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Posts posted by Nanou

  1. edit: une petite soirée en compagnie des MFCers de Montréal... ça te plairait? mmmm??? :teehee:


    ooohhh si j'suis dans le coin pour mes vacances, je me joins a vous c'est sur :thumb_yello:




    C'est sûr que j'adorerais ça :thumb_yello:


    j'espère juste que ce voyage va réellement pouvoir se faire, sinon y'aura plein de déçues maintenant :aah: mais normalement, si mes calculs sont justes, ça devrait aller :biggrin2:



  2. Je ne sais pas comment tu penses faire le trajet, mais un vol Toronto-Vancouver, c'est 6 heures et c,est probablement 2-3 jours en train ou en voiture.


    en fait c'est 4 jours de train :biggrin2:, c'est d'ailleurs en observant ça que j'ai découvert que depuis ma suisse miniature où tout est tellement proche, je n'ai AUCUNE notion des distances :aah::roftl:


    donc je pense plutôt faire Toronto - Vancouver en avion ^^

  3. coucou les gens :biggrin2:


    au pays de Guillaume Tell, de Heidi et du Gruyère sans trous il fait super beau aussi depuis une semaine (actuellement 25 ° et un beau soleil sur le lac léman) par contre ils annoncent une chute de 10 à 15 ° pour vendredi et de la neige à basse altitude ce week-end :blink::aah:


    autant dire que je profite des derniers jours de beau comme je peux et j'espère que vous aussi :thumb_yello:


    sinon, petite question à nos amies canadiennes, j'envisage un petit séjour chez vous l'année prochaine (entre 2 et 3 mois, si le budget le permet - mais pour l'instant y'a absolument rien de certain, ça se décidera en début d'année prochaine :wink2:) , du coup je me demandais si vous aviez 2-3 conseils à me donner :thumb_yello: (genre niveau transports, coût de la vie, lieux à aller voir absolument ou à éviter absolument :naughty:)


    En gros, l'itinéraire "envisagé" à l'heure actuelle ça serait d'arriver à Montréal, d'aller ensuite à Toronto puis de filer direction Vancouver où je resterais quelques temps chez des amis de ma famille.


    Si vous avez des "infos" à me donner, n'hésitez pas à m'envoyer un p'tit MP :biggrin2:

    merki d'avance :thumb_yello:

  4. je viens vous donner quelques nouvelles car tout à l'heure j'ai eu la plus grande et la plus touchante surprise de ma vie je crois!!!


    UN TELEPHONE D'AXIE!!!!!!!!! :shocked::boing:


    sa fille avait oublié son portable vers elle et elle en a frauduleusement profiter pour m'appeller (oui parce qu'elle n'a pas le droit d'avoir un téléphone normalement :naughty:).


    Après avoir réussi à retenir mes larmes par je ne sais quel miracle (d'habitude j'ai le mode "fontaine" assez facile, alors croyez bien qu'en entendant le son de la douce voix d'Axie, il s'est mis sur "ON" plus vite que jamais :aah: Mais j'ai réussi à gérer :teehee:).


    Bref... Voilà donc mes impressions à chaud:


    Bien qu'on entende clairement qu'il est encore difficile pour elle de parler et de trouver son souffle, notre Axie est LA MEME :mf_lustslow:

    Son vocabulaire est parfait, elle utilise des expressions, etc... en gros j'ai été tout à fait ravie d'entendre qu'elle est tout à fait capable de s'exprimer très clairement maintenant!!


    Qui plus est, elle n'a pas perdu un dixième de son sens de l'humour!!!

