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cheshire cat

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Posts posted by cheshire cat

  1. ..I'm still walking on air in London :bleh:


    first of all, thank you for all the lovely videos and reports....


    second of all... am so happy for you and the others in LA to experience such a special concert/gig... it sounds so lovely...


    I hope the rest of the fans take notes... this is how it should be... :thumb_yello:

  2. I will seriously make a point that I don’t especially think this is an autobiographical story at all.

    It could be a story about anyone who didn’t fit in to the society in an obvious way.

    Like in Billy Brown when Mika explicitly says, when he’s asked the question, this is a story of my friend Billy Brown.

    But in my interpretation it’s a story about a gay experience, “sleeping with a boy” “a toy boy”.

    Mind my limited nuances in the English and please don’t bite my head off:roftl: this only what I hear in the song, it can be a thousand other ways to listen to it and I think just that is the beauty of it!:wub2:

    When you look at him singing this song behind the piano you can see how he's is joking and smiling.

    I think it’s a big flirt with the gay community!:naughty:



    I’m a wind-up toy in an up down world

    If you leave me all alone, I’ll make a mess for sure

    I’ve a heart of gold and the smartest styles

    Leave me in the dark, you’ll never hear me cry

    Just setting it, telling the story.


    More than an illustration

    Points of articulation

    Come to life on a brass spring

    Such a wonderful plaything

    It is wonderful thing for any (mother) to have a little toy boy.


    It’s a cruel cross that I have to bear


    -Because I’m gay and not like other little boys


    Come a little close I’m going to pull your hair


    -But I have learned to protect myself in this matter, just try me!


    More than just a toy in a patch-blue suit

    Hold me in your arms I’m just a boy like you


    -We have found each other and are happy so far, hold me and feel that I’m just like you. Two boys feeling comfort!


    But your mama thought there was somethin’ wrong

    Didn’t want you sleeping with a boy too long

    It’s a serious thing in a grown-up world

    Maybe you’d be better with a Barbie girl


    Now mama had to break in, this is not acceptable, you are better of with a girl.

    -But in my world girls are not the subject of my love, they are Barbie girls, stiff and peculiar.



    You were that I adored-ah

    But you left me in Georgia

    Toys are not sentimental

    How could I be for rental?


    -How could you fail me and force me to see girls? You left your love for me way behind. In Georgia.


    She’s the meanest hag that has ever been

    Pulled out my insides with an old safety pin

    I’m the sorest sight, now I feel like trash

    Clothes are made of rags and they don’t even match

    -And from this moment there was only pain and misery in my life!

    You couldn’t even dress me, I’m better than you to know what to wear and what suits me.

    Of course, how could you even question that, I have it in me.


    So she dressed me up as the man she loved


    -She tried to dress me the way she thought men was supposed to dress, like my father for example.

    And dressing has a wider meaning, manners and the way we behave.


    Then threw me in a box when she had had enough


    -But she really didn’t care in the long run.


    Now the light of day I no longer see

    She stuck her voodoo pins where my eyes used to be


    -I am tortured and have so much pain.


    Accidentally tragic

    Victim of her black magic

    How’d a boy who’d so loved you

    Now be so afraid of you?


    -How could it be like this?

    How could you not love me for the person I am?

    You frighten me.


    On a long lost day when you’re grey and old

    Would you be there remembering your old toy boy?

    When you’re old and wise? will you look at me?

    Tell them the story of a boy like me

    -Will this be a lesson for you? Ever?

    Will you be wiser some day and realise what you have done to me, tell the story?


    very interesting interpretation....


    thank you Sienna... I really enjoyed reading it :thumb_yello:

  3. I've loved Jason Mraz for years. I think he's just brilliant, and very fun to sing along to in the car. :)


    totally agree with you ... smooth music for long drives... in the office... in the gym :thumb_yello:


    what a coincidence ... Jason Mraz just did a secret gig in Australia - same time as Mika :thumb_yello:




    am sooooo jealous :naughty:


    here's the report


    Jason Mraz and That Secret Show ... Kevin Was There


    by Kevin Lai - April 16 2009

    photo by Ros O'Gorman


    Jason Mraz played a secret show in Sydney last night. At 12:30am, he was on stage at The Basement. Kevin Lai was there and tells Undercover all about it.


    Earlier in the evening when Bushwalla welcomed the sold out Hordern Pavillion to “the circus”, few had any idea the show would really get underway five hours later in a small underground bar with no more than a hundred witnesses.


    Far removed from the countless lights and camera flashes of the first of the evening’s two performances, fans were greeted at the Basement with a live video of Jason Mraz, Bushwalla and Toca Riviera setting up their own equipment on the floor below.


