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Posts posted by Kasia_xxx

  1. I met him for like, 3 seconds outside Sadler's. He's nice and sweet and polite, smiley smiley, and lovely. And twice as gorgeous in real life.



    Oh me too... Outside Sadler's and then iTunes... All you've mentioned is true. He's just adorable, very patient with fans - hahaha, not always easy - really tall (but tall, not gigantic:naughty:) and slim and his eyes are darker than in the pictures. He has perfect complexion and lovely hair. He's very approachable, i.e. HE cuddled ME (not the other way round:roftl:) I wish you meet him soon and see all of the above for yourself!

  2. i was VERY happy that we are golden the song did not leak.


    we waited together as a fan club, were overjoyed together as a fan club.


    blue eyes got leaked on youtube. some people heard, some people didnt. lots on angry PM's and people saying 'oh i want to wait until the release' and arguing.


    I hope the album doesnt leak. i can't wait until we can all enjoy the boy who knew too much TOGETHER, as a fan club. :wub2:


    I say i can't wait, but i can. you know why? because it will be worth it. because it will be honest.


    listening to it 'illegally' is cheating mika, in my opinion.


    i dont want to do that.


    Alleluja!!! Well said!!! It's so much more fun when we can all enjoy it at the same time, plus it would be just a cheat. And... today is only exactly a month to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pbjt:

  3. Ok, so if there's a gig then perfect - even better cause more MFCers!

    If not each of us could do something special for the day in London or anywhere and either film it or post here what we've done:naughty:

    Waterfight or picnic sounds cool!:thumb_yello: Anything MFC that day will be just great and the more people join in, the better- after all all of us are just waiting for that day since the release date was announced!

  4. Hey guys!

    I've just had this idea... Mika said on the radio a few weeks ago that he would do a surprise show in London around the release of TBWKTM... Anyway... regardless this (if it happens at all) I was thinking if we couldn't celebrate the release of the new album somewhere in London together. LET'S SURPRISE MIKA!!! Let's wear Mika fancy clothes, take our copies of the new album and celebrate - a march, manifestation of our love for him, lunch, just a meet-up. Whatever. What do you think? Any ideas? Post them here. Knowing the creativity of MFC I know we'll make something really crazy!

  5. ooo I could be classed at north Yorkshire... but I am going to YORK itself on Sunday to see mummy in law, I hope he is still there and texts me I will invite him to hers for lunch... show him the river Ouse and the bar walls and sto0fs :biggrin2:



    or York Minster maybe



    but I think he might like this place best



    Oh i love York! Take him to the Vikings' village:naughty:

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