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Posts posted by Nanou

  1. nothing new? :blink:


    well I've found some great vids already on YT :biggrin2:. Thank you to mjeanmarc:


    GK in french :wub2:










    translation of what he is saying at the beginning:

    "We're gonna sing songs from the 2 albums, but in pretty dfferent versions. I remember last time we came, what really stroke me is... *to somebody at front row* No, it wasn't you (:roftl:), I don't even know you, well i'm not sure sorry...anyway... what stroke me is that you we the venue singing the most in our last wolrdwide tour"


    Trumpet Solo:



    Doctor John



    Blue eyes



    Billy Brown




    "what's your problem tonight Jimmy?? I didn't hear you... Just in case you don't know him already, Jimmy is my bass player and obviously he has troubles tonight....*laugh*...because he's missing billy brown!"


    Touches you







    there'll be more i guess as it stops at number 9/18 :thumb_yello:

  2. c'est promis, si j'arrive à l'approcher, je lui dirai qu'il est très attendu par nos amies Canadiennes!:thumb_yello: Avec 2 autres copines MFC nous aimerions avoir l'énorme chance de faire Big girls ou Lollipop Girls (ou même le café LOL), et ainsi pourrions l'approcher quelques minutes...mais nos chances sont très minces, la concurrence est rude :roftl: Cela sera un très beau festival! Le public Belge et du Nord de la France est sympa.


    La concurrence n'était pas si rude aux Eurocks' :wink2: je suis sûre que vous avez toutes vos chances!!! :thumb_yello:


    Je me réjoui de vous voir sur scène :biggrin2:

  3. Lmao He really said that?! :roftl: so funny :naughty:


    yes he did :roftl: and when he sang BIOTG afterwards and split the crowd in 2 groups he said "come on! sing really really well and I'll fall one more time juste for you" :floor:


    You were such an amazing bride Kate!!! :wub2: I've unfortunately not filmed the "kissing" scene but made some great pictures :biggrin2: They'll come asap!


    Wow! this gig was really intense. Actually, it was my first front row at festival experience and it was something!! we were completely crashed on the barriers and a lot of people had to be evacuated :blink: people were quite mental when mika's turn came but I was glad being at front row and not 3 or 4 rows behind!


    The gig was really amazing, even though we could see he was tired and was preserving his voice as much as he could (he didn't talked a lot, which is not really usual :teehee:). There was a great atmosphere and people seemed to really have enjoyed the show! I loved hearing Kick ass Live, it was amazing!! and the floral set is...the floral set is.. just WOW!!! It's insane how he always manages to create amazing sets when you think it couldn't be better then what you've seen so far :shocked:


    :roftl: at first I didn't want to make a report but this looks pretty much like one in the end :teehee:


    Pictures and vids will follow closely :thumb_yello:

  4. hehe, I'm back :biggrin2:


    Still trying desperately to keep this thread alive :roftl:


    the thing is that I'm thinking of organising our very first "swiss fans meeting" and would like you to give your opinion about it :wink2:


    where? when? what? etc... lol would you like to do it at Summerdays festival as many of us will be there but still when? what? :aah:).


    anyway, please give me your comments about this :wink2:

  5. En tous cas, j'espère bien que ce sera gigantesque... mais ça me fait un peu peur car la programmation de sa journée est spéciale : hard rock ou Diam's et NTM... pas vraiment le public Mikanesque quoi ! :naughty:


    Quand il est venu à paléo il y avait bien Justice juste avant lui :roftl:


    et, aussi incroyable que cela puisse paraître, même les fans de justice ont sautiller comme des petits fous :aah::biggrin2:


    C'est ce que je trouve sympa, perso, dans ces festivals, c'est que les gens qui sont là, ne sont par forcément là pour Mika (je parle pas de nous bien entendu :naughty:) et pourtant y'a quand même une sacrée ambiance en général :thumb_yello:


    enfin, j'dis ça mais j'ai encore jamais fait de festival en France... du coup je parle que de mon petit pays ou même Hugues Auffray est acceuilli les bras ouverts :roftl:... (Non je ne digèrerai pas la programmation du Paléo de cette année :teehee:).