    As fans huddled into the underground bar, like local performers feeling right at home, all three men floated about the audience signing autographs and saying hello to fans and friends alike. Without warning, or microphone, Mr. A-Z begins a freestyle rap which bounces between him and his old college roommate as the pair walked across table tops to make their way to the stage.


    Returning to the old “coffee shop days” where the trio played smaller venues all along the Californian shoreline, far from the world’s largest stages, it was apparent they felt right at home in this setting not too dissimilar from where it all started.


    Gone were the electronics, lighting effects and horn section that showed earlier in the night just how far they’ve come. Taking their place, acoustic guitars, African drums, a whole lot of raw ability and a childlike fascination for rhyming about the most ridiculous topics including the difficulty of “being a gangsta with a basket on your bike”.


    Showing vintage form, one lucky female member of the audience was chosen as the focus of one unrehearsed melody. Unlucky for her, although undeniably unforgettable, the two wordsmiths told the tale of how they found her number on the venue’s men’s room wall and how she had already become a favourite booty call.


    The highlight of the night, however, came when Bushwalla returned to the stage with a life jacket while Mraz and Riviera performed “Plane”.


    Much to the audience’s surprise, the afro’ed musician pull the rip cord immediately inflating the floating device. As the song carried on, Bushwalla showed a very believable fear of choking – all the while refusing to stop rhyming about how this “was not planned when we rehearsed out the back”.


    The night ended with the get up and dance tune, "Fall Through Glass". With Mraz traversing through the crowd with tambourine in hand, it did just that, starting what felt like a surreal Hollywood movie flash dance from the seated audience.


    By show’s end, all three men had made the Basement their house. So much of each individual was put into every song, action and stumble, all for the sake of entertaining themselves as well as the late night crowd.


    Upon leaving the venue, as the showmen talked amongst the crowd, there was a sense that the party would still continue and that I may be missing the out on the best parts yet to come.


    The time now, however, was 2AM and although mentally enthralled by the entire life experience, physical fatigue could no longer be ignored. Mraz, Bushwalla and Riviera though had hit a high and seemed as if they could have carried on all night long.

  4. Can't believe I have discovered James Morrison only this year!!! I feel I have been left in the dark...

    what a voice... what a talent...


    I bought his latest CD... and man what a talent :thumb_yello: I am inlove with every song :wub2:

  5. :eek:


    I would like to present my new interpretation for everyone under 16 or whoever this may please:


    The story is similar to the one in Toy Story but our Toy Boy is not as masculine as Woody.


    First TB is owned by a boy (you see I am NOT writing 'loves and is loved by'..:naughty:) but his mum finds this weird, so TB is left in Georgia (Mika's favourite word) and his tiny golden heart is broken.... :emot-sad:


    Then TB is picked up by a girl (a tomboy type) who destroys him by sticking voodoo pins all over him and does all sorts of cruel actions to him...Nevertherless, TB is mainly warried about his clothes not matching... :naughty:


    ... it is a sad story... in all interpretations.

    It's time to go to sleep girls. Goodnight:bye:





    Very interesting.... thanks 4tp... I agree with many of the points mentioned

  6. Okay...not 'lame', but superficial. That's how I see it.

    The other interpretations are welcome of course.


    Don't take it so personal :thumb_yello:



    Good for you :thumb_yello:

    I never take anything personal dear.... especially here... just respectful of others ...


    Can't wait to hear your deep interpretation tomorrow... :thumb_yello:

  7. I agree with you. I have analysed the song for hours and I can't see anything 'gay'.

    I think people don't read the lyrics from the very FIRST line to the LAST line, which is extremely important.

    I also think the lyrics of this song are way too dark and serious just to label them as 'gay', or 'involving gay'. How lame.


    I will type my interpretation of it tomorrow as I can't right now due to tiredness :thumbdown: and my review and close reading of these lyrics will be posted tomorrow because then I'll have more time :thumb_yello:


    I don't think there is a need to call anyone's point of view "lame" just because you don't see it in the same way...


    I think the beauty of art is that it can be interpreted subjectively...

    if you see it this way, good for you...


    if others see it in another... then great...


    that's what makes music organic...

    and that's what makes mika's music even more entertaining... :thumb_yello:

  8. oh, yes. I can vaguely remember Boy George calling George Michael's girlfriend a 'fag hag' in the eighties....:naughty:


    vaguely :naughty:


    that's the exact term used :thumb_yello:... still very commonly used... even in 2009 :roftl:... and might be relevant to the song... in a way :naughty:...


    it will keep some people entertaining in the guessing game...


  9. some might find this interesting... the word "hag" is a description my gay friends use to describe a straight woman that is always around them - either a good friend or obsessed female companion ... it is usually used with a word before it... though most hags prefer to be called fruit flies

  10. My 2 cents...


    I kind of like the overall feel of his new album... at least the few samples that we heared either from his vlogs or the secret gig...


