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Status Updates posted by Tayler

  1. yeah :teehee:

    nothing really, food, books, MFC :naughty:

  2. i know :blink: i'll ask my mum to come to the doctors with me to check it out.


    ok :wink2: what have you been doing today?

  3. if it is my appendix then, yeah. cos if it gets infected, and the doctor gives you antibiotics and they don't work, then you have to go to hospital to have it cut out, or it might explode. and that would be bad. thats what my science teacher said anyway.


    aww whats wrong??

  4. i know, i don't want to go to the hospital:blink:


    just ok?

  5. i'm ok, my side hurts though. i think it's my appendix - i don't know how to spell it :naughty:

    but apart from that i'm fine :wink2: how about you?

  6. perfect timing :naughty:

    are you ok though??

  7. happy b-day :yay:

  8. oh yeah :lmfao: i had french today.

    je mange les bonbons. - i wish.

  9. :teehee:


    j'adore tu, ma soeur


    i think that makes sense :lmfao:

  10. hey, do you wanna go to fourplets??

  11. i know :naughty: but i don't really want to go now. although, when i get there, it might be fun.


    i didn't want to go on my own. i know the other girls who are going, but i didn't want to have me first lesson without one of my friends.


    anyways, g2g, speak to you soon, love you, :bye::wub2::bye:

  12. PE sucks. i had it today. i don't know why i'm doing sports after school. but i made a friend agree to go with me, and i don't think she'll be very happy if i say i don't want to go. because she didn't want to go and i forced her to agree to go with me :naughty:


    ooops :D

  13. it looks like i haven't got any eyebrows because i pulled it down too far :biggrin2:

  14. i know, i'm crazy right? who would do sport for fun??

  15. you know you asked for a picture of my new Mika hat?

    well, i took a picture and it's in the post your pictures thread. warning, it looks weird. :naughty:

  16. :teehee:


    ok, speak to you soon! :bye:

  17. yes, very :mf_rosetinted:




    i would do the same tomorrow, but i might be going to * dun dun duuuuuuun* an after school sports club!!!!!:aah:

  18. school is a scary place :shocked::naughty:

    it has to be if it can give you nightmares!!!!

  19. ahh intresting.... :naughty:


    meh, not much.

    went to school, came back from school, laptop + MFC



  20. you're right. they are nightmares!!! :tears:

  21. what have you been doing today??

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