    J'ai donc suivi avec plaisir les déboires que notre petite peste d'Axie fait subir à ses infirmières et médecins qui sont, il semblerait, un peu désespérés :roftl:


    Elle a eu l'occasion de voir quelques images des concerts de cet été aussi grâce à sa fille! A ce propos, ces mots exacts ont été: "Mika est très sexy en collant!" :roftl:


    Dans l'ensemble, malgré le fait qu'elle en a vraiment marre d'être à l'hopital en ce moment, elle a une détermination phénoménale et est bien décidée à refaire gentiment surface au plus vite et à prouver de quoi elle est faite :teehee:


    Il reste encore bien du chemin à parcourrir bien entendu, elle en est consciente, mais elle est vraiment déterminée et travaille avec acharnement tous les excercies qui lui sont donnés pour recouvrer ses facultés au plus vite.


    Elle m'a demandé également de remercier toutes les personnes qui ont témoigner leur soutient envers elle ou sa famille jusqu'à maintenant! Cela la touche beaucoup et elle est épatée de tout l'amour qu'elle reçoit de la part des mikafans en général :wub2:


    voilà, voilà... ce sont donc les dernières nouvelles de notre capitaine préféré :biggrin2:


    j'en profite pour vous donenr l'adresse email où vous pouvez envoyer vos petits mots pour elle si vous souhaitez lui écrire:




    Ils lui seront tous transmis sans exceptions! Elle a besoin de tout le soutient possible pour continuer sa route vers la guérison ;-)

  5. now that I’ve finally caught some sleep, here is my little report of this amazing week-end :thumb_yello:


    First of all, I’ve been SO pleased to welcome Nina, Meggy and another French fan, Virginie, at home and to show them some places around here! I’m not ashamed to say that I really love the place I’m living in and it’s always such a pleasure to have the opportunity to visit some part of it with friends! We’ve had a little trip from Geneva to Montreux on Friday and finally ate a “MIKA” pizza near the lake in Lausanne together. What a perfect day!! We had great laugh too. :naughty:


    On Saturday, we woke up around 9am, had breakfast and got ready to go at the festival. I was pretty sure being there around 1pm would be far too early, but still, as we were ready to go, we already went there. Actually I was right as we found no one at the festival’s doors.

    When the doors opened, a guy took a micro and made a countdown before wishing everyone a nice day at the festival. Only tickets were checked, no comments about bottles or anything else in our bags.

    This is precisely what I love about Paleo festival! Everyone there is really nice, calm and professional. It's always a real pleasure to be there as everyone (staff, audience, etc...) is usually very relaxed (except from the drunk ones that we unfortunately can not avoid at festivals :aah:).


    As I had planned to spend the day with some friends of mine and wanted to visit the whole festival because I know there’s loooots to see there, I didn't go with the girls waiting at front row and had a little walk around the festival instead. So we came at the main stage only to see the gigs. The first set was Ok. William White is not that bad, but he’s not exactly the man I would have chosen to begin with… anyway, it was still ok. We then want away to eat something and came back to see Robert Plant but only stayed for 3 songs actually… Not really my cup of tea I have to say… we’ve learned about AW’s death while we were wandering around the festival…:boxed: Actually we first saw people with really sad and grave faces and we didn’t get why they all look so serious as the atmosphere was quite relaxed and happy. It’s difficult to explain, but I actually felt a serious change in the general atmosphere as the news was circulating in the festival… Everyone was talking about that and seemed quite shocked. I’ve never been a big fan of Amy, but knowing she was supposed to be here on that day, and that I wasn’t meant to be there first made me feel quite bad…and I’ve been really saddened to learn the news…


    When we finally came to find a good spot for Mika’s gig, we found out that there was still plenty of space at first row, on the right side :teehee:. So we made our way there and actually had a good spot on the stage (except for a small part that was hidden by a cameraman but it was still fine).


