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Posts posted by Nanou

  1. here are the vids i've made in Lyon :wink2:


    Intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHD670sz2Ys

    (it's a good quality vid but I've managed to film badly... you'll have to incline your head cause i don't know how to change this :mf_rosetinted:)


    part of the trumpet solo in SITM: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Gfn2x6gsjg


    end of Toy Boy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6foHuMVEsc0


    Drumming: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nomsjFV96Bs


    those are only bits of song 'cause I can't help dancing during the gigs :blush-anim-cl:

  2. I've been away for a few days and admit I have not taken time yet to read all of your posts...:teehee:


    I only want to say that the queuing was really fine in Strasbourg. We had people form MFC, MWS (I guess??), MF, about 20-30 people alltogether, and the rest of the 100 people aloud to go in earlier were "standard" people (I don't know how to call them actually :aah:).


    My impression is that the problem in Nice mostly came from the French guy of universal. Because he asked us again in Strasbourg if everybody on the list was member of the official fanclub. As we answered that we all knew each other, more or less, he didn't ask for more and let the queuing list just as it was.


    So, my general impression is that there is nobody to blame! Nice's mess was certainly not Sara's fault, nor John's one. But most probably this came from that Universal guy.


    It's only my impression and this won't lead nowhere but I thought you would like to know that the re-queuing in Nice seems to have been "accidental" and is not repeated at other gigs obviously. :thumb_yello:

  3. Could someone please translate this for us who don't understand French enough??:flowers2::bow::bow:


    Thank you.


    Basically, at first he presents his « Toy boy », ask if people like it, tell them they are liars as they scream « Yeeeeeeeeeeah » :teehee:, and says “no, he can’t speak”.


    After that he says that all he can hear is from the audience is someone shouting “Mika, it’s me!! It’s me!!!” and then adds “but I can’t see you…you're frightening me!! It’s my past coming back! It’s me, it’s me” and makes a “AAAAAAAAh not in front of everybody Please! Later… outside…”. He ends that part in asking people to forgive him for saying nonsense even if it’s the first time he meets everybody.


    Then comes the singing for Zuleika!!

    And he says: “OK! I’ve got a favour to ask you tonight. And I have to speak English for 3 sec. to make sure my sound engineer understands. *asks him to make sure to record this* as you know I’m working with my sister and today she’s not here. She helped my doing this (showing the stage), the costumes and everything you can see. Today it’s her birthday!!! So Strasbourg what do you think if I ask for your indulgence for 3 seconds and we all sing her Happy Birthday? We’ll leave that on her phone, are you ready?? She’ll cry and be so ashamed! Her name is ZU-LEI-KA, I know it’s strange but that’s her name. OK, let’s record it??? *People screaming yes* Thank you so much, it’s really nice! She’ll die! She is in Singapore right now. 1,2,3 *Everybody sings!!*


    The video stops here but after that he said something like “Thank you very much! It’s great ‘cause I don’t need to buy her any present now that we’ve made this”:aah:

  4. morgane:

    ohh,et dire que j'ai réfléchit pour écrire nanou...je vais p'tre me reposer finalement,manque de sommeil atroce ;)


    mais j'étais là moi :crybaby::crybaby:

    je crois qu'effectivement il faut te reposer un peu :roftl: on a discutté ensemble un bout de temps après le M&G :teehee:


    en fait je crois qu'il y a comme une confusion entre Nanou (=moi :naughty:) et NanouCH (= je sais pas qui parce que je ne la connais pas :teehee:)

  5. Bonsoir,

    Je suis contente de voir qu'il y a un petit coin où l'on discute en français:wink2:

    Je débarque ici et donc, je découvre un peu le site (même si je venais sans être inscrite)!


    Plus que demain à attendre et ensuite, le jour J sera de nouveau arrivé... je dis "de nouveau" car Liévin n'est pas mon premier concert de cette tournée!:biggrin2:


    A très bientôt à tout ceux qui y seront!!


    :boing: Kikou Aenaelle!!!