  6. What great ideas : this thread and the link in the banner :thumb_yello:


    Just a question, the link is toward the message for the new members or for the national thread ?


    Btw, just wanted to say I'm sorry I'm not very around here since several weeks, I'm veeeeeery busy... I know other reps who speak french like Cassiope and Nanou often welcome french newbies and show them the French Thread, so I wanted to thank you :thumb_yello::wink2: and I'll do my best in the future !


    you're welcome :wink2: It's always a pleasure welcoming newcomers and helping them if they feel lost :thumb_yello:

  7. coucou tout le monde :biggrin2:


    Bon j'ai environ un million de post de retard...après avoir emmenagé dans mon nouveau chez moi (rhaaaaaaaaa qu'est-ce que c'est bien d'avoir un appart rien qu'à soi quand même :teehee:), vadrouiller du côté de neuchâtel, récupérer très vaguement mes esprits, je trouve enfin un peu de temps pour venir vous faire un coucou!


    bon moi je pense que certaines personnes me connait deja sinon moi c'est wiki j'habite en france et je ne parle pas un mot d'anglais, donc je pense que je vais squaté ici


    WIIKIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! :wub2: Coucou :biggrin2: j'suis bien contente de te voir débarquer ici (je me doutais bien que tu allais attérir ici un jour vu que tout le reste du MFC est en anglais :roftl:).


    Bienvenue aux nouveaux et à Wiki!! Coux!! C'est Emilie


    Je "stop by" pour dire que j'ai été affectée en East Anglia l'année prochaine (c'est encore provisoire mais bon)!!! C'est la région du Cambridgeshire, Norfolk et Suffolk!! Je suis TROP TROP contente!!! C'était mon deuxième choix (le premier étant Liverpool). C'est pour le programme d'assistants de langue; j'en avais déjà parlé. Je vais être assistante de français langue étrangère dans une école là-bas! :D HAPPY!!


    C'est GENIAL!!!!! :boing: je suis trop contente pour toi!!!! c'est définitif cette fois où y'a encore possibilité de changement??? quoi qu'il en soit je suis sûre que tu vas passer des moments inoubliables là-bas!!! :thumb_yello:


    Bonjour les francophones! Bienvenue à Melgine et Wiki! Je travaille mais arrive à me connecter de temps à autre. J'espère que tout le monde va bien... moi, j'irai mieux demain soir, quand j'aurai terminé mon examen de piano (je dois jouer un menuet de bach).

    Bises à toutes!


    M*** en retard pour l'examen... j'espère que ça s'est bien passé :thumb_yello: (c'est beau les menuets de Bach! tu as joué lequel??)


    Bon courage pour tes journées chargées Mumu


    Et oui bonne coupe du Monde ! Je rate le premier match de l'équipe de France, ce qui déprime Mr Deb... mais bon, on va voir Muse, on ne peut être partout !


    Pas beaucoup de temps pour le MFC en ce moment... Très prise par mon stage et le rapport que je dois en faire. Hâte d'être en juillet pour Beauregard et les Charrues !


    Bonne soirée à tous


    Coucou! je vais voir Muse aussi samedi soir, j'ai trop hâte d'y être. Je vais en profiter pour passer un week-end mémorable à Paris avec ma meilleure amie, ça promet :naughty:


    Bonne journée à tout le monde et à très très vite j'espère :thumb_yello:

  8. here is finally my report of the gig: OMG OMG OMG!!!


    seriously, it's pretty difficult to find words to describe how I feel today after such an amazing gig and I don't really know where to begin...


    first, this gig was, as for Emerald, a special one for me as it was "at home" and for once I didn't have to travel, take hotel room, etc... And this precisely made me feel quite weird yesterday morning... As the "travelling" part was missing, I've had difficulties figuring out I was really going to see Mika in the evening :naughty:


    I've been really happy to welcome Olga and Meggy at home and to show them where I live etc... it was really nice having them with me for a few days!