    I won’t describe a lot the show itself, as each of you already got the occasion to listen to it or to see it actually (THANKS Paléo for that, it’s amazing!!) but I was really wondering how Mika would deal with AW’s death… because his situation was really difficult as everyone there was waiting for him to say a few words about her…and a lot of people would have been quite disappointed if he had not said a few words about that actually…

    Therefore, I have not been really surprised when I saw him arriving and sitting with a really sad face at the piano… the atmosphere was really heavy…and I think he couldn’t have done better than simply dedicating his show to Amy…


    The first song was a real disaster on a musical point of view… I mean, he made so many mistakes and his voice was so weak and hesitant… but on an emotional point of view, it’s probably the best version of French GK that I’ve ever heard! He was almost apologising for being there at first… very hesitant, timid, etc… but I guess he quite quickly realised the entire audience was with him on that night! Tbh, I’ve never experienced such an amazing interaction between him and an audience before… It was almost as if each of them were trying to comfort the other… it’s difficult to explain, but this show was really the most amazing I’ve ever seen on an emotional point of view. People at Paléo clearly show from the very beginning that they were all WITH him and not only watching him. I’ve felt so strongly so many different emotions during this gig it was amazing, I don’t think I’ve ever experienced this so strongly before… It is really difficult to describe, but it was really as if the audience, Mika and his band were only one person in the end, which emphasized every emotion each song was building.


    I’m really happy that he did Touches You too, because I love that song, especially live. I would have loved to hear Karen though, but I can’t complain on the set list actually, it was really fine and different from Compiègne, which totally made my day. I loved BIOTW too, even though I’m still not convinced with Ida’s singing… especially at the beginning tbh… Guess I’ll have to listen to it a few more times to get used to it…but the song itself is really beautiful and I love it :wub2:

    Rain and BIOTG were CRAZY! people were dancing, singing, jumping, it was really great!


    I don’t have many things to say about the M&G as there was none, but actually I wasn’t really expecting one re the circumstances of the gig and how mika seemed affected by the latest events of the week-end, plus the fact that he should have been really tired too… I just found it really funny to see how we were very disciplined and reacting to every order the security guys were giving to us, even stupid ones such as waiting in a muddy parking field, behind giant wooden barriers :roftl:!!


    I don’t have any good picture as I was not at the best place to take good ones and my camera didn’t really liked the rain before the show, but I’ve filmed some extracts, more to film the audience actually. I’ll upload them later as the vids from the gig itself are not that useful as we already have a wonderful video of the entire gig.


    Thanks again to the people I’ve met there: Allegra, Robertina, Nina, and everyone. I’ve really enjoyed seeing you all :wub2:

  6. MERCI Nanou!!

    Un peu fatiguée des festivals en fait, peut être que l'année prochaine je vais me remotiver.

    Ces histoires de file d'attente me gonflent, la question que je me pose est: Mika et son équipe sont ils vraiment intéressés par le fait d'avoir des fans , MFCers devant?:sneaky2:

    J'en doute fort, je maintiens que cela nous fait plaisir ET que cela peut servir Mika d'avoir des fidèles pour l'accompagner sur les nouvelles chansons par ex.

    La personne référente pourrait être la ou le "régional " de l'étape, à condtion qu'il soit strict, équitable et reconnu de tous.


    oui je comprends tout à fait, je dois avouer que les festivals ne sont pas ma tasse de thé non plus... j'en ai fait plusieurs l'année dernière et j’admets volontiers ne plus avoir envie d'attendre des heures pour devoir courir comme une imbécile et me retrouver compressée contre des barrières en profitant moyennement du concert... Sans parler des groupes qu'il faut se taper avant parfois :aah:


    Pas de ça au Paléo pour moi non plus! premièrement ça ne sert strictement à rien de faire une liste, il n'y aura que nous jusqu'à l'ouverture des portes :roftl: (voire même après :teehee: ça n'est pas vraiment dans la mentalité suisse de venir des heures avant à un festival, d'autant plus que les groupes "connus" ne passent que bien plus tard), ensuite il y a tjrs bcp de mouvement à ce festival donc les gens ne restent pas scotchés aux barrières toute la journée en général et puis le festival en lui-même vaut vraiment la peine qu'on s'y ballade, ça serait dommage de ne pas en profiter... je vais donc me la jouer "pépère" et profiter de faire le tour des différentes scènes et de découvrir de nouvelles choses. Je n'ai aucun doute sur le fait qu'il sera facile de s'approcher de la grande scène lorsque le tour de Mika viendra :biggrin2:


    bon j'avoue ne peut-être pas être des plus objective car c'est un festival que j'affectionne tout particulièrement :blush-anim-cl:

  7. Treasa had the same feeling like she wrote but...it's kinda hard to explain (even harder for me cause it's in english..:roftl:) and I don't want to be rude to anybody...this is ONLY a sensation: I had the sensation that something weird was going on there since the evening before when I arrived there to check where the venue was...like people were already queueing (yes, at 11 PM of 8th) but no one admit it because they know it would cause problems. Also, the morning when we arrived we saw a LONG list of people but only few were there...usually people pass by often and then go away again but this time people seemed disappeared. I saw there Q few french girls and Saskia who was sleeping with others but no more people (and there were at least 58 on the list). The same situation went on for several hours and some people started to arrive late in the morning. So....I got the sensation that the number system was a bit strange...like people came, got numbers and went to sleep or worse.


    Also, I had a VERY bad feeling when they asked us to Q 2 by 2 and they asked us to back off leaving our positions to Q while other people (without numbers) were taking our place...


    But this is only my opinion, I'm not judging ANYONE, I just want to undestand why things went SO bad this time...can't be all Rocksquare organization. And I don't think that the early Q started only cause of them....maybe we all did something wrong that must not happen again if we want a decent Q at gigs.


    oh Ok, I see! Thanks for explaining :wink2:


    well I think that we should not take for granted any rumour someone can tell about when people will be arriving or when the list would start, unless it comes directly from someone from Mika's team whom we all know we can trust!


    The thing is that, according to me of course, this queuing system is only possible when someone from Mika's staff can have an eye on it and make sure the prod of the gig won't do stupid things like lying to fans or even worse putting them in danger...


    I mean: they did put you all in a quite dangerous situation when they decided to make you queue 2 by 2 in the middle! you were all then surrounded by people without number, quite angry because of the late doors opening, obviously not happy at all to the idea of you getting in before them, and with no barriers at all to prevent possible accidents, or no possible access to the security guys if the situation had gone wrong....


    THIS is pretty stupid coming from Rocksquare and this, again only according to me, is one of the many examples of how unprofessional they've been in organising this gig...

  8. Happened the same when me and my friends arrived..there were 10-15 people but we were number 56 and more and the situation was the same for veeery long time..few people were queueing...and I think this is not fair. I had the "weird vibe" too..things were not too clear IMO.


    Sorry, but i don't get what you mean with this "weird vibe" thing :teehee: Could you explain it a bit further?


    I don't think it's very important but I'm curious to get what happened as I was not there to see it myself but only experienced the final act of this crazy queuing :aah:

  9. Je ne serai pas en Corse , ce n'est pas grave mais je le regrette , nous étions peu nombreux et j'aurais apprécié de faire la queue avec Julia, Meggie , Louiza et les autres.

    L'année prochaine!!


    oh c'est dommage :-(


    tu ne viens pas au Paléo? ça n'est pas très loin de chez toi non?

    Si jamais, je peux te trouver un endroit où dormir :biggrin2:

  10. ça m'a d'ailleurs embêté de savoir que tu as finalement assisté au concert de compiègne,et pas liège....j'aurai aimé te voir,moi!!


    pour le Paléo,je pense "tâter" le terrain à nouveau côté finance+mari dès demain :teehee: les italiennes viennent en +?.....

    j'ai dit que je partais de toute façon,dr house nous attend:naughty:


    biz à toutes les filles que je connais du fofo,ça me manque tout ça...et fair eun bain de mikaîne dimanche n'a pas arrangé les choses!:biggrin2:


    bah j'étais sur place alors j'ai pas pu résister à la tentation mikanesque :blush-anim-cl:


    Liège ça faisait un peu loin et compliqué niveau transports pour moi malheureusement... j'aurais pourtant tellement voulu vous revoir Angèle et toi :huh:


    tiens-moi au courant quand tu auras tâter le terrain :biggrin2:


    bon docteur House :mf_rosetinted:

  11. je quitte le forum de ce pas,sans quoi je vais prendre 2 places pour 2 festivals suisses.....et ma carte bleue va pas encore aimé ça,ELLE!!


    plein de souvenirs vraiment trèèès intenses de ce soir-là au Paléo!






    avec Liège,je pense que c'est mon festival mikanesque préfré(ah oui,les euroks aussi,car j'étais avec kate sur scène devant un monde dingue!:wub2:)


    alleeeeeeeeeez, fait pas ta timide, la Suisse t'attend :naughty:

  12. Je te souhaite un concert, une ambiance et une organisation aussi parfaite :mf_rosetinted::wub2:


    Merci infiniment :wub2:


    Je sais que je n'ai rien a craindre de l'organisation du paléo et je ne me fais aucun soucis quant a l'ambiance qui y est toujours extraordinaire :thumb_yello:


    J'ai hâte de pouvoir venir vous raconter ça :biggrin2:

  13. oh oui Nanou, c'est l'état d'esprit dans lequel j'étais après Compiègne. Ma fanattitude avait pris un sacré coup! Heureusement Liège est arrivée!!! Quelle ambiance et quelle belle organisation!! Le sytème de numéros aurait même dû être oublié car je suis arrivée juste avant 17h, donc pas de numéro et je me suis retrouvée au 4ème rang central, avec des voisins/es charmant(e)s :wink2:




    je pense que j'irais mieux après le Paléo alors :naughty:

  14. Je pense que tu trouveras ton bonheur dans le thread approprié, l'organisation française a semble t il un peu cafouillé...


    un peu cafouillé c'est un euphémisme :roftl:


    la production de Rocksquare a été clairement LAMENTABLE depuis le tout début de cette manifestation...

    Je ne comprends toujours pas comment on peut confier, ne serait-ce que le spectacle de fin d'année d'une classe de 5 gamins à une équipe d’incapables pareille... et menteurs en plus...


    Je sais que mes propos sont durs, mais j'ai sérieusement une rage démesurée envers ces personnes qui se sont moquées non seulement de nous depuis le début, mais de Mika lui-même et de toutes les personnes qui ont collaboré à ce concert dans l'équipe de Mika...


    Sans parler des fans en pleurs ou des personnes complétement dégoûtées d'être venues...ni du tord que ce concert pourrait faire à Mika seulement é cause d'une organisation complétement à l'ouest...


    Heureusement que notre bouclé était au rendez-vous et qu'il a su avec brio émerveiller les personnes présentes ce soir là!! je n'ose pas imaginer les conséquences catastrophiques que ce concert aurait pu avoir si Mika n'avait simplement pas été dans son assiette comme ça peut lui arriver (bin oui quoi, il est humain :naughty:) ou si sa prestation avait été "bonne" au lieu d'être "extraordinaire" :aah:

  15. That's what I meant by any other list being void, the only valid list would be the one started by the designated person chosen for each gig from all forums.

    That way it wouldn't matter if they chose to come at a ridiculous time, the list used would be the official one that had been preorganised.


    I do think it's a good idea... but, even with an "official" list, things won't work if the staff and security from the gig itself lie and pretend to respect this when they actually don't care at all... I mean, even if the "fan side" is organised, as it WAS the case in Compiègne, there's nothing we can do if the producers of the gig clearly give completely other instructions to the security checking the entrance...


