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Status Updates posted by sofimica3212

  1. It's like Walmart but more expensive and better quality. :lol3:

    And I found an app on my phone that it's like a button and when you tap it it's Michael's voice saying "That's what she said!" :lmao:

  2. I saw those a few weeks ago and I couldn't stop pressing "replay". :naughty:

    My favorite is the depressed dealer story. Especially how he says "she took the kids..." :lmao:


    I love this:

    (but I'm sure you've seen it before)


    That shirt is awesome! :biggrin2:

    At Target they have a bunch of stuff from The Office like sticky notes and pens; my sister bought the mug Michael has that says "World's Greatest Boss" for my dad since my sister works at his company. :lol3:

  3. :boing: Me too!

    I started watching reruns of it like a month ago and now I'm totally addicted.

    And now I have a huge crush on John Krasinski. :teehee:

  4. I've been glued to my computer lately...watching episodes of The Office online. :aah:

    I'm trying to catch up to season 4. :lol3:

  5. At least you have another computer that you can use for now. :naughty:

  6. Yeah, it really sucked. :huh:


    You can't connect the internet cable to it?

  7. Aww! :wub2:


    My laptop's charger decided to stop working for no reason so my laptop was dead until now, that I got a new charger. :aah:

  8. Ohhh, did a lot of kids go asking for candy at your house? There was hardly anyone trick or treating around here.

  9. How was your Halloween? :boing:

  10. When my dog bothers me too much while we're eating or something I'm like "Go with dad! Go, go!" in a nice voice and she actually does it. :naughty:


    I'm going to sleep, g'night! :bye:

  11. They know what to do to get what they want. :naughty:

  12. Mhm, she has like honey/hazel eyes, and she does the "big puppy eyes" thing on me when she wants people-food. :lmao:

  13. Aww it'd be hard to kick her out. :aah::lol3:

  14. Mhm, it's alright now. :naughty:

  15. It used to be awkward at first, but I guess I just got used to it already.


  16. I'll be ready for next Halloween. :naughty:


    Aww! I do that to my dog sometimes cuz she can be so annoying. Lately she's gotten more close with me since my sister works, so she follows me EVERYWHERE. And if I like go to the bathroom she'll either go in with me or sit at the door waiting for me to come out. :aah:

  17. I couldn't stop laughing when she gave me that idea. And I would have done it if I had purple shoes. (Cuz I have purple pants and a purple long sleeve shirt). :lol3:


    Even to the two-year old? :tears:

  18. You HAVE to take a picture tomorrow, I've got to see this. :naughty:

    My sister also told me to dress up as Sarah Palin or a crayon (like dressed all in one color and then like a pointy hat or something). :lol3:


    I can imagine, when I'm with my little cousins for a long time I want to explode. :aah::teehee:

  19. Omg! My sister told me to dress up as her! :lmao:


    Aw how cute! Sometimes I wish I had little siblings. :huh:

  20. Cool! What are you gonna be? :biggrin2:

    How old are your brothers?

  21. I totally didn't get all hyped up for Halloween this year. Just today I finally planned something with my best friend. I had a costume that I was gonna use but I didn't really like it so I went into my closet for inspiration. I was gonna be an aqua fairy (that was the costume I had bought a long time ago) but now I'm gonna be a hippie. Making costumes is more fun than buying them, I think.

    Do you still dress up?

  22. Fo sho. :cool:




    I'm think I'm going to sleep, I've had an extremely long day and tomorrow I've got PSAT testing. :aah:

    Nighty night! :bye"

  23. I don't know what you're talking about. :mf_rosetinted:

  24. Haha, you're right. I never even open the ones they give me at school and I still pass the classes. Maybe when they make you pay for the books it's cuz you'll actually use them. :lol3:

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