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Posts posted by Kasia_xxx

  1. Nope ... just done an 11 hour shift cos' some **** went sick .... :(


    Wouldn't mind if she was actually sick .... but she does this all the time when she's supposed to be on a late .... so I got lumbered with it ... oh ... and guess what my shift is tomorrow .... my proper late .... I don't get home til' 9.45pm tomorrow .... not a happy bunny to be lumbered with two in a row .... I need some nice piccies to drool over ... that is if I can actually take them in ... cos' I am so flipping tired :tears:


    Laurel I so love your 'animated' siggie :fangurl:

  2. Long thread:biggrin2:

    I soooo love Mika for not talking about his boy/girlfriends, all this stuff. For the public he clearly wants to remain a musician and it's really pointless to label his sexuality.

    For me... I'd prefer him to be gay, to be honest, otherwise if he ever reveals his girlfriend I'd die of jealousy:boxed: (joking but I can already feel that stinging feeling in my heart)

    Now, in many countries being/not being a gay is not a big deal at all but there are still places in the world (e.g. Poland where I'm from) where there are many singers/showbiz people who everybody knows they're gay but they themselves would never admit that in public to avoid all the unfair judgement and comments. So, as I now live in England, I think there would be no impact if Mika ever came out but back in Poland... I don't want him to be put on the gay artists shelf. He's just bigger than that and BIG, BIG thanks to him for not speaking openly about his sexuality (but still the less he talks, the more people wonder - life...)

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