    And I'm afraid this would lead to unpleasant arguments between people "playing the game" and coming only at the official list time, and others who won't respect that or even just don't know anything about it because they're not from any fanclubs...


    speaking about Compiègne more precisely,


    what I can't get (and what REALLY upsets me actually) is that in the Rocksquare team, there are actually "real" Mika fans who made a lot of gigs, know every french and international forums and moreover perfectly know how the system of number works...

    and they are the ones who told to other fans that they have to come at crazy o'clock in the morning because others would do so (perfectly knowing that some people would be afraid of arriving too late and would actually really come in the middle of the night...), and they are the ones too who promised the system would be respected...


    Moreover they were at the entrance to see the fiasco and they did not try to do ANYTHING to avoid that...


    I know they're not the only one to blame for this disaster, the entire Rocksquare team is actually and not only for the queuing thing but for the entire organisation of this gig, but I can't get how they just didn't care about this at all when they know it works when the producers and staff do their part too :aah:


    I cannot believe how awful the queueing/entry/promoters were. I suspected it was not going to be good judging by the tweets, but how could anyone anticipate this level of nonsense. It really detracts from the enjoyment of the evening for the biggest fans who have been there waiting all day. Mika really needs to get on top of this sort of thing, it's always been dodgy, this sounds like the worst ever.


    That IS the problem actually! Even though Mika's performance was really nice, I thing most of people would remember Compiègne as the most chaotic gig EVER!


    I can't really understand how it is possible to leave the organizing of such an event to a group of total amateurs whitout checking anything before...


    and I'm not only speaking of the queuing system, which, we know, is a good one only when it can be done with the help of the staff (or John :naughty:)... but the whole thing was a disaster from the very beginning to the end :boxed:

  17. here my report of the gig


    Well, first of all I have to say that I was not supposed to go to the gig but went to Compiegne only to see some good old mikafriends I haven’t seen for a long time. Actually, the lack of professionalism from the production already scared me before the show and therefore I had previously decided not to go there but, well, once you’re there it’s pretty difficult to resist to the mika temptation so I found a ticket and saw the gig. :teehee:


    I arrived in Compiègne around 3.30 pm and, as I walked around the “place du Palais” my first reaction was to be astonished to see barriers were not even in place only a few hours before the doors opening… people were running everywhere on the place and it really looked like nothing would be ready at time….:shocked:


    I finally reached the “category one” door where everyone was waiting. Well, I supposed it was the category one place as people were staying there but there were not even the smallest sign saying were people from different categories should wait actually…


    Anyway, I was happy to see some of my friends there, to have a little talk with everyone and to meet new people, as it is the case at every Mika gig.

    My friends told me a girl from Rocksquare production arranged things to let people with numbers get in first, so I did not really worried about where I was and sat down with some “numbered” friends of mine to have a little talk.

    Soundchecks started only smthg like 30min before the doors were supposed to open and we heard “elle me dit” about 6 times (I don’t really like the song, then it was more a nightmare for me to hear this 6 times in a row…:aah:) . People stood up and started being quite angry as the doors should have been opened for a while… The atmosphere there was quite heavy… “numbered” people were becoming being afraid not to be allowed to enter first in the end (with good reasons…) and “non numbered people” were really upset to have to fait so long for the doors to open.


    Around 7 pm, its only when a friend of mine told me “it’s too late they’re going to open every doors at the same time” that, I understood how unfair the situation was for people waiting there since crazy o’clock in the morning in hope to reach first row… And I was really ashamed to be at my place as I was before a lot of « numbered » people still waiting behind me….


    After being pushed in the barriers, I finally reach the place where they were « checking » tickets… actually, just as I came, a girl from the production (the same who promised the list would be respected and could enter first…) started screaming at people checking tickets that they should check the categories too…. Honestly… smthg like 50 people were already in and they don’t even thought it would be a great idea to check if they were at the right place…insane :boxed: … I had to show myself where the category was written on my ticket to the poor girl who was desperately trying to find it before letting me in….


