...sorta like a popularity contest sometimes? :bleh:


    I mean, the Grammy's are the same people who gave an award to Milli Vanili :)

    I only know one song by him, and it's I'm Yours of course... and there's no words to describe how much I love that song !!!


    It never fails to make me smile


    he has so many great songs... you have to check out all his 3 official CDs... they are great... most are uplifting and happy.. even the soft slow ones are still feel good ones


    I recommend you listen to his latest CD - check out "beautiful mess", Details in the Fabric, Make it Mine, Lucky..


    he also has older songs like "Geek in the Pink", Life is Wonderful, Older Lover Undercover, Wordplay, you and I both, sleeping to dream, The remedy, Mr Curiosity, Bella Luna, Plane and the beauty in ugly


    The music of Jason is sooo lovely :D..


    It's relaxing and quiet..I love it when I'm in my car...:thumb_yello:


    so true... his music relaxes me... but I have to admit that I have enjoyed his live acoustic recordings more than the mixed album covers



    the whole list is great, especially - Love for a child - it is amazing.. I love the lyrics of "details in the fabric"



    What a great performance on Ellen!:thumb_yello:

    I'm gonna buy his dvd tomorrow, finally got some money:naughty:


    and how cute of him to take his mum to the grammys:


    no DVDs released where I live.. only CDs... :thumbdown:


    I think his talent goes beyond the music... his live performances are very powerful and the lyrics are simple and yet very deep and relevant...

  18. i love that clap song!!!


    "He's got looks, got books, take pages to tell

    He's got a face to make you fall on your knees.

    He's got money in a bank, take another guess

    If you think he's living the dream.."


    i wonder if he is talking about himself here, well he got the looks and a cute face..he always whines about money though :naughty:



    I think....


    "he was called the tax baby - but he created enemies of his own"


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