    Contente de te voir débarquer par ici :clap:


    au fait, en ce moment même tu dois être entrain de trépigner d'impatience à Liévin parce qu'ils vont bientôt ouvrir les portes alors j'espère que tu passeras un EXCELLENT concert et raconte-nous tout en revenant :thumb_yello:

  6. Hé hé, j'ai bien peur que ce soit encore pire au Lux samedi... :sneaky2:




    Il y avait plein de volontaires, du coup je ne me suis même pas proposée. Quand Mama P est passée à côté de moi elle m'a dit "Vous, allez" en me faisant un signe mais j'ai pensé que j'avais mal compris et je n'ai pas bougé :roftl: Elle est revenue et m'a poussée avec les autres. Maria lui a dit "...but she's been so many times..." avec une pauvre tête consternée :naughty: Mais Mama m'a dit "aujourd'hui j'ai besoin quelqu'un qui connaît pour montrer". Je suppose que ça avait quelque chose à voir avec le fait qu'Andy filmait :teehee:Il a fait un petit reportage dans les coulisses, j'ai été filmée sous toutes les coutures, même mes trous de nez n'y ont pas échappé :blink: Je pressens la sortie d'un DVD dans lequel je vais me taper la honte de ma vie :mf_rosetinted:[/QUOTE]


    je compatis pleinement :roftl: Il nous a pas lachées d'une sandale :naughty:

  7. Hi There!


    Just came back from Strasbourg and I am really tired to be honest but I feel like making a report now that I still have every little detail in my head


    Queuing was a lot of fun, even though the weather was awfull... We spent half of the day under the rain... but then the sun came finally and we really had a great time waiting for the doors to open (especially when we've decided to organize races in dust bags in a field next to the venue :roftl: it was so much fun!!).


    John came around 2p.m. with the guy from universal and security and they organised our way into the venue. everything went really well and the security was nice and well organised!! "M. universal" asked us if the list of 100 people were all from the official fanclub and we only answered him we all knew each other more or less to avoid Nice's mess... It was a good strategy actually as he didn't ask for more and let the 100 people get in earlier :naughty:


    At about 5.30 p.m Mama came outside to pick up the BG and LG. And I've been selected to be a BG :biggrin2: She's been totally adorable with a man and his 8 years old daughter and told them to come after the gig backstage to take pictures with the LG and BG, which he did. Then we've made a picture with them too after the gig, this is so nice to do this, I'm always amazed to see how kind she is :wub2:


    we went backstage and trained for the show. I have to say that this training was quite funny because everybody was in a good mood and we managed to make somehing "suitable" quite quickly. Oh! and Andy was there too!! I don't know why but he's "chosen" me among the BG and LG and followed me everywhere during the training and Backstage to ask me how I felt about being BG, etc...it was quite funny because at every step of my BG experience, I found Andy and his camera asking for impressions, etc...:aah:


    The gig was fine according to what I've seen, but maybe I'll let people who saw it completely tell you more about it...

    we stayed near the backstage entrance and had lot of fun dancing and jumping as there were not a lot of people there. Oh! and Axidentelle and I danced a wonderful "I see you" slow together :naughty:. My general impression of the gig is that the audience was not that enthusiastic (except front rows of course) but there was still a very joyfull mood in the venue! and finally everybody was dancing and singing on Love today and after that... But it was nothing to compare with the audience at Bercy.


    The "dead march" was kind of a nightmare for me because I couldn't see anything as I was wearing my mask and had no idea where I was on stage... until I heard friends of mine screaming "Naanouuuuuuuuuuu" which helped me figuring out i was somewhere near the middle of the stage :roftl: I wonder how the entire procession was anyway, so am looking forwards to see the vids people have taken


    The final on lollipop and kick ass was just amazing! I've danced like a mad cow and we made a group dance on KA, following Martin's moves!! it was so much fun!!


    after the gig we've met Mika (who was wearing his KA Fokkers btw :wink2:) and took a picture with him. He's been really nice and told us he's found the gig was really good (which I was really glad to hear because I was soooo worried to ruin the whole thing with my disastrous dancer skills :blush-anim-cl:). OK, he probably says this all the time but, still, I was glad to hear that.


    I have not really taken part to the M&G afterwards because I'd just seen him and knew he was tired. There were only a few people outside and he talked with everybody and was in a good mood, then he made lot's of joke, etc... It's always so nice to see him relaxed and happy after a gig :thumb_yello:


    I let place now to other people who would tell you more about the gig itself :teehee:

  8. Sara, I'm sorry to see that you feel like you have to justify yourself because crazy rumors appeared everywhere.


    I'm sorry to ask, but I really wish I could understand what happened because I'm worried about how things will happen at future gigs... Who asked to "re queue" everyone? everything went so well at other gigs in France so far, and we always managed to organise things with John and "M. universal" (sorry, I don't know his name...:teehee:). Of course, I wasn't at every gigs but i can't understand why someone (not blaming Sariflor at all!!) suddenly decided to change this queuing system... I whish I could understand that...:blink:

  9. Ok, can someone tell me what's happening in Nice today.

    My friends told me than someone from the MFC has started a list of people only from the fan club and for the real fans.... :blink:

    Thay ask for a badge...They've reorganized all the numbers.