    Anyway, I was finally in…


    My friend and I went at the very back of the “1st category”, because we went there with the idea not to go at the front and we thought it would be really unfair for “numbered” people who were still waiting to get in… but we were quite angry to see every “volunteer” already happily waiting at front row… this is just scandalous!!

    We actually had a good spot on the stage from the back and we were able to move as we want, which was perfectly fine.

    The DJ sets started… it was not that bad but reaaaaaaally long… We heard people from category 2 behind us complaining to the security… apparently the decided to put category 2 and 3 together in the end…. Which means people paid different prices but were at the same place in the end…

    There’s been a lot of technical troubles during the first set and the screens (which were actually not screens but only white covers) were absolutely useless because it was still too sunny…or there were not working at all...


    That DJ set was really long and I admit my hears were already suffering a lot as that guy came to sing, well more to yell actually, in the end… I totally can get why people started screaming and expressing how unhappy they were with this never ending DJ set… I just felt bad for that poor guy who asked nothing and had to support people disappointment about the general organizing of the gig… poor him…


    Finally, Mika come on stage and another gig starts!! The happy one!!


    There is definitely nothing I can do! As soon as I hear the very first note of Relax, I can’t help but feeling happy, dancing and singing… I really enjoyed the show even if I was far from the stage and I really liked the costumes, etc… I admit I thought the stage was really heavily decorated when I first saw it, but It was perfectly going with the band’s costumes and Mika in the end.

    I lost my mind on Big girl, jumped on Love today and dreamed on happy hending and I have to admit that I even appreciated hearing “Elle me dit”. The live version is really something compared to what I’d heard on radio. I’m still happy it’s not a long song though, it just fits fine in the gig actually.


    I liked the two new songs too! Karen is really catchy and the lyrics are wonderful! Deep, a bit rude, but totally mika-signed and I love that. I liked BIOTW too, but I admit not being totally convinced with Ida’s singing… her voice is wonderful of course but there’s something disturbing when she sings with Mika, I can’t tell really what it is but their two voices just don’t really fit together according to me. Maybe I’ll change my mind when I’ll hear it again or when I’ll hear the studio version. Anyway, the song is good. A really nice ballad.


    Mika was great, he made a really nice performance. Even though I regret too that he did not play the piano at all and didn’t spoke a lot. He made some jokes and was quite funny (the german flag mocking, the “why I need my lyrics for new songs like a lost school boys”, etc…).


    I can’t say a lot about the M&G except that it was as well organized as the rest of the gig… I did not really took part to it but watched Mika and the band coming out from where I was, a bit away from the crowd.


    Anyway, I wanted to make a quick report of what I felt on that day and I finally wrote a story about my life :roftl:. My feelings now about that gig are quite contrasted. On the one hand I really hope the holy gig fairy will NEVER let mika’s road cross Rocksquare production again… those guys lies and really suck at organizing events… even a group of fish would have done better than this… but on the other hand the gig was fine and I’m happy to have seen it in the end!


    I’ve taken some pics but they’re not that good as I was far from the stage, but here is my recording of “Karen” (the sound is not that good and I had to fight against people’s head popping every now and then, but it’s still fine)



  18. While we're waiting to hear the whole song, here's a little extract of the lyrics coming from Mika's interview in "Le Parisien" :wink2:


    "Elle me dit : écris une chanson contente, pas une chanson déprimante, une chanson que tout le monde aime. Elle me dit tu deviendras milliardaire, t’auras de quoi être fier. Tu ne finiras pas comme ton père"


    :biggrin2: :biggrin2:

  19. I've changed my mind and decided not to go at the Compiègne gig :teehee:


    therfore I have one sure extra cat.1 ticket for Compiègne


    and maybe another one but I'm waiting for an answer from a friend of mine who was interested :blush-anim-cl:


    anyway, if anyone is interested, please PM me :wink2:

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