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About Runlikethedevil

  • Birthday 01/21/1993


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    Mika Groupie

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  1. hihi har heller ikke været her særlig længe :D... Det er sådan en ting jeg har på at gøre i over et år, men bare ikke taget mig sammen til :b

  2. the same! vidste slet ikke du også var på mfc :D

  3. maria, fra ØB ö !?

  4. Hejjjj stina :D maria her ;)

  5. I dont think anyone translated the Berlingske interview which Dark Angel posted yet so here it is! Im embarrased with my English tonight I must say... sorry for the bad translations!!!!! hope you enjoy all the same A figure sits leaning over a desk. He’s manically drawing on a piece of paper, and every line gets projected up on the screen behind him where a face slowly appears from the black and white. Innocent eyes, wild curls and a kind of childish twist to the lips. That is 26 year old Michael Holbrook Penniman, better known as Mika, who moments later steps out below the drawing of himself, while girls shriek and boys applaud him. An elegant and playful beginning which says quite a bit about the Lebanese-American fellow who through two super – selling releases has produced a (okay this paragraph is badly translated but to be honest Im not quite sure what ‘trakteret’ means in this context… DANES HELP!) vital (?), hyper-melodic pop, which will make any life-fearing protestant nervous, and shows where glitter and fun theatrics run in and out of the songs. And Monday night at KB hallen is no exception. After the opening track Rain, which Mika performs in white shirt and (dunno the English word for this, but the journalist refers to Mika’s short jacket with the long backside.) – which makes him look like a young David Copperfield – then a huge woman’s leg gets inflated on the side of the stage. Later the band begins on ‘Big girls you are beautiful’ – which the young fans have already guessed as soon as the giant leg appaears, and the obviously love Mika, who then gets on top of his piano and performs a solo on trumpet –blowing into his hands. Pop, rock and club tricks Yes, the impressions are numerous, and are too in the rest of the an hour and a half long set, which music-wise works best when Mika puts a lot of energy into it. When he tries with the earnest and quiet songs, though, he doesn’t quite deliver and seems boring and untrustworthy. (I DISAGREE!!!) No, he’s definitely best when playing his up beat tracks which are perfect for his boyish energy and falsetto, which has made him such a recognizable brand across the media of the world. Strongest is the three-steps-fireball (weirdly translated.. stupid Danish language..) towards the end where the hits “Relax, take it easy”, “Love today” and “We are golden” make the entire venue sing and dance, and also points to just how much his mix of pop, rock and club tricks are like Scissor Sisters’. (this to me seems sorta misplaced and like a weird point to make…) Mika’s music has, however, no sexiness unlike them (the scissor sisters), (WHAT THE HELL!?NO SEX? I BEG TO DIFFER!) and he is more like the postmodern music’s peter pan. Forever child, forever legend. He underlines that with a bold colored crayon line in Kb Hallen, where the evening comes to an end with golden confetti, giant balloons and fairytale-like costumes. Of course.
  6. heheheh I love google translate xD can make so little sense sometimes.. but it's great with such good reviews! especially the gaffa one. Being the forgetful git I am I forgot to check metro and urban.. have you seen if they did a review? since metro had an interview with him yesterday I figured they might write about the gig too..
  7. Was it the security guy over on the left hand side? by the piano? cause I saw he kept moving his head to the music hilarious xD
  8. Well, well, well, it's been some time since I posted here! seems school got the better of me.. but of course I went to the gig tonight! And what an event!!! Well, my friend and I arrived during the support act which I disliked quite a bit, I must say. But as soon as Mika got on my feet were tapping away to the rhythms! WHAT a show. This was the first time I saw Mika and I was flabbergasted. The theatrics, the lightning, the background animations.. I mean just wow. It was excactly as I'd imagined it +10000 billionnnssss! He started off with Rain and really got the audience going about 20 minutes in. I loved his costume during Dr. John! so cool xD Of course We are golden and grace kelly were the big hits, but personally I was so delighted when he sang Toy Boy! and his little joke about going insane sitting by the piano well, I suppose he uses that for every show, but still cracked me up! and the finale song -Lollypop- with the balloons and the confetti and everything! amazing! It was truly truly fantastic!!!!! I hope someone puts of pics as I only have one of those cameras they dont allow in venues and therefore couldnt document this night in pictures. Please post people! And thanks for a great evening oh. ps. HOW CUTE WAS MIKAS DANISH!!! WAAAH
  9. picked up gaffa today and was about to translate it too, but you saved me the trouble great work!
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