    All the previous gigs went soooo well in France with the numbers system and John : first fans, and people who arrived early could enter first.

    And now, only people who have their MFC badge, I don't have one...


    Are there new rules ?


    I've just heard about that too :blink:


    I can't really figure out how this seems to be organised but obviously they want people from MFC to be first in the queue, which is fine of course. But I don't get how they control if someone is on MFC or not? :blink: and what if a person from MFC comes with a non MFCer friend? :boxed:


    I can't wait to know a bit more about this. People who are there will obviously explain it later :wink2:

  10. Ok, I've juts posted this in the pre-show thread and then realised this one is now open, so i copy here what I wrote:


    Hey guys!!!


    I won't make a complete report now because i'm reallly tires and have to wake up in a few hours for thomorrow's gig...


    What I can say is: WOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!! The venue was on fire!! I've never been to Bercy before but this venue is HUGE!!! I had a seated place and it was really fantastic to see the entire audience dancing a waving all the time!! Mika was obviously so happy!! I can't find words atm to describe everything but WOW is a great summary according to me :naughty:


    No M&G tonight...Security guys came and told us Mika was tired and won't come outside to sign anything. As it never come from John or anybody else than thoses guys, I honestly can't tell if this was true or not but we felt like our man deserve a good rest (and so do we btw :mf_rosetinted:). then a lot of people went away without seeing him going outisde of the venue.


    Oh! We've managed to make 2 lists too! one for the standing tickets and one for the seated ones. Everybody had a good place then :thumb_yello:


    That's it for today... I'm exhausted... but I'm sure detailed report will appear really soon :thumb_yello:

  11. Hey!!!


    This gig was really AMAZING!!! And I feel like I HAVE TO share this with everybody!!!!


    I don't even know where to start :teehee:


    The queuing was really fun and friendly!! I've been totally charmed by the security guys who were so nice and came to us in the morning to explain that they really care about "first come, first served" for their gigs! They told us they would open both main doors at the same time and advised us to queue both side therefore. They've listened carefully when I explained them how we usually make a list, etc, and told them they'll have to see with John to organize smthg. And They did talk to John and organise a really effective queuing system!!! It was great seeing security guys CAN be nice and helpfull!!! (because, according to the few gigs I've done so far... it is obviously not always the case....:aah:).

    We spent a really fun day in sunny Lyon (but I found myself looking like a giant tomato after having so much sun on my poor skin... I'll probably glow in the dark tomorrow at Paris gig :roftl:).


    The supporting act was really fun! I like them very much!! They are fresh and really help the audience getting into the mood, which is really good according to me! Only one negative remark to say: PLEASE don't pretend to play an instrument when you have no idea how it works and only press on 2 buttons... this was kind of insulting.... Anyway, I've liked them definitely and am happy to see them again soon!


    About the gig itself...well... WOW!!! BRILLIANT!!!! this is all I can say atm! I've never been to such a big venue before and it was the first time I saw the new generation of the gig!! but it's really amazing!!! I loved every single parts of it!! (except one maybe...I'll come to that later). There are so many things happening in such a short time, so colorful stuffs, and such a great energy coming from everybody!! it's simply brilliant! I can't tell more about it, i'm speechless!!!


    As he did at Parc des Princes, Mika broke his zipper once more and this was hilarious because he came to the stage without noticing it at first and suddenly realised the "PDP nightmare" was back :roftl: and he said "My zipper is broken again" in such a childish voice and half in french, half in english (he obviously don't know how to say zipper in french :naughty:) the hole scene was really funny!!


    The only part that I really disliked was the "Killing scene".... It's difficult to explain how I felt abaout it but it gave me the idea it was a bit "too much"... I'm not saying this is shocking because there were children in the audience or so, because my opinion is that a child may see something much more violent and shocking at television.... But, I don't know, I've had the impression this wasn't really necessary, and I would hve loved the gig as much whithout this scene.... It's kind of difficult to explain, then please excuse me if i'm not really clear about my feelings :blink:


    I guess I've said the most important things! and I have to go to bed now if i don't want to look like a really tired giant tomato tomorrow :roftl:


    But i'll post some pics and vids in a while before going to bed :wink2:

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