    As Emerald already said, we were there A WAY too early... swiss people are quite slow (and I have to admit that it's not that much a cliché :roftl:), so NOBODY came before 4 PM except people working at the festival but we've spent a lovely day together and this helped me a lot to get into the mood and find the usual pre-gig excitment


    The place was really nice!! just by the lake. And the festival is still a small one, which was great!


    The first group who played, the Monnraisers, were great! I suddenly discovered that I knew their songs without even knowing actually that there were swiss :blush-anim-cl: Anyway, I loved their music and the really helped people getting into the mood for Mika (even though they play Raggae music actually, which is not that close to Mika).


    Then comes the time for REAL FUN!! OMG as soon as Mika and his band came on stage, everybody started dancing, clapping, etc... We got a giant smile form Jimmy when he saw us at front row dancing like mad cows :naughty: the atmosphere was so warm and so joyfull!!! I've never felt that before!!


    Mika sang perfectly! he totally ruined SITM's intro with Cherisse and had to start over again, it was quite funny :teehee: (got that on video I think, but you'll have to wait a few days to see it unfortunately...).


    We could feel everybody was having a lot of fun behind us and we could see Mika and his band having a blast on stage!! it was AMAZING!!!


    We got a shirtless wearegolden + grace kelly (partly in french :boing:).

    I was really happy to see Emerald on stage as a LG too (btw Emerald, I got film and photos, of every single move you've made up there :roftl: I'll send them to you asap!!!).


    When the time came for him to leave the stage, people were clapping and screaming so much that he came back and said he could'nt do anything else then start the entire show again with such a wonderfull audience and sang an extra Relax!!


    I was having a blast next to wiki ang Kate when he pointed at them to go on stage!!! :boing: I was SOOOO Happy to push them to help them to cross the barriers :teehee: And I think this is the point where I went totally mad...:blush-anim-cl: I was so happy to see them having the time of their lives on stage in front of me that I could'nt help but scream like a poor crazy fangirl and waving at them all the time!!! OMG it's really difficult to write how I felt during this extra relax but is was really intense and extra joyfull!!!


    I've tried to help them coming back on earth when they joined us after the gig but I don't think I've been so helpfull as I was still on a giant mika cloud myself :blush-anim-cl:


    We went backstage and found Jonh who told us he'll be back really soon with a man "he'd never heard of before" :roftl:


    The M&G was really great because we were only a few people and Jonh asked the security guys not to let other people join the line (backstage door was right next to the avenue where everybody were passing to join their car, so, when people saw Mika, a lot of them came to see him....). Mika was really happy and spent time with each of us. He first signed everybody's stuffs, talked with people, them came back again at the beginning of the line to take a picture with a man who's made a brilliant painting of him, then came back again to us, asked us which gigs we'll make this summer and tlaked a lot with us. It's the first time I got the feeling he wants to sepnd a little time with us and see him stay with us for a while even if he doesn't have enything left to sign or people to see! It was really nice to spend this little time with him and every single person left the place with a giant smile printed on the face!!!


    I still have some difficulties realising everything really happened!! I'm so much on my cloud today!! This gig was purely PERFECT!!!

  9. Please can someone translate the french text ? I would love to read it. Thank you


    here you are :biggrin2:

    (but if anybody can do better than this, it's welcome... It quite difficult to translate those over-long sentences :teehee:).


    but basically it says:


    Coming from nowhere and from everywhere at the same time, he appears suddenly without a warning, a small suitcase in the hand.

    His passport: a pop kaleidoscope mixing up cheerfully different countries and continents with, used as a buffer, millions of small notes of music.


    Particularity to point out: this “boy who knew too much” deals with childhood and adolescence in (loss of) balance on his thread, head in stars and heart beating in Technicolor.