    I feel he kept the same feel as LICM... same style.. he almost mirrored the formula in his first album's songs.. and I emphasize on the word formula as I see a HUGE similarity in the way the music has been selected and the style of each song in comparison to LICM...


    Boy Toy and Billy Brown are both nursery rhyme type of songs in the style of the music ... but with very controversial lyrics (at least in the eyes of people who want to interpret every word and deduct conclusions) ... both sweet and entertaining.. and am sure will bring both interest and smiles ... it's Mika's way of teasing and mixing an innocent melody with "interesting" lyrics.. :)



    Blame It On The Girls (Clapping Song) - I like it...very much like Love Today... very dance, happy cheerful song with high notes at times and melodic tunes at times... all in all I think people will find it difficult to stand still when hearing it... this has a great formula for a summer success - wish he would release it as a single this summer... like an intro to his album...



    Blue Eyes - sweet... in the acoustic version the guitar is very dominant... which is not very common in his style in the first album... so I can not link it to a mirrored version of any of his current songs as I don't have the musical ear to analyse notes.. maybe if I hear it with piano and full production/mixed I would have a better opinion... but all in all it is pleasant though the quality of all recordings that I have heard so far is very poor so not much to say about lyrics...


    Rain - oh well, I like it when I heard it in a low tone... am not a huge fan of his high notes on this song specifically .. .that being said... I know many people are huge fans of this song.. and it can be catchy.. time will tell... and eventually will find out how he recorded it and at what level he sang it..


    so happy for all the ones that were able to attend the secret gig.. and thanks for the lovely posts, videos and pics...


  11. I took a load of videos last night.. was amazing.

    Here they are.........


    I'm Yours

    Beautiful Mess

    You and I Both/Sleeping To Dream

    Make It Mine

    Mr Curiosity :wub2:

    Dynamo of Volition



    Love For A Child

    Tonight, Not Again


    I also have No Stopping Us to upload but the file size is too big so I'll have to shrink it down etc...

    nice videos... :wub2:

    thanks 4 sharing... what a lovely performance...



    Argh my friend back home met him today randomly walking around Birmingham...she doesn't even like him! :thumbdown:


    Good for her.. I bet he was friendly and down to earth... that's what I have heard about him..

  12. yeah, I'm so impressed, I had no idea he was THAT talented!!!

    Glad you like the vids!

    Oh dear, I hope you get to see him...I know what it feels like to miss a gig you really want to go to! Is the meeting reeeeally important? :wink2:


    I have been following Jason Mraz for a while now ... I knew how good he is live ... and have decided to see him live once he announced this year's tour dates... unfortunately, my work this year has a hectic schedule ... last year I managed to see mika's gigs 3 times worldwide, a music festival in Denmark, and another concert in paris without effecting my work... this year it seems impossible to plan what I am doing for the weekend :thumbdown:


    maybe there is still hope in the summer tour dates :thumb_yello:

  13. I've been meaning to join this thread for ages....anyhow, I just saw Jason tonight here in Lisbon. I'm gobsmacked. I mean, I knew he was talented, but OMG!! He did the opera bit in Mr Curiosity.... :shocked::shocked: incredible. And the way he can make his voice sound exactly like a sax?!!!

    His performance of I'm Yours was powerful...the atmosphere there was indescribable!!


    Here's my vid if anyone's interested :)


    Thank you 4 sharing your videos... they are amazing..


    you lucky girl! :wink2:


    I was supposed to go to Malaysia to see his gig in March... and it did not work... then I decided to go to London to see the gig on the 4th of April... and it doesn't look good as I have to be in a meeting in Dubai on the 5th :thumbdown:


    he is a great live performer... am glad you enjoyed your time.. what a great atmosphere :thumb_yello:

  14. wow..sounds/looks amazing:wub2: tho I must say I've never seen a performance of Jason I didn't like...


    I like this one 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-VTQWaNp5M&feature=related ' The 'opera part' sounds great!:wub2:


    nice video..

    he made it faster ... more upbeat.. I like it.. I nice to see a "happy" version of Mr Curiosity... :naughty:

    and he looks soo young in this video... it's hard to believe it is only 2 years old... he changed his look:blink:


    thanks 4 sharing:thumb_yello:

  15. ^^

    I like Mr Curiosity too... "Plane" and "Life is Wonderful" are good too...


    People in Rome were so lucky to see his performance...



    wish he would perform anywhere close to where I live as I can not have time off at the moment...


  16. :punk:Mr a-z is very good, I think it's better than Wfmrtc :thumb_yello:


    I have to agree with you on this one.. though waiting for my rocket to come is a good music album... but Mr A-Z is better... and WSWDWST is even better...

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