    Favourite place of residence: stages. Every stages, wide or small, with or without red curtains, the place where everything happens, the place to be. City after city, gig after gig, night after night, Mika puts on and gives himself whitout compting the costs, happy to find an imaginary landscape back, continually re sculpted and crowded with figures coming straight from his overflowing imagination. It’s there, and only there, that meet wandering Big girls, a Toy Boy re inveted by his puppeteer, a miraculous saver (“Dr John”), crazy young ladies (code name: lollipop), Lewis Carroll and Tim Burtons’ spiritual and musical daughters, and even a boy with a Joyful melancholy, Billy Brown, lunar and solar at the same time.


    In this mental country with wide opened frontiers, everything becomes possible and nothing is forbidden. We move from pop to rock, from childhood to adolescence and adulthood, from laughter to tears, from colour to black and white. All of it in a round trip and without any visa. We proclaim there our own independence (“We are Golden”) and we even dance on a break up melody (“Rain”) trough the only grace of the narrator who sublimates his own story. And as a narrator, Mika lives on stage his “second life” as a parallel life from which he writes and forms the chapters, page after page, in a giant book right in front of our eyes. The crossing of the mirror only begins, the countdown is activated, and it’s time, tonight, to enter in the history…

  10. Coucou,


    Je souhaitais juste saluer Sweetieval, macboll, Nanou, Mine... que j'ai eu la chance de voir à Bercy :cheerful_h4h: C'était un réel plaisir de vous rencontrer, même si j'ai toujours du mal à sortir de ma réserve :blush-anim-cl:


    J'ai adoré le spectacle que je trouve vraiment époustouflant, à tous les niveaux... J'espère qu'il sera filmé avant la fin de la tournée afin de "fixer" le souvenir de cette magie :teehee:


    Et Sweetieval, un grand merci pour tes vidéos de Liévin, j'ai beaucoup ri du "solo de trompette".

    À voir les différentes vidéos des concerts successifs, j'ai l'impression que les jeux de scènes de chacun s'enrichissent au fur et à mesure :wub2: Du coup, je regrette encore plus de ne pouvoir faire d'autres dates :aah:


    Bon week-end


    Coucou :biggrin2: ça a été un plaisir aussi de faire ta connaissance à Bercy :thumb_yello:


    Je pense que le show a défnitivement été filmé et qu'on va le retrouver en DVD prochainement (à mon humble avis, mais Mika est tellement fier de son spectacle et, surtout, il a TELLEMENT de quoi l'être!!! ça serait vraiment dommage qu'aucun DVD ne soit fait :blink:). Par contre j'ai un légère appréhension au niveau des BG :naughty: mais je ne doute pas qu'Andy choisisse une victime a persécutter tous les soirs, donc je relativise en me disant que les chances qu'on puisse assister à mes interviews de Strasbourg sont limitées :aah: sinon, bin... on aura tous la chance de profiter de mon maigre vocabulaire anglais et de me voir me "dégrader" au fur et à mesure que la soirée se déroule :roftl:


    et puis on aura des gros plans d'Axie en jupon aussi :roftl:

  11. Merci pour ton CR muriel!


    C'est formidable de voir que vous avez toutes passé un excellent moment :thumb_yello:


    Donc angele a denouveau crevé les planches? :naughty: faudra que j'aille voir les vidéos du coup :teehee:


    Au passage, j'ai été ravie de te rencontrer à Bercy et j'espère qu'on se reverra bientôt :wink2:

  12. I've finally managed to upload some of my vids from the gig :biggrin2:


    As I had a seated place on that night, I've spent most of the gig watching and filming the audience instead of Mika :aah: It was SO AMAZING!! I've never done any big venue before this one and I've been totally fascinated by the audience jumping and dancing :teehee:


    Then, except for some of them, those vids are more usefull to help you having an idea of the atmosphere there, rather then seing large focus on M. Curly :wink2:


    Bercy waiting for the show to start: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htq_XG94yzo


    Mika's fyling arrival on stage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pts-xDRPuQ


    Band dancing on Love Today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2Y-qC1qDKc


    Bercy jumping on Love Today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLVzCcLUaX8


    Bercy on fire on rain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hAhQUFZp4o


    Bercy playing with ballons: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAIt9RsrRaE

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